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About bahamasboy

  • Birthday 03/26/1969

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Bob, Welcome! I've been absent from the site for a long time.. most probably think I've died (I'm back ya'll).... However, what you'll find from the people here is TONS of valuable advice, lots of support, and the knowledge to keep the alternative to analogs alive!! If you've got an inkling of a question, ASK! Congrats on your 7 weeks! I'm getting close to my one year THANKS TO THE VT FORUMS!!
  2. thanks all.. Lmao @ McQuinn!!
  3. Hello there, I tried searching for an answer but cant put PG into the search engine cause it's only two letters....any thought appreciated. I've been vaping for about 6 months now. I realized that the flavoring wasn't my "need" so I bought some Nic Juice, ordered PG through the local pharmacy and bought VG at Walmart. I've been vaping 12 mg , 70% PG 30% VG with no flavor. (it's not as bad as you think....kinda sweet. Anyway, my room mates commented that I'm ALWAYS tired now. I hadn't thought about it as I have a new job this year and attributed it to that. However, after thinking about it, I've been pretty heaavy on the vaping and usually just about fall over after a calm vaping session while at home. Has anyone else experienced this with a strong PG mix? I just mixed some 80% VG and 20% water to see how that affects me over the next day or two but any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks,
  4. Thanks Juice I'll have to try this out. I wasn't aware of the 4 part PGA to 1 part Crystals.
  5. Thanks MaryAnn. I've got that on my list! I haven't done much mixing lately....haven't had the time, plus bought the full sampler from VT! Have to vape that down before I splurge again Hope to see you soon! B!
  6. Thanks Kits. I'll be playing Sir-Mix-O-Lot a bit later today!
  7. Do it right the first time.. buy back ups and generally at least one of whatever you can get your hands on i.e. cartomizers, drip tips, low resistance cartomizers etc. If you do I like I did you'll constantly be wondering what else you COULD have, and what could be better for you. It's taken almost three weeks to find "my perfect fit" but I've found it and am even more hooked than when my ego arrived. Welcome to the community. There are TONS of GREAT people here to answer any questions you may have. I can't believe I've learned as I have in the past three weeks! Save $, Vape More!!
  8. test post.. sorry all I'm having issues.
  9. Happy Anniversary!!!! and Contratulations!
  10. I too just got the Mentha with nic.. OMG I'M IN HEAVEN! I don't taste the bitter you're talking about but then again, I've not tried any w/o nic. BUT.... I've been off analogs for 19 days and am really staring to taste the various flavors. At first I was not as impressed with the various differences between them ( bad taste buds from 25 years of analogs) but now.....OH YEAAAAA BABY!!!! In fact, tonight was the first time that Jack In the Box tacos reallyyyyyyyy hit the spot on my toungue!!! I may actually finally gain some weight...food it soo much better already!!! Stick with it! Save $, Vape More!
  11. OHHHHH I need a bigger vape budget!! All these flavors, all these vendors, ALL THESE RECIPES!!!!! However, did just recieve my 10 pack VT juices! Sampling away! So far, LOVING Mentha, Dulcis is a close second, Grape Soda is nice along with Midnight and Sweet Dawn (for the lighter side of things). The VT tobacco is very strong to me on the tobacco flavor!! Here's my main ?? for the night! I've got some 48MG nic juice,no flavor and the 16 mg VT Tobacco. The rmmate need a higher nic level and a less potent Tobacco flavor. So.... if I were to remix the Tobacco and unflavored Nic Juice...any suggestions on ratios to to reach a nic level of about 24mg? Yea, I know.. usually we're trying to cut the nic level....I always come up with the "Doozys". Thanks in advance because I just KNOW that one of you all have the answer I need. Save $, Vape More!
  12. Bwhahahaaa... if she were still smoking analogs and was out she woudl've stopped at the store between the funeral and the meal to pick up her flavor of cigarettes- I just see the pacifier addiction continuing on
  13. HEY NEW PEOPLE.....INDIVIDUAL TASTES ARE DIFFERENT! Start by TRYING the recommendations, but sample others as well....you may find a flavoring brand or specific flavor you like better than what was recommended... How was that Nana? How'd I do? Huh? Huh!? Huh??? did I do okay???? Hmmmm???? Yes, I was born to be a clown
  14. English Toffee, Cherry, Creme de Menthe, Rootbeer, Chocolate, Grape, Apple, and Coconut. What I have left that seem okay to me are : English Toffee, Creme de Menthe, Chocolate, Apple and Coconut. The bad ones so far are : Root Beer, Grape, and Cherry - Cherry seemed mediciny and not strong enough for me to taste Oh well... The experimenting lives on!!!
  15. OK.. IFLADA-(I feel like a dumb ***)! I usually catch typos before I open my mouth and put my foot in it! With all the talk of various "Stay away from this, that and this) I thought there might be a new line of Lorann's that I didn't know about! LOLOL Gotta keep it fun...that's my motto! Cheers!
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