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bahamasboy got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics
Thanks MaryAnn. I've got that on my list! I haven't done much mixing lately....haven't had the time, plus bought the full sampler from VT! Have to vape that down before I splurge again Hope to see you soon! B!
bahamasboy got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics
Kitsune, I think you may have created a mixing monster!! With all the talk, great advice, recipe calculators, and where to go for larger quantities of Nic Juice at a good price (Thanks Brian-another forum on this board, the weekend after thanksgiving will be one of trial and error.
After scouring all the stores around here for Lorann's, bottles, etc etc.. I resorted to two hours of online hunting and shopping!
Let me know if I've left anything out of my "basket"
-Nic Juice 48mg, 125 ML
-20 10ml bottles
-5 Lorann flavors - none with oil- I like sweet so (Grape, coconut, crem de menth, rootbeer, chocolate)- Hoping for "Mounds" flavor with the chocolate and coconut (oh and wiltons clear vanalla extract- water, alcohol, artificial flavors)- they had that at Michael's- is it okay to use??
-177 ML Humco VG
I've vaped so much today through all of this that I'm on my 3rd ego battery!!
bahamasboy got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics
GREAT INFO Kitsune! I was given some menthol crystals, how can/do those factor in to the mix???
bahamasboy got a reaction from Uma in A Newbie With An Ego
Uma and others,
This was just a delightful thread! I honestly don't know how I stumbled on it but I feel as though I've been reading my grandmother's diary as she crossed the country in the late 1800's. Talk of no electricity, heavy storms, hunkering down, others worrying about you, low bridges....what a GREAT movie has played in my head and a strange warmth has flooded my heart. Oh and as an added bonus, great info on the Ego. PLEASE continue the updates! I can't wait to read the next chapter in this e book while I'm vaping with my e-cigs.
bahamasboy reacted to nana in Happy Thanksgiving
Dear family and friends,
I know that you were eager to accept our family's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner when you found out that the famous Martha Stewart would be joining us. However, due to scheduling conflicts beyond her control, Ms. Stewart finds that she is unable to grace our table this year. With that in mind, there will be a few minor changes regarding the meal and decor, as outlined below. Please be aware of them, and adjust your appetite and dress appropriately.
Thank you
1) Our driveway will not be lined with homemade, paper bag luminaries. After several trial runs and two visits from the fire department, it was decided that, no matter how cleverly done, rows of flaming lunch sacks do not have the desired welcoming effect.
2) Once inside, please note that the entry space will not be decorated with swags of Indian corn and fall foliage. Instead, we included our dog in decorating by having him track in colorful autumn leaves from the back yard. The mud was his idea.
3) The dining table will not be covered with expensive linens, fancy china, or crystal goblets. If possible, we will use dishes that match and everyone will get a fork. Since this is Thanksgiving, we will refrain from using the paper SpongeBob dinner plates, the leftover Halloween napkins, and our plastic cup collection.
4) Our centerpiece will not be a tower of fresh fruit and flowers. Instead we will be proudly displaying a hedgehog-like decoration hand-crafted from the finest construction paper and pine cones. The artist assures me it is a turkey, albeit one without wings, legs, or a beak.
5) We will be dining somewhat later than planned. However, our daughter will entertain you while you wait. I'm sure she will be happy to share every choice comment her mother made regarding Thanksgiving, pilgrims, stuffing choices, the turkey hotline, and, especially, her husband. Please remember that most of these comments were made at 7:00AM upon discovering that said husband had only remembered to pull the turkey from the freezer at 6:00 AM, and that the thing was still hard enough to cut diamonds.
6) As an accompaniment to our daughter's recital of these events, I will play a recording of Native American tribal drumming. Curiously, the tribal drumming sounds a great deal like a frozen turkey in a clothes dryer, but that only enhances the holiday appropriateness. If our daughter should mention that we don't own a recording of Native American tribal drumming, ignore her. She's only nine; what does she know?
7) A dainty silver bell will not be rung to announce the start of our feast. We have chosen to keep our traditional method of assembling when the smoke alarm goes off.
8) There will be no formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like. In the spirit of harmony, we will ask all the children to sit at a separate table. In a separate room. Next door. And I would like to take this opportunity to remind our younger diners that "passing the rolls" is neither a football play nor an excuse to bean your cousin in the head with bread.
9) The turkey will not be carved at the table. I know you have seen the Norman Rockwell image of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. Such a scene may occur somewhere in America , but it won't be happening at our dinner table. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in the kitchen at a private ceremony. I stress "private", meaning Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children, or older, helpful grandparents into the kitchen to check on my progress. I have a very large, very sharp knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win the battle. When I do, we will eat.
10) For the duration of the meal, we will refer to the gravy by its lesser-known name: Kraft Cheese Sauce. If a young diner questions you regarding the origins or makeup of the Kraft Cheese Sauce, smile kindly and say that you know the answer, but it's a secret that can't be revealed to them until they are 18.
11) Instead of offering a choice among 12 different scrumptious desserts, we will be serving the traditional pumpkin pie, garnished with whipped cream and dog tongue marks. You still have a choice: take it or leave it.
That concludes our list of alterations. Again, I apologize that Martha will not be joining us this year. Come to think of it, she probably won't come next year, either.
bahamasboy got a reaction from AimeeG in Your Thoughts And Prayers Needed
(moment of prayer)
Most High and Etherial Whispy Godess of all things Vape,
In his most trying of times, we ask the following:
1) Allow Hawk to remain calm.
2) Help him avoid aiming his four wheeled mode of transport at innocent furry critters scavaging for nuts in preparation of the winter months that are soon to be upon us.
3. Curb his desire to hurt the things he loves.
Godess, I feel his pain as I anxiously awaited my Ego this week, however feel blessed and honored that you chose have it delivered a day earlier than I expected.
In all things atomized, aaaaaaaa-- mmmeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn
p.s. Could you tell Santa to bring me a flavor assortment for Christmas???
bahamasboy reacted to kitsune in Diy-How To Basics
DIY Tips and Info
I know this is a lot of information, but I hope it helps those looking at trying their hand at DIY. Keep in mind, This is just my own experience.
PG- Propylene Glycol : It is a colorless, nearly odorless, clear, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste,
VG-Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerol): In foods and beverages, glycerol serves as a humectant, solvent and sweetener, and may
help preserve foods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol
PG and/or VG are both used as the base of the E-Liquid.
PG/VG can be purchased from most E-Liquid suppliers with or without Nicotine. Unflavored PG or VG with Nicotine can be purchased for the purpose of mixing your own liquids and can be purchased is many strengths.
PG/VG without Nicotine is necessary for mixing your own liquids.
Glycerin can also be purchased from most pharmacies-over the counter. Humco is one brand of Pharmacy Grade (USP) glycerin. It is sold as a skin protectant. It is a clear, slightly thick liquid and has a sweet taste to it.
There is also a Food grade VG- Wiltons- sold at Craft stores in the baking sections. Can sometimes be found at Walmart in the craft section.
The information will have to be put into a couple posts--The server doesn't like the long version....
bahamasboy reacted to Jolly in A Number Of Questions.
1. Cartridges.
A. How long does the average 501 cartridge on my eGo last? How many puffs, maybe? I've gotten into the groove of pulling like this: Press the button, pull softly for ~4-5 seconds, release the button, finish the pull, inhale, exhale. My use is sporadic. I'll take a few pulls a minute or 1 pull every 30 minutes. Given this, how long can I expect a single cartridge to last?
- about 10 drops, 3 drops on an atomizer is bout 4-5 puffs. 3 into 10 = 3ish so 12 puffs "roughly".
a. Is there a general consensus yet on how many pulls = 1 analog (of equal nic strength) or how many cartridges = 1 pack? This really isn't important to me. Just a curiosity thing.
- you could draw up some mathematical bit of info but it wouldn't be conclusive with out blood samples.
- most of what people would say is hear say and holds no merit to real science.
- vape the mg you feel you need, i started with 18mg, went to 24 then 30. i'll do any of the 3 currently. as a general rule do not go above 24mg; Ever!
B. How can I tell if a cartridge is empty enough that it will hurt my atomizer and I need to replace/refill?
- the taste and vapor production will get lower
C. Using the cartridge-refill method, depending on the answer to A, how many cartridges/refills can I expect to go through in a single day?
a. Approximately how much e-liquid goes into 1 cartridge?
- 8-10 drops. please for the love of all that is holy, don't refill cartridges! that is by far the worst experience i think all of us have had with ecigs. the mess, the time, and then its time to do it again. for sitting around drip, for on the go cartomizer it. and before you ask 40ish drops per cartomizer.
D. What is the best method to reusing cartridges? Will my bottles of E-liquid come with droppers to help me fill them using the paper clip method, or will I need to buy a syringe? I really don't want to go the syringe method personally, but if it's a must, I can suck it up.
- the best, is to not, reuse.
E. Why do some claim that cartomizers are replacing atomizers/cartridges?
- neither replaces either, atty for lounging, carto for out and about.
F. Atomizers/Cartridges seem to have longevity compared to cartomizers. What is so bad about cartridges that most use the drip technique or cartomizers?
- i only used attys at the start but now that i use a mod i only use cartos
G. I've heard that you can buy a bag of the fluffy stuff inside the cartridge that soaks up the e-liquid from Walmart and you'd never have to worry about buying cartridges again. You just replace the fluffy stuff, refill, and vape away. What is the validity to this? Is this method safe? Is it effective?
- you can, the blue u-foam for fish tanks is what most people move to. then after that they just direct drip and think to themselves "why did i wast all that time and energy filling those damn carts and cutting foam.
H. Is cleaning the fluffy stuff inside the cartridge effective?
2. Atomizers.
A. While it was in my pocket, I accidentally had the button pressed down (I'm getting a cover soon (Yes, I know. I'm a noob. lol)). When I pulled it out, it was quite hot, but not so hot that it burned to the touch. How can I tell if I've damaged that atomizer? (No worries, I've got spares!)
- when it doesn't work anymore. the only other thing that might happen is you burn the wick inside, if you haven't already removed it. DO NOT REMOVE THE BRIDGE, no matter what anyone says! and before you ask, removing the bridge is the best way to flood the battery with all the juice that should be in the atty. the wick on the other hand is crap and shouldn't even be part of the atty.
B. What is the average life expectancy for an atomizer?
- i had one last me 95+ days and then destroyed it (not by using it but trying to clean it), long story short don't clean your attys with vinegar or by boiling them. thats some serious over kill and doesn't help at all. let them soak in hot water for a few days and then rinse them a few times.
C. How will I know when I need to clean/replace the atomizer?
- i pretty much don't clean them, not even when i switch juices. my theory is that people put to much energy into thinking about cleaning and end up killing them because of all the extra measures they do. an atty is about 6 bucks, a cartomizer is around 1 buck. its not like you're buying them every day so if it last a week then who cares. one pack of smokes is 6 bucks and for most of us that would be one day of smoking.
3. E-Liquid.
A. Can someone point me in the direction of a detailed DIY guide? It seems to be the way to go for a sustainable and relatively cheap vaping experience. I'm guessing you get PG/VG and use that to dilute large quantities of extra strength nic flavored mixes to turn say a 120ml 36mg into a 240ml 18mg? I'm totally new to this, so this is just my impression on DIY.
- there is a diy section on the forum. go there and ask, keep it more geared to something you want to try such as caramel apple or something nutty.
4. Batteries.
A. I currently have two 1000mah batteries for my eGo. How long can I expect these bad boys to survive? (Sidebar: I know nothing about modding, but these things last all day and into the night. I don't even need the second one since I just use the same battery all day, then charge it while I sleep, take it off the charger, and repeat. Couldn't imagine needing a mod for a longer lasting battery. The 1000mah is quite an amazing battery.)
- a day maybe two, hell could last you a week if you don't vape but a few puffs a day.
- mods are for people that either want higher voltage, something sexy or beastly, or to save money. an stock ego battery is in the $20 range, for 5 bucks i can get two batteries that last just as long as the mega ego battery. even at 12 bucks i can get two batteries that are 3x the life of the ego PER battery. after you are into this for a while, you will get a mod. when the day happens i'll be the guy saying; "see".
5. The whole package.
A. What is the correct way for me to store this at night after putting the battery on the charger?
a. Should I separate the cartridge from the atomizer and replace the little white cap on the in-use cartridge and the empty cartridge back on the atomizer?
b. Is it OK for the atomizer if I just left the in-use cartridge attached to it or will this cause damage overnight?
-lay it on its side. there isn't a need to take it apart. if you have an auto battery you may want to take them apart and stand it battery threads down to drain any juice that got into the hole.
bahamasboy reacted to elDuderino in Your Thoughts And Prayers Needed
To me, the mailbox is a magical inigma. Thats why we love it(internet shopping) so much sometimes. The anticipation; a gift to yourself; the moment of arrival. My favorite is when I dont know if the mailman has come. One minute the box is empty - the next - BAM! a package! Magic!
- You walk out to the road, big black rubbermaid bat-proof wonder in your eyes; mind aloof as you look around and notice that the world around you is slowly becoming completely wrapped in plastic, and, as you march the seemingly endless path toward the box, the excitement building with each step, thinking to yourself, "did it come? will it be in there? oh god please let it be there!" This is your third time to the magic box today and each time - empty - your desperation intensifying with each fruitless trip, but maybe, just maybe it'll be there this time. Oooh, can you picture it? It's gonna be there this time, you can feel it.
And there you are standing at the precipice of glory. The only thing seperating you from massive clouds of glorious vapor is that little black plastic door. You reach for it. !@#$ watch the car! as some maniacal youngster screeches past trying to beat the mailman home in case a signature is needed for a package. "PUNK!" Forget him, back to the box - your hearts really pumping now, your pulse is racing, palms sweaty; the handle feels cold as pause before opening it - as if taking your time might allow it a few more seconds to somehow magically appear. Wait. What's this? Could it be? Your actions quickening now as you begin to see the rough corner of a white cardboard box coming into view. It is! It finally came! Indeed, there it is crammed inside upon piles of wasted trees and political garbage. "But wait!" you think to yourself. "Is this some sort of practical joke?!?!" "How in the @#$! did that ***hole get it in there?!?!" you say aloud as you pull and tug at the mangled package. Ripping and shredding away at the useless pile of junk that seems to be holding everying back. "OOOOH they're gonna hear about this one! You grunt and curse and pull and twist so hard the plastic mailbox begins to lose its grip on the ground. And all of a sudden - POP - there you are, a** down in the road parcel in hand; shedded paper still drifting peacefully to the ground like confetti on New Years Day. You finally have what you've been waiting for - your precious; your eGo.
Then again, maybe your mailman will just set the damn thing on the porch!
GL and hang in there, it'll come!!!
Happy Vaping!
bahamasboy got a reaction from kitsune in Your Thoughts And Prayers Needed
(moment of prayer)
Most High and Etherial Whispy Godess of all things Vape,
In his most trying of times, we ask the following:
1) Allow Hawk to remain calm.
2) Help him avoid aiming his four wheeled mode of transport at innocent furry critters scavaging for nuts in preparation of the winter months that are soon to be upon us.
3. Curb his desire to hurt the things he loves.
Godess, I feel his pain as I anxiously awaited my Ego this week, however feel blessed and honored that you chose have it delivered a day earlier than I expected.
In all things atomized, aaaaaaaa-- mmmeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn
p.s. Could you tell Santa to bring me a flavor assortment for Christmas???
bahamasboy got a reaction from elDuderino in Your Thoughts And Prayers Needed
(moment of prayer)
Most High and Etherial Whispy Godess of all things Vape,
In his most trying of times, we ask the following:
1) Allow Hawk to remain calm.
2) Help him avoid aiming his four wheeled mode of transport at innocent furry critters scavaging for nuts in preparation of the winter months that are soon to be upon us.
3. Curb his desire to hurt the things he loves.
Godess, I feel his pain as I anxiously awaited my Ego this week, however feel blessed and honored that you chose have it delivered a day earlier than I expected.
In all things atomized, aaaaaaaa-- mmmeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn
p.s. Could you tell Santa to bring me a flavor assortment for Christmas???
bahamasboy got a reaction from Schizophretard in Just Had To Say....you've Done It Again
MY EGO ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!! Ok, I've always had AN ego, but today I got THE EGO!!! OMG, what a difference from the piece of crap that will be returned in the mail tomorrow morning!!!! The Fla-vah, the billows of vape, and the BATTERY LIFE!!! Sha-DAMN!!!!!
I must say it again... Thank you all for all your input and help on these forums! Without the time that you've all spent, I would be stuck returning to analogs because it just would NOT have cut it for me! Your suggestions on equipment and the cart mods.... the PTB cart mod is going to save me during the day when I can't drip while I'm in the process of buying cartomizers!! Oh and dripping, What a rush!!!!!
In a previous post, I mentioned that my brain had gone back to analog mode while I waited for the Ego to arrive.... well, I haven't even thought about an analog in the past 5 hours, which is something that did NOT happen over the past week.
Now I'm on the flavor quest, searching for MY all day vape and then the "special moments" vape.
Can you tell I'm a bit excited??
Thanks again,
bahamasboy got a reaction from Schizophretard in Just Had To Say....you've Done It Again
Greetings Vape-O-Holics,
I just had to report that you've done it (probably again)! After initially buying a Greensmoke before finding this site, I have just purchased and am anxiously looking forward to the delivery of my EGO! Thanks to the 30 day Money Back Guarantee, Greensmoke will be receiving their less than efficient product back in the mail which will return 1 1/2 times the money I paid for the amazing product I am thankfully about to receive. <yes, it's a bit of a prayer!!!~
This forum, Christopher, and ALL OF YOU rock!!!
thank you, THANK you! THANK YOU!!!
bahamasboy got a reaction from Christopher in Just Had To Say....you've Done It Again
Greetings Vape-O-Holics,
I just had to report that you've done it (probably again)! After initially buying a Greensmoke before finding this site, I have just purchased and am anxiously looking forward to the delivery of my EGO! Thanks to the 30 day Money Back Guarantee, Greensmoke will be receiving their less than efficient product back in the mail which will return 1 1/2 times the money I paid for the amazing product I am thankfully about to receive. <yes, it's a bit of a prayer!!!~
This forum, Christopher, and ALL OF YOU rock!!!
thank you, THANK you! THANK YOU!!!