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Everything posted by Devv

  1. Sometime in the near future I plan on getting an RDA and the equipment for it. I eventually want to make my own coils, but buying a pack of nicely made coils for cheap sounds like a nice idea. Has anyone used premade coils or should I just wait and someday buy all the tools to do it myself?
  2. Yea I was thinking that as well. Being original and creative with names is the way to go. However I'm not a fan of negative or gross names.
  3. A bit of a long seller's description here: "On a chilly fall night, just off a lonesome highway, fruit met with tobacco and conspired to create something special. No one is sure what their plans or intentions were, but when the moon is high and the stars are bright, you can go out into that field and find a stygian berry hanging from the upper branches of a tobacco plant the locals have dubbed 'screwbacco.' Now, there's talk of people who eat the screwbacco leaves, but they're treated as outcasts. The real locals collect them at night, and put them through a juicer. Then they take that juice and shove it in a vape pen. A touch of strawberry. A gentle kiss of fine tobacco. This is Screwbacco." This is apparently a juice for those who do not like tobacco flavors. Its very interesting. I get why some would compare it to tobacco, but I don't taste it and think tobacco. More like a sweet and bitter fermented earthy strawberry with a touch of tobacco on the exhale. Its not my favorite but its not a bad juice. Good one to pull off the shelf for something a bit different. One note, do not put this juice in a gurgly tank that has some spitback. The flavor of even a bit of it on the tongue is pretty awful and kills the tastebuds.
  4. Picked up some Shamrock Shake. 70VG/30PG 3mg "Shamrock Shake is a spot on creamy vanilla bean milkshake with a cooling hint of mint. St. Patrick himself would be proud." Very nice juice. Smooth, not overpowering flavor and a creamy finish. Its not an in your face full flavor juice. Also the mint is not a cooling menthol. Its as advertised, subtle vanilla milkshake with a bit of mint flavor. Flavor is pretty spot on to the McD's shake we know from childhood. Great vapor production also.
  5. Just picked up an IPV3 LI. The device has the option to update the firmware to allow it to reach up to 200W and support of Titanium/Nickel coils. I'm going nowhere near 200W and am thinking of just leaving the device as is. Not using the device in temp control mode either. Other than that, does anyone know if there are any other advantages to update the firmware?
  6. Yea that was the thing. On my intro device, the 12mg juices was fine. I picked up a bunch of 3mg juice once I switched over to subohm. Still on the latter stages of weening myself off of analog smokes, so I thought that maybe mixing some of my 12mg juice with the 3mg juice on the subohm would work. As I said above, some seem to work well, others not so much.
  7. Tam recommended the Triton v2 to me, but the seller I wanted to use did not have the coils I wanted for it. They did have a Triton Mini with Clapton 1.8 ohm coils. Wow, this little tank is a beast. Super clean vape, great tank and built extremely well. Its my go-to morning vape since I have a coffee juice in it (Cyber Cafe Royale). No spitback, gurgling at all. One of my next purchases will be a v2 tank though.
  8. Compared to many of you on these forums, I am fairly new to vaping and the whole shebang. Question is, mixing pre-made juices. Is there anything I should be aware of? Flavors and other things that could possibly be harmful if mixed? I've been playing around a bit. My intro device (V2 Series 3) I vaped a bunch of different juices of varying VG/PG and nicotine levels. Since moving over to the sub-ohm hardware, and reading that juices over 6mg Nicotine may taste burnt, I've experimented a bit. Below when I list the "x mg" I am listing the nicotine levels of the juice. First was mixing some Cosmic Charlie's Chalk Dust Slam Berry (12mg) with Vapetasia Royalty II (3mg). Used about a 2/1 ratio of Royalty/Slam Berry. A bit harsh throat hit at first, I'm guessing since the VG/PG of Slam Berry was 50/50 and Royalty is 70/30. Added a bit more Royalty and its fine, not great. Not really getting the custard notes of Royalty anymore, with a slight aftertaste of Strawberry. Second was Django by 13th Floor Elevapors. I had some 12mg juice and some 3mg juice. I thought I'd mix a bit of the two and results were not so great. Its still a fine vape, but not as sweet or nutty as the straight 3mg on sub-ohm or the 12mg on the V2. A bit of bad aftertaste as well, which is disappointing because this has been my go to juice for the last month. Last one I tried was I Madhatter's love Donuts(3mg) with Star Spangled Bananer (12mg) from Banzai. I did a 3 parts Donuts to 1 part SSB. Holy crap. This stuff is delicious. Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts here. If any of you have insight on what to mix or not to mix, please share, thanks!
  9. What coils are you using and at what wattage are you vaping at? Assuming RBA since its here, sorry I edited this post since it popped up on my feed and after I wrote below I noticed this was in the RBA forum. I could be wrong but the Triton and Triton 2 use the same coils, right? Also you're priming the coils before use I assume. I haven't tried the Triton. Tam recommended the Triton 2 but the seller I wanted to use didn't have the coils I wanted. I picked up a Triton Mini with 1.8 ohm Clapton coils, and wow its pretty amazing. Very clean smooth vape with no spitback or gurgling at all.
  10. Hi and welcome! I'm fairly new here as well. There is a ton of info on the Health & Safety section of these forums. A lot of the chemicals in e-cigs/juice are also in cigarettes, and usually in much smaller amounts than "analog" tobacco cigarettes. The media spins things however they want, or however their CEOs want them to. I'm sure there are some things in some juices that may not be good for you, but most if not all of them have nowhere near the amount of carcinogens as an analog. This guy's YouTube Vape Space has a bunch of good info. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1VWGYbsHijMLYvdRBydSWA
  11. I received a bottle of Django in last month's Zamplebox. My current favorite, I can't put it down. Seller's Description: Man, this stuff is so good. The combination almost has a slight alcoholy bourbon flavor on the inhale, and exhale is smooth and creamy. I don't really pick up the tobacco notes, although I do get a slight bit of pecan/nutty. Highly recommend.
  12. Picked up a bunch of new hardware thanks to the help from the members here: Also picked up a bunch of juice. • Miss Samoa by FA-Q • Honey by Cyber Liquids Fuel Cell • Vader by Cyber Liquids • Backroads Tobacco by Vapage Private Reserve • Castle Long by Five Pawns • Cafe Royale by Cyber Liquids • Mad Hatter Juice - I Love Donuts • Mad Hatter Juice - I Love Cookies • Royalty II by Vapetasia • Django by 13th Floor Elevapors I'm done with purchases for a while
  13. Thats odd, thanks for the tip
  14. Both of these juices came highly recommended. I picked up some of each from eliquid.com and I honestly can't tell the difference between the two. Royalty II by Vapetasia description: "notes of savory custard, nuts, and creamy vanilla; met with a mild earthy flavor" Vader by Cyber Liquids description: "a cookie dough concoction with a vanilla custard base with hints of milk, maple and hazelnut." Both juices have great taste...but aftertaste on both kind of remind me of a bit like play-dough. I guess its possible the two use very similar/same flavorings. Has anyone else tried both of these juices?
  15. So I got my stuff yesterday! Exciting! I am very happy with all my purchases. Eleaf iStick 50W - Amazing little device! Really easy to use, perfect size and I'm nowhere near using the full capacity of this mod. Maybe in the future but its definitely a keeper. Kanger tanks are solid. Really well built and seem very easy to clean. I love the airflow options on their tanks, good for mouth to lungers and straight lung hitters. Aspire Triton Mini is also a great product. A little harder to assemble/disassemble than the Kangers. Has a fill/smoke switch that I've accidentally twisted a couple times, just opens up the top vents for easy filling. Airflow is not as precise, has one big hole which you can twist to open/close. May be better geared for straight lung hits. Uwell Crown Tank is a beast. Heavy and much larger than my other tanks. Airflow is a bit crazy with this tank. A bit too much so. You really need to pull hard since there is so much air being pulled through, even with the airflow setting barely cracked open. With that said, I'm enjoying it with lung hits. Glad I put a mild sweet juice in there with no throat hit (Miss Samoa by FA-Q). Very quiet draw from this tank considering how much air you're pulling in. I think its more of a "cloud chaser" tank than the others. Joye Cubis Tank was really a surprise. A friend recommended and I would definitely do the same. The tank is nicely built and is a cup-style fill. It doesn't completely come apart but it is very easy to assemble, change coils and fill. Also comes with three replacement coils/heads, which are very unique, as they draw juice from the very bottom of the unit. I thought it was a neat design. A bit gurgly at first, and does make a bit more noise when drawing compared to the above tanks. Thank you so much to all of you here @VaporTalk. I came here with an idea of what I wanted, and you all helped me fine tune a bit and made sure I got something to suit my needs. I will definitely be sticking around and hopefully can return the favor with future members.
  16. Seller's Description: Its a smooth creamy coffee flavor. Really nice taste and aroma of coffee, and finishes with creamy and some vanilla. As advertised it really does remind me of the Starbucks Frappuccino in a can/bottle. Same exact flavor. I enjoy it, so I would recommend this juice. Now when I drink coffee I like it black. I have yet to find a strong black coffee vape. I've tried two others, which I'm not even going to list because the coffee flavor is basically nonexistent.
  17. Seller's description: My thoughts: Extremely mellow and mild tobacco flavor. A little tobacco, a little caramel sweetness. Not much else. Little to no throat hit. Very pleasant to vape, but it definitely does not pack a punch of flavor.
  18. Posted in reviews:
  19. So, Cafe Royale by Cyber Liquids Its a smooth creamy coffee flavor. Really nice taste and aroma of coffee, and finishes with creamy and some vanilla. As advertised it really does remind me of the Starbucks Frappuccino in a can/bottle. Same exact flavor. I enjoy it, so I would recommend this juice. Now when I drink coffee I like it black. I have yet to find a strong black coffee vape. I've tried two others, which I'm not even going to list because the coffee flavor is basically nonexistent.
  20. I tried V2 Red, seemed ok at first but after a while it kind of tastes like an ashtray. Its been shelved for some time. I picked up "Tobacco" from Ghost Vapors from a local shop, its not bad. Not great, decent throat hit and no awful aftertaste. Its not really strong tobacco, but one of my current favorites is Django by 13th Floor Vapors. They say it is finished with "Flue cured tobacco". Its caramelly with pecan notes, not overly sweet. I have some Backroads Tobacco by Vapage Private Reserve on the way, looking forward to it.
  21. I heard good things about Cafe Royale by Cyber Liquids. Some is on the way, I'll update after I've tried it. Their description is "A coffee blend with hints of French vanilla and a touch of cinnamon. Taste like a Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino. Get your crown because this flavor is so good you will feel like a king when you vape it."
  22. Ya as I said I'm a bit of a research hound. All the info I've seen in this forum and others mentioned that higher nicotine with quality hardware can be a bit harsh. I am at the point now where I don't even reach for "analog" cigarettes. If a friend has one and we're out and having a drink, sure. But not something that I NEED to go out and have a pack on me at all times. Most of the juices I ended up grabbing are either 40/60 or 30/70 PG/VG. Popular, quality stuff. Really looking forward to my new purchases so thanks to all! Good point. So if I was to purchase an alternative, should I get another eleaf 50w for backup? I'm all for trying new things, I'm sure you all have some favorites. Granted something that I will be able to pop my tanks onto without any issues. Another thing, nobody here has mentioned that the equipment I decided to purchase will have major issues with the setup I'm going for. This was my major concern, having tanks/coils/mod that do not work well together. The coils I decided on are supposed to work with the tanks they are paired with, will I need a TC mod box to get the full effect from them? Again any opinions or suggestions are welcome.
  23. My thing is that I don't really vape until I get out of work. I am in the hospitality business and don't usually get home until late, 11 PM - 1AM. I'm a night owl so I'm usually asleep by 2-3AM. So I really have no issue with using one device for a few hours. If I need a fix on a busy night at work I have alternatives. I'm hoping that the purchases I've made will keep me satisfied for a bit, but there is always the new shiny stuff that I will eventually cave in and grab in the future.
  24. Not sure about that. I am really new to this so if anything I listed is not going to be compatible with the mod box I'd like to know. The Kanger coils I picked up are: http://www.myvaporstore.com/Kanger-NEBOX-SSOCC-Coils-p/krst-ak.htm?1=1&CartID=0 If I should pick up a TC mod that will work with these I am open to suggestions. Also ended up ordering a bunch of juices from eliquid.com, all 3MG since I have read that higher than 6MG nicotine is not the way to go. I'm enjoying the flavor more than the addiction of nicotine, which is definitely a good thing.
  25. Thanks for the replies. I think I'm going to go for it and place an order. I wanted a one-stop shop for convenience and from your suggestions I'm going with MVS. They don't seem to have the higher ohm coils for the Aspire Triton v2 though. So here's my list: Eleaf iStick 50W Kanger Subtank Mini Kanger Toptank Mini Kanger SSOCC Atomizer Heads - 1.5 ohm Aspire Triton Mini + 1.8 ohm coils Uwell Crown Tank - 1.2 ohm coils Joye Cubis Tank - 1.5 ohm coils The last two were from recommendations from friends. One swears by the Crown, and another loves the Cubis because they are inexpensive.
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