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    Saint Louis, MO

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  1. I was wondering what other people experiences were with eGo 650 mah battery. I have had my original set since Oct. and have noticed a drop off in power the last 2-4 weeks. I go through about 1 battery a day so I would guess each battery has been charged about 100 times. It isn't so much the battery life as it is the consistency to heat the lr 510 atty. Basically, is it time for a replacement? Thanks for any input.
  2. Just a quick note on the Butterscotch if you are into it. Wordup has a fantastic butterscotch. I have been vaping for about 3 months and have had nothing but samples from about 4-5 vendors. I've been trying to find what works for me. Well, this is the first 50 ml bottle I have bought. It taste like a real sweet, smooth tob. flavor. Outstanding!!!!
  3. That video is fricken hysterical. I find it ammusing that somehow I am in this sub-culture where vaping aluminum piping is so damn funny. 99.9% of the public would be like WTF?
  4. I was a 4-5 analog a day smoker (mostly in the car)and heavy social smoker but I chewed a lot. I would actually put a small amount of chew in and never spit. I would say I would have a dip in at least half of my waking day. I received my Blu pack and needless to say was not impressed. I did some more research and came upon VT and bought an ego about 2 months ago. I quit analogs immediately. I tried an analog my first happy hour with the guys and it was just awful! The chew took some more work though and I am happy to report that I am completely tobacco free for 10 day now. After 22 years of tobacco use, it it a new lease on life.
  5. So I'v been vaping my cisco 306 LR atomizers for about 6 weeks now as must say I love it. Yes, it can be harsh at first and you do go through the juice but for me personally, it's been great. My concern is the long term effects of the added heat. You can really feel it in your throat if you have a day or evening of heavy vaping. Does anyone have any thoughts on what the long term effects the added heat may have on the throat? My drip tip is about 1 1/4 inches. Any advice on a longer drip tip or mod? Thanks BTW I do keep the atty very wet.
  6. Rush 2112 turned me on to Boba's Bounty from Alien Visions. 100% VG. I'v tried about 20 juices and this is my favorite. I know VT Dulcis is sacred around here but I like it more than that. If you get the sampler pack, it is included. http://avejuice.com/
  7. So I went out with my buds a couple of nights ago and had my eGo with me for the first time. Of course everyone tried it and loved it. However, I smoked an analog for the first time since I received my eGo. Man, it tasted like crap. I've been smoking (and loving) Camel lights for 22 years. I was totally turned off by the taste. It was like I tasted every chemical in the cigarette. Has anyone else had this experience?
  8. BTW, you might want to upgrade to the eGo. Amazing battery life and vapor!!!
  9. Well, I am a noobie myself but Boba's Bounty from Alien Vision is very good. It's included with the sample if you want to go that route. http://www.avejuice.com/
  10. OK. So I was shopping for a Cisco LR 306 atty and wound up at eliquidplantet.com. Bought some sample liquid there as well as avejuice.com. I should be set for a while. Just wondering....do people actually "save" money vaping. I mean the products can be more addictive than the nicotine. BTW, I've had 3 beers today and first time without a analog. My evo is strong and steady. Love it!!
  11. Anyone have any opinions on where to buy some juice sampler sets. I'm new to vaping and need to experiment with some new juice
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