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    EMusic got a reaction from theclaw20 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Attached image is the color scheme I purchased (mod only!) - cyan/gray.

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    EMusic got a reaction from Foofightervapegirl in What's on your Christmas list?   
    My Strat was Teal with a maple neck and abalone inlay with three pickups and a fixed tremolo.  Playing it was like ascending to heaven - the feel and sound and everything was like bringing Hendrix back from the grave.  😁
  3. Like
    EMusic got a reaction from Foofightervapegirl in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   

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    EMusic got a reaction from Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   

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    EMusic got a reaction from lsprn2b in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Attached image is the color scheme I purchased (mod only!) - cyan/gray.

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    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    I have to laugh.  I get it.  These devices are captivating.  I've been eying the Lost Vape Therion DNA75.  You know, for those black tie affairs.  Nice leather wrap with ebony accents.  Oh my!  Then of course, I would have to get a Rolex, new tux, and Salavtore Ferragamo shoes to go with it.  Then the venue wouldn't allow vaping anyway.  Hmmmmm.  I think I'll just get a different flavor of juice to try instead. 
  7. Like
    EMusic reacted to Foofightervapegirl in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    sigh* a subtank nano.I'm done with tanks now,I've gone a bit tank crazy lately,but it's a relief I won't need another one for a very long time.I've got low wattage mid wattage , to high wattage capable tanks.sub ohm and non sub ohm.I think I'm good for a good while,my next move will be mods and batteries;)
  8. Like
    EMusic reacted to Tam in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    I get the two flavors separately and then mix 90% blueberry to 10% peppermint (or less as the peppermint is very strong) right in the tank itself. I get these from EC Blends. 
  9. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    Today I learned about SS coils and temp control. Was in wastage mode and the flavor was just not up to par. Jacked the wattage and the flavor got better but vapes got erratic. Long vapes seemed to get too hot. Did some diggin and went into temp mode setting the cap at 400f. Sweet! Nice, even consistent vapes. Oh what a relief it is! These devices are truly amazing!

    Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  10. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    It has a Coil Master Mini Tab in the tool kit and I still have my old Fluke from when I worked the field a kabillion years ago.  I know the Fluke is accurate.  I hope the coil master is.  The Coil Master is kinda nice as it will also dry fire a build right on it's deck. 
  11. Like
    EMusic reacted to Tam in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    I hope you also included a dedicate ohm meter with your order or you already have something comparable? Never put your trust solely on your mod to tell you what the resistance is in your build. It's safer to use a dedicated meter for that. Safety first!   
  12. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Got two Eleaf Lyche tanks in the mail today. $10 ea. Could not pass that up. Down side is now I'm gonna take the plunge into rebuilding. They came with RBA heads. That will jack the price by $50 but this just looks like too much fun. Obviously the tool kit should last awhile. Found a calculator link in one of the posts here and it all makes sense. Gotta love this community!

    Sent from my iPad using The Vapor Talk mobile app

  13. Like
    EMusic reacted to Foofightervapegirl in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    four aerotank giants,three nautilus nickel coils,two big Ming drip tips.
  14. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Isn't she just the cutest thing?

  15. Like
    EMusic reacted to Tam in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    Sorry to hear you've been down with the flu, I've had it for the past two weeks accompanied by a nasty sinus infection. When your throat's raw from coughing and the drainage, I like to vape a blueberry eliquid with a splash of peppermint. The blueberry helps to sooth the sore throat much like honey would and the peppermint helps to open up clogged sinus passages. 
  16. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    Today I learned about vaping and the flu.  I have nothing good to say about the flu.  I do not advocate catching the flu to compare results therein.  Having been vaping a whopping two weeks, my routine has been, wake up, have 3 or 4 stinkies, vape for the rest of the day.  Along comes the flu.  The thought of a stinkey was too much to handle.  Started the day with 12m vape.  Vaped when not sleeping during the day for two days now.  Major difference!  Kicking this bug in record time!  Greatly diminished congestion and much less stomach agitation.  I'm hoping this will carry over after the flu as I have proven to myself that starting the day with stinkies is not necessary.  Silver lining?  Could be.  Oh, and vaping in bed, what a thing to believe!  But it can be done, if we do but perceive. 
  17. Like
    EMusic got a reaction from Foofightervapegirl in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Attached image is the color scheme I purchased (mod only!) - cyan/gray.

  18. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    I picked up a Pioneer4you IPV8 220WTC a few days ago expressly for longer battery life.  Being so new to this, I can't effectively compare it to other mods, but I vaped on it like crazy for a full day and still had half the battery life left over.  Very happy about that.  For a two battery unit, it has a pretty small form factor, but it is obviously a little heavy.  Not really a mod that I would slip into a pocket.  Form, fit, and function seem pretty nice as it is a solid feeling mod with zero rattles.  Menus are a little complex but it does have a three click lock down. It does have some leather on one side that is a nice touch but I am not sure it will wear very well.  Time will tell.  Five clicks and it came up in wattage mode and had sensed the impedance of the coil.  For this noob, it's pretty nice.  It's comfortable in the hand and the fire button falls nicely under my fingers.  Very small screen which is not flashy at all but probably won't get scuffed up with use as it is recessed. 
  19. Like
    EMusic got a reaction from Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    With my 3 cells it is a total of 9000maH.  Until I get my mod and work it I am not yet sure how long that translates to in hours/days, but I have the feeling it will last. ☺️
  20. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just watched a video on the RX2/3.  Looks like a great mod.  Love the screen.  Can't believe the price.  What kind of battery life do you get with three batteries? 
  21. Like
    EMusic got a reaction from Walt in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Attached image is the color scheme I purchased (mod only!) - cyan/gray.

  22. Like
    EMusic reacted to Foofightervapegirl in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    it vapes very nicely.I had a bit of a time filling it,of course I was filling from the wrong place and I got juice everywhere!the airflow is really cool,it's a metal slot on the bottom,but it slides it does not click into place,but it's not an issue because it is on the very bottom,so it won't get bumped lol . so far I've only gone to 40 watts,the coil is very smooth , it has huge wicking ports so it can handle my high vg juice.super smooth vape,really good flavor . haven't tried out temp control yet,or my mouth to lung coils,I plan on running 1.2 ohm triton mini Clapton coils,I'll let you know when I get there.as far as size goes ,I have small hands and it's super easy to handle wich is really nice.I have only two complaints,the filling port I am not crazy about,and the slot where you are your juice level is tiny,but the magnetic door slides off easy so you can see,and changing batteries is super convenient . however it is not flimsy I don't think it would come off If I was carrying it.the good thing about the juice slot on the door is that the tank is never exposed . navigation is easy,the display screen is nice and bright even in bright sunlight.there ya have it;)
  23. Like
    EMusic reacted to FXRich in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    Having multiple tanks is great, but having multiple tanks that use the same coil is better.
    I use 10 tanks in rotation, 6 subtank minis/toptank minis, and 4 subtank nanos, they can all use the same coil.
    Whatever your choice in tanks are Crown tanks, or Smok, or eleaf, its a good thing to try to get tanks that all use the same coil, it just makes things easier.
  24. Like
    EMusic reacted to Walt in What did I learn about vaping today......   
    Today I learned that having multiple tanks is nice for having a variety of flavors at hand and trying different tanks, but a real pain as far as maintaining an inventory of disposables, e.g. coils.  I also learned to start writing things down.  I have an ijust 2 that came with a dual wound, .3 ohm coil.  I replaced it with a .5 single wound that "works".  It does not however provide anywhere near the amount of flavor.  OoooPs.  Had to look up the original equipment provided.  Now I will need to source that.  Hmmmmmmmm.  I'm learning.  I'm also going to need to source some little containers that can be labeled  for the pieces/parts.  Last thing learned is having some juice that is "ok" can be a good thing to limit vaping at work.  Some of this stuff tastes just too good to put down. 
  25. Like
    EMusic got a reaction from Bebop in What's on your Christmas list?   
    My Strat was Teal with a maple neck and abalone inlay with three pickups and a fixed tremolo.  Playing it was like ascending to heaven - the feel and sound and everything was like bringing Hendrix back from the grave.  😁
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