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Everything posted by Kingbtheone

  1. the standard CE3's not the CE3 smokeymizers, not diggin then the same as the standard though, smokeymizers theres a tiny damn plug you need to pull to fill, not as good IMO
  2. i have a phobia of needles, for real, not sure why and never thought i would like or use but a filled up one will last me almost all day, no spillage or leaking, easy to use, the ce3's come with a syringe, 2 blunt tips, and a rubber mouth piece
  3. Been Mia for awhile, switched up from my boge cartos to the newer CE3's and got to say I LOVE THEM. no wicking like ce2's element is at bottom of ce3, no leaking issues and i get about 5 days use out of one, yes you need to use syringe to fill, but well worth it IMO. Give em a try, STILL LOVIN MY BUZZ PRO
  4. i have 2 tanks that i use boge 3.0 in, a liquidnator from vaporessence and a j-tank from electronicnicstix , j tank stays put, the liquidnator moves around , both 3ml
  5. im considering buying a couple of attys again, never tried one on the buzz pro yet.
  6. when i clean my boge's it takes 2 days of drying out- air drying, if not it works but no vapor or taste
  7. only 7 inches huh....lol heard nothing but positive from there company, close to me too, looks sweet
  8. i never had had one quit on me, the taste goes, time for new one. i vape bobas and get 3 days... more of a heavy vaper. tried cleaning them, it works but alot of effort, there cheap enough @ $20 shipped for 15
  9. Gotta say im EXTREMELY impressed with this supplier, im a strictly carto user, always concerned about using 100% VG in them, no problems..... Bobas bounty is a god sent of e-juice, surprised i waited a year to try it... FAST SHIPPING, nice bottles and GREAT prices, heres what i have tried and my opinions of them 1) Bobas bounty- slight tobacco flav with a aftertaste of honey graham crackers, GREAT ALL DAY VAPE! 2) Blend #4 - not to be confused with RY4 , this semi clear tobacco flav is one of my favorites, similar to sweet-vapes mapacho tobacco 3) gamel- only one i didnt really care for, use to smoke camels, this tastes like a stale cigarette.... 4) strawberry shortcake- tastes like your eating strawberry shortcake- enough said vapor production on all of these are excessive, vaping these at work cause panic cause people think the building is on fire. no joke.
  10. still FLAWLESS operation to this date, never has let me down
  11. best online verion of the duty franchise yet to date!!!
  12. are 2 of my favorite things, anyone else share these likes? come on The new call of duty is the best game... PERIOD WOULD LOVE TO GAME WITH SOME FELLOW VAPERS Kingbtheone = xbox live Gamer tag
  13. nice man, welcome to the Notcigs VV family! i cant post how much i love my buzz pro. the tank stopper is a great idea! i have a liquidnator that is really loose these days, but my j-tank fits super tight
  14. $120 get a buzz pro....
  15. i wondered too...lol dont feel bad!
  16. yes, it uses carto's with a couple holes in them, they come in 3ml and 5ml sizes, liquidnator in pic, also have a j-tank $20-$30 WELL WORTH it, fill once a day, and your done
  17. all i use now is the 3.0- boges in my tanks between 4.8- 5.3 v thats normally my sweet spot
  18. anolog free 1 year today, and damn happy!!!!
  19. agreed, thats why i got the poor mans provari, comes in black and chrome too...lol
  20. yes it does, 2.5ohm is one of the reasons, long drags will heat them up too, try a 3.0 atty see if that helps a little, but when i used attys they always got hot on me.
  21. what ohm is your atty?
  22. the one i messed up i used too big of a screw to punch it, it dented it too much to use on my liqidnator or j-tank so i used it nornal, just dented, agreed with the dremmel or hacksaw way about the shavings
  23. boge cartos 2.0 or 3.0 best quality- never had a dud
  24. really easy, i messed one up out of 100 so far, 2 ways- hacksaw/ dremmel tool or best way is using a medium size screw and use it with a hammer like a hole punch. easy..... i have also seen a pair of wire cutters used by cripming the carto at the bottom
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