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  1. I am seeing the need for back up. My husband is cranky cause his batteries died and has to wait for it to charge. Lol. Unfortunately it is definitely something I need to start small and add too. Considering pen style starter, juice and coils. Then work on getting the istick 50 and build from there...
  2. Suggestions where to find istick 50w.....in stock? Every where I look it is out of stock. I can find the 75W.
  3. Thank you all for the great advice. I definitely have some great suggestions. I will keep posting when questions arise, because frankly the options out there is intimidating for the newbie. Especially for me...seeing number number ohm.letter number and so forth. Looks like a terrible algebra equation...that =Don't blow your self up...lol.
  4. I am looking to make the switch from cancer sticks to vaping and curious on what starter kit to start with: Iam a 1-2 pack Marlboro Light smoker for 20 years, my husband just got the Smok H-Priv Kit. We are wanting at least something somewhat compatible (batteries ....) but not necessarily the same. I have tried his, with his settings and found it a little harsh. Though I know it can be changed and is a preference thing. Also, supplies? We are in a rural community so online shopping is our only real option. Reason why we want ours to be compatible and why I have concerns. I am mechanicaly stupid, he is not. So "user friendly" is a must because I don't think he wants to do everything for me... lol Thank you in advance for the advice. Favorite newbie ejuices can be in included too
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