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Everything posted by Becky

  1. By all means, keep your devices and continue your journey into vaping. If you're planning on DIY eliquids I would definitely go ahead and stock up on nicotine base now. I use 100 mg/ml concentration and have 3 liters stocked so far. I need a couple or three more for a 20 year supply. Good Luck!
  2. I can't sub ohm anything over 3-6 mg without feeling sick. I'd go back to my Nautilus mini too if I ever had a craving for nicotine but that hasn't happened so far.
  3. Just a quick post to introduce myself. I found this forum looking for a vendor site. I belong to other vape forums but have never seen this one. My name is Becky and I've been vaping for about a year now. I use an evic VTC with a Kanger Toptank. I have others but that's my favorite for now. Glad to be a part of the community!
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