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  1. Downvote
    TheVaporShoppe got a reaction from DAYVAPE in E-Cigs Banned On Us Flights ?!?!   
    My two cents:
    I have been vaping for almost 3 years and during that time I have been on several different airlines. I try to think about it vaping from someone else's perspective because I don't enjoy conflict. So for example, say you're a passenger on a flight who has no idea what an ecig is (many people still have no clue) and you see what looks like a huge plume of smoke 5 rows up. In our current state of "terrorism" high alerts that can freak someone out. They may think you're the next "shoe-bomber!!"
    I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the current state of Mainstream Media and whatever MSM projects the general public ingests.
    So you and I know you are blowing essentially harmless vapor, but Grandma 4 rows back thinks you're BinLaden reincarnated (side note-he died years ago IMO) and freaks out. Do you really want to deal with all that drama???
    Of course not.
    If you're like me, you stealth vape a lot in planes and typically non-smoking areas....simply to avoid hassle and misunderstandings.
  2. Like
    TheVaporShoppe got a reaction from kitsune in E-Cigs Banned On Us Flights ?!?!   
    My two cents:
    I have been vaping for almost 3 years and during that time I have been on several different airlines. I try to think about it vaping from someone else's perspective because I don't enjoy conflict. So for example, say you're a passenger on a flight who has no idea what an ecig is (many people still have no clue) and you see what looks like a huge plume of smoke 5 rows up. In our current state of "terrorism" high alerts that can freak someone out. They may think you're the next "shoe-bomber!!"
    I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the current state of Mainstream Media and whatever MSM projects the general public ingests.
    So you and I know you are blowing essentially harmless vapor, but Grandma 4 rows back thinks you're BinLaden reincarnated (side note-he died years ago IMO) and freaks out. Do you really want to deal with all that drama???
    Of course not.
    If you're like me, you stealth vape a lot in planes and typically non-smoking areas....simply to avoid hassle and misunderstandings.
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