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Everything posted by Foofightervapegirl

  1. Nic in juice.I tried a cigarette once a year ago I was out of juice,broke and stressed out.one about did me in.the only slip up I ever had.the plan is to ween off.I know for certain I could never ever tolerate a cigarette! my mom smokes,and actually the smell makes me sick,literally!
  2. six 18ml bottles of cafe cream from vapemoar, 2 crown 2 coils,1pack crown coils. . from vt..my last round of coils ever...I'm laying down the vape soon. after the coils run out I will strictly be dripping until I get all the way off.I screwed up and got back on the nicotine. I know if I don't lay down the vape,I will keep on doing it.I've weeded out all of my addictions, coffee,caffeine ect.working on the sweets.I will still support vaping as far as legislation goes! Always!!It has helped me stay smoke free almost three years.I hope y'all will let me pop in and check in the off topic lounge!!
  3. No pics but...I love my Atlantis mega with the .3 ohm coils at 75 watts on my cuboid 150 watt,and I run a mutation xv2 at 75 watts on my rx200 ,but I have not had the time to drip lately so the Atlantis mega on both.my honey gave me the dripper, and the tank.....♡♡♡ Sent from my SM-N910V using The Vapor Talk mobile app
  4. Well it was January now it's April. All good all around.I had no idea all the good things I was in store for!! We hit three months the 24th. And I am happy and in love ,and folks,this time there is no shaking it,and I don't need to!! He has survived my family....that's something. My heart is happy. I met my future husband in january. We have already discussed marriage, but we are waiting a year to do it right.....I'll let ya'll know when I get a ring on a very important finger ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  5. @Walt dripping becomes second nature after you do it a little while.just don't drip and drive!!I love the mutation x v2 my sweetie lovingly let me keep!! Every dripper is different,but one thing's for sure,I love mine,so no fuss to rewick,awesome sauce flavor too!! And buuhbuuummmppp!! My cuboid 150 watt ,lGHG2 's and .3 coils for the atlantis mega arrived today from here at vt. LOVE the cuboid!! Also in the mail this week,some pg from amazon, my cola,amerretto, chocoate hazelnut, and mint chocolate chip by lorranne flavors from ecig express. It's been a good week!!!
  6. Buhhh bump!! Cuboid 150 watt tc, two lgh2 batts, 3 atlantis v2 .3 ohm coils,all from vt. 2 bottles pg, amazon prime ,1oz chocolate hazelnut, 1oz chocolate mint, 1dram cola, 1oz amaretto by lorranne flavors from ecig express. And to all a good night!!
  7. Yep!! I just need a back up, I use lGHG2 in my rx200 every day, I'm not crazy about the mod itself,but it serves it's purpose,runs all day no matter if I have the mutation or mega,I just need something lighter to tote. The dripper will stay on the rx200,and the mega will be on the kbox, the lowest resistance coil I will use will be .3 ohm..so I think it's good! I already figured in the price of the batteries. Thanks alot!!
  8. Thanks @FXRich I won't be running temp control, at least not for now. We'll see when I get back to building.....if I do...LOL these days tinker time is down to a minimum,I just want to be able to enjoy my homebrewed juice,and chill a little while right now!
  9. So I posted this and now I'm considering the cuboid 150 watt....help please!,oh decisions,decisions!the cuboid looks much nicer,and I think it would be a better buy in the long run, I'm on a tight budget right now,so 40$ is pretty much my budget. ..suggestions? I'm trying to order here at VT so I can get my coils for my atlantis mega,and my batteries in one swoop!! Thanks in advance!! I plan on oder in tomorrow morning, I guess I'll just have to decide, haha! It's funny how you outgrow your trusty back up mod, and then it konks out at the same time....yes...the death of an I stick 40 watt tc....she served well!!
  10. I was wondering if anyone has one? At this point I just need a dual battery workhorse that I can run up to eighty watts max on. The only tanks I will be running are my atlantis mega, and the mutation x v2 with a .29 ohm build on it...yep honey lend me dripper became honey gave me dripper. ..LOL. Any kinks I should know about before I pull the trigger? Thanks ya'll! !
  11. Good luck!! You will love it,I am partial to the mutation because I love the side airflow holes...yeah I claimed I could not vape above 45 watts...I'm at 75 LOL.
  12. I loved all the flavors I got from them.
  13. I ordered from blovape once,and had no issue,their processing time us a little slow,but I got my juice in three days right after processing..so I do not know!
  14. Well I learned this a while back, but a dripper bottle is not necessary to dripping! It becomes second nature, after a little while you just know how much juice to put in,how many hits you get,ect. I love the dripper!! P.s....shhh I learned shinyitus is contagious!!
  15. Baha....bahahaha!!honey lend me dripper yes...spoiled!! Happily dripping! !
  16. My shinyitus will be complete when I get my aster and mutation,I will post a pic of my honey lend me dripper!!
  17. Thanks @Adversarious1 for merging my threads,I didn't even realize I made two!! I was defunct this morning,my apologies!
  18. Yup!!! I love the v2 because of the side airflow,they took it away in the v5.I think I have found my winner!!
  19. Okay...so I found the mutation x v4 here at vt, the dripper I fell in love with....with a velocity deck...come on payday LOL.he's going to help me get a good solid long lasting build on it...woohoo!!!
  20. I'm seriously considering the freakshow v2....when I get ready!!
  21. The dripper is a much simpler creature IMHO hard to mess it up as bad as I can an rta.....poor guy is trying to help me find something I will use all the time,he gave me an atlantis mega, I love it!! With a 1.o ohm coil running at 48 watts it produces a nice cloud,I can't wait to get my .3 coils and crank it up to 80. All this was brought about by my whining on having to buy so many different coils for different tanks,so on the horizon is the dripper,and the pico 75 watt starter kit. The melo 3 mini will take atlantis coils luckily!! My I stick 40 watt tc is on the fritz,and I outgrew it anyway, so onward and upwards! !
  22. So I got my griffin 25 plus and loved it.....and then....well I ran into build issues,I ran into wicking issues @Walt I said you could not pry it out of my cold dead hands....turns out you can!! I got * so* sick of tinkering,losing juice, ect. That I asked my boyfriend if he'd swap me for his mutation x v2, which was well loved from the moment he let me borrow it, I used that thing for two weeks straight....no issue whatsoever,I got a burnt hit once,but dripping became second nature to me in about ten minutes! ! I told him I was about to rip my hair out!! While I hate to steal his dripper,he already has the original griffin 25, and has lusted after my tank, but not in a way that would make me want to give it up....I'm just not ready for rta life,it turns out,right now. I love building coils,but I have neither the time or the patience to install them correctly and keep tinkering right now. So I'm being *completely * lazy .the coil he has on there I can crank up or turn down to my preference. I know,because like I said, I used it for two weeks straight! ! I told him when I get ready to try building again,I will get a deck similar to the one I had to build on. I loved that dripper a whole heck of alot better than the griffin 25 plus,that I have not used in four days straight because I can't get it right!! Yes ,I am lazy, but if all I have to do is rewick, well I can live with that! When I get ready to build again,I will!! But for now I need something I do not have to mess with ,that I can use daily. This does not leak,has super nice adjustable airflow, nice deep juice wells doesn't even get hot rocking a stainless drip tip at 90 watts! I love it....and he's letting me have my way...yes vapers your s.o. 's gear is nice to steal sometimes!!
  23. So I got my griffin 25 plus and loved it.....and then....well I ran into build issues,I ran into wicking issues @Walt I said you could not pry it out of my cold dead hands....turns out you can!! I got * so* sick of tinkering,losing juice, ect. That I asked my boyfriend if he'd swap me for his mutation x v2, which was well loved from the moment he let me borrow it, I used that thing for two weeks straight....no issue whatsoever,I got a burnt hit once,but dripping became second nature to me in about ten minutes! ! I told him I was about to rip my hair out!! While I hate to steal his dripper,he already has the original griffin 25, and has lusted after my tank, but not in a way that would make me want to give it up....I'm just not ready for rta life,it turns out,right now. I love building coils,but I have neither the time or the patience to install them correctly and keep tinkering right now. So I'm being *completely * lazy .the coil he has on there I can crank up or turn down to my preference. I know,because like I said, I used it for two weeks straight! ! I told him when I get ready to try building again,I will get a deck similar to the one I had to build on. I loved that dripper a whole heck of alot better than the griffin 25 plus,that I have not used in four days straight because I can't get it right!! Yes ,I am lazy, but if all I have to do is rewick, well I can live with that! When I get ready to build again,I will!! But for now I need something I do not have to mess with ,that I can use daily. This does not leak,has super nice adjustable airflow, nice deep juice wells doesn't even get hot rocking a stainless drip tip at 90 watts! I love it....and he's letting me have my way...yes capers your s.o. 's gear is nice to steal sometimes!!
  24. Okay. ...vapor talk 95% of the time!! The only other places I have ordered from were for juice, and I got my griffin 25 plus at element vape ,they have really good prices on tanks but their hardware is a bit high. Why do I like vapor talk so much? Great prices,the best customer service I have experienced thus far. They ship fast, I have even screwed up a couple of orders and Christopher has personally fixed them for me,and *before* they shipped!! Also,the coils I buy are sold in 5 packs elsewhere, and here individually ,so I can buy what I need when I need it without having to buy excess when the budget gets low!! If you need something, you let Christopher know,and he gets it. I have never had a problem here,and I will continue to shop here first. NO I am not sucking up....if they did not earn this repute I would not give it!!
  25. @Walt going to love the Griffin 25 I have the 25 plus it comes with a top cap for heavy vg juice, and a few minor improvements, but you couldn't pry it out of my cold dead hands,LOL
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