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Everything posted by miniman82

  1. I don't use a needle, I just pull the top off and fill it with a regular juice bottle. I have a phobia about sticking myself with e-juice!
  2. You have an Ego T? My experience has been that with a full tank, I have to tap the thing on a hard surface to get fluid to wick correctly. Hit the end of the battery on a table, you will see small bubbles travel up into the top of the tank. That's how I know I'm getting more juice. Once I get through about 1/3 of the tank, it starts working well on it's own and I don't have to tap.
  3. Took my lungs 2 whole months to get through the gunk phase, but now I'm free and clear! Keep going, it only gets better! Before you know it you'll be working out and running like me, because you can now breathe without feeling like you're about to die.
  4. I've had my Ego T for a month now, I don't clean it at all. Still works pretty well, I'll never go back to dripping again!
  5. Oops, completely forgot about the passthrough! Is it the same ma rating as one of the others? Either way, I guess that makes 4 different batteries we can use. I really like the Ego Mega battery, which looks like the 900ma one. I guess since the 900 and 1000 are both the same price, I'll end up getting a pair of 1000's next go around. Are they the same physical size? I assume the 1000 is slightly longer than the 900...I'm running out of space in my home made case.
  6. OK so when I originally bought the Ego system for my wife and I, it came with 2 small batteries. Naturally I thought they were pretty small, and so I jumped on a pair of the larger batteries. Now I see that the Ego tank system says it comes with an even bigger battery, so am I to understand there are now 3 sizes available? The small original one does not say what it's capacity is, but the larger one claims 650ma and the the Ego T is 1000ma. Reason I ask is I'd love for me and my wife to have a pair of 1000's each, then I could sell the smaller ones to buddies at work who are getting interested in vaping!
  7. Obviously whoever wrote the text in this bill is retarded, or I'm interpreting it incorrectly. What is the purpose of this passage: "prohibits and provides penalties for the sale of a cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, nicotine product, or tobacco by a person under 19 years old to a person who is 19 years old or older." Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, I.E. to prevent the sale of nicotine products to minors? Why would they prohibit sales to older folks? Makes no sense.
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