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ThaLadyD last won the day on April 21 2011

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  • Location
    South East Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Doing Fun Things

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  1. These are gorgeous! Wow. I've not seen a wood mod finished in an acrylic like that.
  2. Done! We're allowed to vape in most places here too, so it surprised me this came up!
  3. If they are boge 306D cartomizers that means they are KR808D-1. She might need the 510-808D Adapter.
  4. Congrats Jodie!
  5. awwww! Too cute!
  6. My condolences Sharon & to the family as well.
  7. This is why I love this community You guys are amazing. Welcome as well!
  8. that's gorgeous!
  9. This is great! I've tested several samples now, and the most it's been off is 0.25mg max from the labeled strength. I think that's a pretty accurate way test. Very nice, and thanks for putting these together.
  10. If you want flavor, I think that's a great choice. I tried the 1.5ohm, and it really surprised me how well it worked. On an ego I'd go with 2.5 ohms. I'm about to order one myself as soon as I catch them in stock lol!
  11. Boxmods.net Little Sister, Big Brother, and Big Daddy
  12. I see a future of even less manufacturing jobs lol! But still.. Very Cool!
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