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  1. I think I'm allergic to this video. Those doctors are just disgusting, seriously can't believe educated medical "professionals" would be willing to sell there souls like that.
  2. They could just test the liquid for oil?
  3. Is everyone in government and media, stupid, ignorant, liars or all of the above?
  4. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/general-e-smoking-discussion/185068-8000-fine-if-caught-nic-ejiuce-australia.html Good thing I managed to get my nic in but there are people on the Aus forums who still have nic in the mail, lets hope they don't make good on there $8000 fine threat.
  5. Would like to congratulate you guys on a win Have had no such win here in Aus but a win there might give my government a nudge.
  6. gmf1

    Bad News

    We need a wealthy vaper to run some tv/paper adds It's just lack of education on the part of most people and maybe a touch of ignorance, people will always dislike things they don't understand, and the fda, ala and friends aren't really helping.
  7. I can confirm the last one, I had really bad reflux now it's pretty much gone
  8. Maybe there not filled enough, if there not fully soaked all the way through they can taste bad, I fill them then let them stand for a few hours then fill again. Also found that some flavours don't soak in as well.
  9. Juliery, your using logic and fact, government can't use either of them. They use fear and misinformation. And unfortunately there way works better.
  10. That was on our news, nicotine is good for treating lots of things they say, its not "proven" but it looks promising. One more to add to your list is Alzheimer's, while it isn't a cure they found that high levels could slow the progress considerably.
  11. People do it, and I don't think there is any law against it, but it's all down to stigma, I'm sure if people complained or didn't know what it was they could ask you to stop. I vape in the back room of work, my boss asked me to go outside the first time but i just blew some near him and he said mmm it doesn't smell and he let me stay inside Same goes for airport i'd say your guna get pulled up but if your polite and explain it they should be ok with it, but yea your guna get some dirty looks from uninformed people i'd say. But the people who have the guts to do it are guna further the cause the most, I myself would be too nervous to vape in a public place Think of all the smokers that would see you and go wow hes smoking inside and security let him do it, i'm guna find out what that is and buy one
  12. The Aus government is spending 60mil to add nic patches to the pharma benefit scheme taking there cost from $140/month to $6/month, e-cigs still banned... "We estimate around 70,000 people a year will give up smoking because of this new subsidy," Ms Roxon told reporters. Ms Roxon banned e-cigs btw, 70,000 people for 60 mil! how about you un-bann ecig sales and have that number x10, for free!!! http://www.theage.com.au/national/nicotine-patches-to-be-available-under-pbs-20101209-18qkk.html
  13. "I found what is in the e-cigarettes is a mystery." Rage!!! The ignorance and utter stupidity off that comment. Well why not ask someone who DOES KNOW!!! And as for the kids thing, didn't 99% of us start smoking under 18? Think I was 16ish. Even if 200 kids started vapeing instead of 100 smoking that's a win. And that's the worst possible outcome. This just does my head in, there is no logic, not one bit. Good luck to all the New Yorkers, may logic and reason one day win out in government.
  14. Wow, I want to be a lawyer.
  15. Word-up double mint tastes like vapeing minties or mint mentos.
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