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Everything posted by DJJROCK

  1. been a busy guy,, i miss you all here. my vaping adventures are kinda taking me in a full circle, and any way had to grab some VT apple dapple for old times sake- and nabbed some nautilis bvc coils as my nautlis has been sitting for basicly its entire life as i hated the other coils.. cheers ,, glad to be back
  3. nice! does anyone know if there are major inner differences?
  4. it looks awesome,, i would def vape it
  5. nice lil back up
  6. it allows you to connect to a device that dosent have ego threads.being you are using a ego you have the correct threads.
  7. i have seen some of these style ,, havent dove in yet tho
  8. after further inspection , you are correct,, some of my heads fit and some dont,?!?!?!, tho all of the heads screw into the bottom cap and fit snugly on the bottom cap,, where i run into probs is connecting the bottom cap into the tanks.. depending on the circumfrence of the base some will fit thru and some wont allow the cap to screw on tightly.. good catch i only tryed one set of evods i had and they actually worked but an pile i had some worked and most did not,,, weird.
  9. the easy fix..... get a T3-S bottom cap and turn it into an evod t3
  10. ALSO i should mention the bottom cap will fit on to a MT3 BCC as well. the kanger version... also turning the MT3 into the T3-S kanger sure did figure out a way to link the T3 with the evods and protanks very well
  11. Hey Vapor Talkers , wanted to share a bit of info.. I do not have all the details but i do have one of these beautys,, its the T3-S and its basicly a evod coil set up on a T3 style tank The old T3s you replaced the whole bottom cap to replace the coil head.... with the T3-S you replace the heads as you do an evod.. or a protank still using the bottom cap that came with it. being its also a kanger product the heads are universal with the protank and the evods,, and ALSO .. the bottom cap will fit ANY T3 tank making a regular T3 ,, a T3-S with the switch of the bottom cap ... it still has the same performance as a evod or t3 with the airy draw, but the wicking is improved with the head switch over.. i like the universal bottom cap as i have some cool looking t3s that i wanna use the T3-S evod style bottom cap with .. so IMO i like this T3-S .. but i am a fan of the protank and evod style setup. again it does have an airy draw so if you dont care for that.... this product is probably not for you... but if you do like a evod or the T3 you should try a T3-S. I was Sent this product for use on P.L.V from thedigitalcig.com i decided to post this mini review at my own free will and is not biased in any way shape or form based on how i recieved the product. this was my opinion on a new or upcoming product and i do not have any details on this other then the above. peace love and vape everyone. DJJROCK
  12. congrats uma, thats a very nice looking mod!
  13. ive had my evod for quite awhile now.. ive tryed the t3- tryed the vivi- and the fake vi vi and i find myself going back to this evod... so i went to buy another one-- man can you say hard to find now... i guess thats the down side to word of mouth.. but i got a atty head for each juice so if i swich flavor i just swich the heead rinse the tank out and offf i go with a different flavor... love it!!!
  14. so i have a cool lil update .. today someone showed me to take one of the wicks out,, it helps with the flavor issue that was my biggest problem .. so what ya do is ya take the bottom out like ur gonna re-fill the tank.... and on thecenter post theres a rubber seal ... pop that off... then... you wiggle that lil center post till it pops off.,, you take the wick that sets on top of the coil off and put it back togeather... wa-la,, problem fixed.. lots more flavor lots more vapor!!! win win... love this thing!!!
  15. wow.. ok ... so.... lol... Ive had this thing for a few days now... 5 to be exact,, and i must say im quite impressed.. I bought this device so my opinion is not biased, infact.. I was gonna write about it a few days ago,, but i was still a lil excited about it so i decided to hold off till i let the nerves chill. so now that ive had time to do a lil reaserch on exactly what it is that i bought , i must say finding alot of specs. on this is not easy. sooo.. . Right off the bat the first thing i noticed is ,, this thing feels solid, its heavy. and not a hollow heavy, I like that alot! The second thing I really like is, it includes both regular & extended bottom caps to use stacked 18350s or 1 18650, ( Longer batt life with the stacked , plus a power boost to make sure it can handle the dual coils.) , if you want the extended cap with the provari itll cost ya 19.99 on sale. 24.99 not on sale. I know there are a few other mods that sell the extended caps but im not sure right now and so i used the provari for an example. i dont wanna go on and on here so im gonna jump to something huge with this mod and this is kinda techy so ill try to be slow... so with a provari,, your paying for a constant output of power to your atty or cart,, no matter what you have on the end of a provari it will put out that power and adjust itself when you switch whats on the connector, the problem with the provari, is the amp limitation; so at high voltage you loose the capibility of using dual coils and other things that will push that amp swich past 3.5 amps.. at this point you get an error code on the provari . on the zmax you do not run into that problem,as it has a 5amp swich, the problem lies in the zmax with the boosting board or chip when your using the single 18650 set up. Its a battery limitation. on higher voltage with the 18650 set up it struggles to meet the higher voltages on some cartos and attys, not all but some.. so in order to correct that you have to use the stacked 18350s and that will allow for the higher voltages to be reached constantly. I really like that the user has this option to use the right set up for the voltages that they use for their set up. one of the things i am unsure of : is alot of the protection circuits it may or may not have, there is not alot of info out there on these so heres what i do know... it does have a short circuit protection a low battery protection a low res. protection and also has reverse battery protection. also i should mention, you have the option of using voltage or watts( power) and i really really like that option. watts is alot smother warmer in my opinion,, and i like it. theres alot more to be said about this device but im gonna leave it here at that ,, im extreemly happy at the price point, and im very happy I choose this mod over the provari, as after the fact i saw the numbers and chart on both devices and this device shines OVER the provari, at half the price point. DJJROCK SIGNING OUT!! PEACE, LOVE AND VAPE!!!
  16. thx!! i appreciate it.
  17. so ive had mine for a few days now.. and heres what i think,, i love the look and the design is great,, no leaks and its durable as my devices keep falling over and it hasent broke or leaked,, it looks sexy as hell on my tessla, and it has the ego threads so it tops my tessla really nice!! now on to functions.. the kanger at first i got a few dry hits and that was after filling ,shaking and letting it sit,, i actually had to pull really hard a few times with out fireing the device to get the wicks to start up.. but after that first wicking,, i havent had any wick issues.. and have gone thru a few tanks of one flavor,, and then i swiched,, the flavor in the tank swiched right away... i really did not expect it to swich over so fast. so thats def a plus, it vapes really well and i like it,, i am considering buying a few more.. differewnt colors to match the mod and the color of the batt in my tessla as you can see the batt. overall i like it alot... do i love it ???.... yeah i could see my self loving this after awhile.. i wanna try a few stronger juices in it and see if i can boost flavor output,, but aleal wise i love the look.... one downside is you can not connect another tip to it as its all one peice.. but something i can live with ... i give this a thumbs up ,,, def woth a try.
  18. off in cig land,, but im coming back jeff.. i made the mistake of picking up a pack of cigs while i was going thru my devorce bad time,, bad state of mind,, = cig smoker. so im basicly starting over , as everything out now is new to me,, kinda fun! lol,,
  20. i compared the provari with this sig. zmax. and i must say for 79.99 your getting quite the punch,, infact it may be the closest thing to the provari,,, for ME ,, this mod will do more i compared apples to apples,, feature to feature,, now mind you,, i do not own or have vaped eather one but from the features really the only difference for me on paper was..... the amprage rating.... im sure that the provari is made better, probably has a better line of chips and regulators/electronics.. but for half the price you can get the same features as the provari and with a HIGHER amp rating!!! for me i mainly use dual coils in a dct map tank at high voltage( 5.0 -6.5 volts.) so amprage ratings for me are extreemly important.. if theres not a high enuff amprage rating on your device it will act funny, shut down, turn off, or burn out. so i feel on paper like im getting a steal of a deal... this will be here hopefully tomarrow so i will report back ! edited to say ,, off the top of my head,, and anyone feel free to correct me the provari max amps are 3.5 the sig. zmax max amps are 5 amp
  21. i have one of these on the way,, im quite intrested on how it works and performs, im not up to date on alot of the products so i will try to report back in the next few days with my opinions on the thing
  22. well i hope you dont have to go back to cigs, next order focus on attys and cartos, you have plenty of juice to last awhile,, stock up so you NEVER have to worry, ive been there done that ,, then once you have every thing you need,, when you order new juices,, just throw in an extra att or pack of cartos j, then youll never run out. i stoped vapen for a bit, when i picked it up i had plenty of everything i needed. it was nice to just pick up and go. good luck.
  23. Thx kit, ill keep ya updated, it may work.. as I pulled out some mentha today , seems to help some, alltho mentha not my allday vape, the th on it seems to be doing pretty good
  24. For me I have 2 sweet spots, depending on the juice. this might be a lil confusing but ill try to explain, but I love TH, and gets tons of vapor. So I like lr, on 3.7 Vs. The ohms of lr can range from 1.5 to 2.0. On a lr carto or atty, so 3.7 doesnt allways do it so I may adjust up to 4.2Vs or any where in between. If you increase the ohms of the atty ur using you will need to increase voltages. Now this is for me, it may not be for you, but I dial into the juice for flavor and vapor/TH. I mostly use all pg due to loving a harsh TH. So if I'm using a 3.0 atty, my voltage will sit anywhere between 5 &6 volts. My second is a dual carto at 6 Vs tons of vapor but a lil more tricky on the juice end as 6Vs tends to burn the juice so I have to dial down a bit. I think in the end, for me , I dial into the juice, not a set voltage or vapor. In any of these I get tons of vapor. Give it a try, see if ya like it. Hope that helps
  25. Thx Chris,, so I've never ordered from that store, is the products split between you and the factory or just the factory now? And is that outta country?
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