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  1. Thanks
  2. I want to build coils for my rba, with has two coils......
  3. Could someone please tell me what size wire I need to make coils ???? Thanks........
  4. Could someone please tell me what size wire I need to make coils???.
  5. GUNNY 68


    I have a SMOK TF V8 RBA I would like to know what size coils (wire) I should buy??? Thanks..............
  6. Where is the best place to buy pre made coils for a smok TF V8 RBA????.........THANKS...............
  7. I GOT IT WORKIN, SO I'M GOOD!!! THANKS ANYWAY....................
  8. WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN MY RX200S, SAYS,....atomizer short????................Thanks for any help...............
  9. THANK YOU.!!!!
  10. I was just wondering if there is a tank with good vape at even less watts???........I would like some thing that I could get a couple days out of before I need to change the batteries........Thanks,..........
  11. I took your advice,.....I bought the RX 200S,.. and The TFV8, Smok,......I was told that I will have to run it on 120W???..........I would like something that I still can get a good cloud,.....But at less watts???..What do you think???.......Thanks......
  12. Thank You,very much!!..........I'll be trying to find them ,asap!,...........THANKS AGAIN,.....You have most help full..........
  13. I don't know where he got his??...I want some thing that will last a couple days before I have to charge it,......And get good clouds......Lipo battery, and charger..........Thanks............
  14. I found it on ebay.........A friend of mine just showed me it the other day......big clouds..........
  15. I"m looking at a Amodus battery holder 120w,....and a Kanger Tank mini........What do you guys think??????????.Thanks......
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