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Everything posted by Edna

  1. I never have had to. Last order I just clicked that I was over 18 and ordered
  2. Have you looked at this one? Coil Toy I don't know if it will help you or not but it might be worth a look.
  3. @Christopher I was in an accident and have to have a bunch of teeth removed when my jaw was shattered, it's not fun but it doesn't have to be horrible. Before you have it done go to a health food store and get some oil of clove (pure) It contains eugenol which works wonderfully if you happen to get a dry socket or have pain but be warned it tastes horrible. Just put it on a small bit of cotton and tuck it into the socket. Even if you don't need it it's good to have on hand for a toothache. It's what the dentists use for dry sockets but without the RX. The tricks are don't suck on anything like a straw or driptip until you form a good clot and stay away from any hard or pointy foods like triscuit crackers that small bits can get under the clot. I hope you have a easy time of it but having the eugenol on hand is like car insurance you hate spending money on it until you need it then you're glad you did.
  4. Thanks,I was hoping it was ok but I changed it out when I realized I cooked it but good ....Like all new mods there's a learning curve and I'm learning I haven't removed the tank but when I initially washed it I used a tooth brush and I think the glass is really red glass. No it didn't come with a spare but I'm sure FT will come out with one since they're the king of clones
  5. The immigration vetting process leaves much to be desired that's an understatement! Stopping it would until a very comprehensive process is in place is the most logical thing to do. The government is charged with protecting our homeland something they have failed at on a monumental scale of late. The Oath of Office that they should be faithful to has been broken to an unheard of level. George Washington warned us of getting involved in other countries problems in his farewell address..which goes to show how brilliant our founding fathers were.
  6. CUPTI- Update day 2 I spent yesterday using the Cupti and the battery life was good. I'm still using the same juice and settings. It took the battery about 7 hours to get low vaping at a moderate pace. One thing I found I'm NOT happy about is on the red Cupti is the tank is made of red glass and it doesn't allow you to view the juice level easily. I wasn't paying attention and let it get too low and POW a dry hit that knocked my socks off...I actually burned the coil I believe. WOW that was a wake up call. It was my fault for not paying attention but if you're distracted it can really get your attention quickly. It was weird, there seemed to be no noticeable change in vape quality right before it happened. I left the coil in to see if I damaged it and there's a slight burnt taste but not horrible. I want to get through another tank before I make up my mind to see if I wrecked it ... Though at this point I'm thinking that I'll probably change it out later today. I started messing with the settings and it's a really simple system. after you turn it on (5 clicks) to get to TC you click 3 times and it takes you to TI 3 more clicks NI then 3 more clicks SS.etc. It's really easy to set your resistance and lock the settings and fire button too. I think that down the road I'm going to get a clear tank just so it's easier to see the juice level because I'm easily distracted but beyond that it's still a great little mod.
  7. I forgot all about that one...But didn't it establish quotas of peoples immigration from Europe and allow for more immigration from Japan and other Asian countries? I thought it was amended sometime in the 60's and some of the provisions for suspension were removed. Can't remember off the top of my head...time to dig out the old civics books.... I guess I'm getting old UGH.
  8. Hi Lori, I went through that too with my melo/pico combo. My suggestions would be twofold. One you might not have your wattage high enough to vaporize the juice and secondly if you're inhaling directly to your lungs you might be hitting it too hard and flooding it. What helped with me was raising the wattage some while slowly shutting the airflow a little bit at a time. I eventually bought some driptips with screens too and that helped. What vg/pg level juice are you using and are you a direct to lung or a mouth to lung vaper? That might help you get better answers to your questions.
  9. @smacksy I'm so sorry to hear about your parents. I escaped CA before it got too bad.... but I know what you mean....
  10. After I have a few paychecks under my belt and the holidays are over.... maybe Truthfully though...I just thought that there are so many people on the forum who like Kanger tanks that this might be a good thing to add to their tank arsenals. since it sounds like a easy to use rba.
  11. Absolutely I don't think the RBA has come out yet I hope they come out with it soon.
  12. I think that the 15% requirement came after Ron Paul did so well as an independent. I liked Johnson for awhile until he gave his viewpoints on certain issues that I just can't get behind. I have voted independently for many years and for the most part I'm conservative with libertarian leanings. (live and let live, just leave me alone ) However if a Democrat is the right person for a job I have voted off ticket for them. Personally, I am so sick and tired of holding my nose to vote though...If these candidates are the best the country has to offer...Honestly I'm terrified of the kind of Country my grandkids are going to have by the time they're adults. @Adversarious1 congrats on VIP- ing it
  13. Are you saying all the VIP's are off their rockers? I like it though I'm not a VIP....
  14. Thanks , @FXRich It has a couple of things different from what I understand from @jasonculp like the top air flow adjuster and replaceable pyrex tank. I think that the Nebox's tank is plastic and a bottom fill and you can't change the airflow. The mod size it a little smaller too. Oh also you don't have to use a coin to open the battery area. I like it so far.
  15. Cupti - first impressions.....I've only used it for a few hours .... Pardon if this is rambling, but it's my first real attempt at a written review. Overall, It's a very well made all in one mod. It fits nicely in my small hands but it's substantial enough that someone with larger hands would like it. It has a nice top airflow. It's not hugely airy like a limitless plus which is almost too much for me (I have to close it by 2/3rds to be comfortable.) On the Cupti I can keep it pretty open and get a good air/vape ratio for my direct to lung vape style. I have noticed if I draw too hard it's sort of noisy next to my Avocado. I personally didn't like the wider bore drip tip it came with so I switched it with a mid sized 510 one and it fit like a charm and looks good too . In the package, it came with 2 drip tips, the wider one and then a smaller bore one for MTL. It also came with a MTL coil rated at 1.5ohms. So it's versatile for different vaping styles. I laid the just filled Cupti down on it's side on the table to see if it leaked for about 5 minutes and no leaks! I was really shocked when I realized I left the air adjustment thing wide open which is at the top of the chimney and where the driptip is. Not a drop... I was pretty impressed... I think it'll be great for running around or dropping into a purse/backpack without worrying about it. I'm still messing with the settings and trying to figure them out. The up/down buttons are sort of slow in changing settings but they go in .1 increments so I think you can really dial in the sweet spot on juices. So far, as far as flavor goes it's been quite good. I'm using the 0.5 pre-installed coil and it wicks well so far no dry hits and I did try to get one until I got woozy... I experienced a little gurgling at first but it seems to be disappearing. I'm vaping Razzleberry Ring Pop from Central Vapor at 70vg/30pg at 28.5W and I'm getting really good flavor and vapor production...It would take me chain vaping to cloud up the living room but it's no slouch either. It's built pretty tough that's for sure, the screen is small but bright and easy to see. It's located on the top of the mod and slightly recessed so it would be hard to damage it. I like the pyrex tank being recessed, it is almost as you would have to go out of your way to bang it directly to break it and it is replaceable.. It has a small, clicky fire button but I actually kind of like it, it's feels like it's in a natural place for the way I hold my mods so that's a bonus in my book. Changing the 18650 is a snap, it's got a little tab on the bottom you just slide back and the battery comes right out. I don't think it would be able to open by itself because it's set into the trapdoor. Filling it is easy, once you take out the chimney you can pour your ejuice in without messing with a dropper. It has a clearly marked fill line so you don't overfill it. First impression is 8.5 out of ten
  16. I've only been using it for a few hours but... I like it! I'm going to put a first impressions review up in a minute.
  17. You have Portland we have Austin ...Texas is in the cross hairs because we had a good economy when the country wasn't fairing well so all the idiots moved here and brought their politics with them...There are many smaller areas that are starting to turn blue because of it.
  18. I have a older stainless steel cookie sheet I mix on so if I spill nicotine it's on it instead of my kitchen counter. It's easier to wash and make sure it's clean than the ancient laminated counter top in my rental house. I also have gotten into the habit of making my juice when my daughter (15) and the dogs and cat are sleeping. I'm up really early so it works out well. I don't lock anything up but it's kept in a safe area out of sight and mind and the kid knows better and the critters can't reach it.
  19. I just received a Griffin RDTA from the wonderful VT Store that I ordered for my soon to be daughter in law .... and a Nitecore UM10 Charger for my SUV via Amazon Prime. Though I didn't get it in the mail,.. I also got a new KangerTech Cupti all-in-one mod from my local B&M for free with points, and a Limitless Plus (Clone) from a neighbor.
  20. LOL .... I escaped CA in 1985 ....I'm sure glad I did ...It wasn't as bad as it is now by any stretch! Guilty Hijacker here ...I've done it too and it does lead to some great conversations ....SO... carry on
  21. This sounds interesting...Sort of half Avocado RDTA half and Kanger tank...... I copied/pasted this from another website: It was only about $17.00 Arymi Gille Tank A New Brand from Kanger! Rewickable Coils Kangertech is proud to introduce their latest brand called Arymi. The Arymi Gille Tank utilizes Kanthal EOCC 0.5 ohm Spring Style Coils that features rewickable cotton. The Arymi Gille Tank features a 3ml e-Liquid capacity glass tank with a convenient top fill design. The Arymi Gille Tank features many quality of life improvements such as four airflow holes, a leak resistant cup design and a condensation resistant design as well. Specs: 22mm Diameter 3ml e-Liquid Capacity 510 Threaded Top Fill Design Unique Rewickable Kanthal EOCC 0.5ohm Coils Coil Design Allows for Efficient Heating Surface Area Recommended Wattage: 20-50 Watts Easy Rewicking Four Airflow Holes Leak Resistant Cup Design Condensation Resistant Design Easy Coil Replacement Design 510 Drip Tip Compatible Replaceable Glass Includes: 1 Gille Tank 3 EOCC Coils 0.5 ohm NiChrome (Spring Style) (1 installed) 1 Glass Tube 1 Cotton for Rewicking 1 O-Ring Set 1 Box Packaging
  22. In California they're trying to regulate bovine (cows) gas ...
  23. This is just bizarre http://www.kcra.com/news/this-teen-used-so-much-air-freshener-his-car-exploded/41779600
  24. Found it thanks @cany
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