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    Madison WI

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  1. Hey guys I'm thinking about trying the black note Segato e juice! I hear it's the best tobacco flavored juice there is.. I am new to vaping and coming off of smoking a pack a day Marlboro reds! I have an Innokin Coolfire 4 with 2 Aspire Nautilus tanks. Any input on this juice? Is there anything better in terms of tobacco taste? I want the closest taste to the real cigarette that I can get! Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks Tam!
  3. Do you know what the Cuttwood unicorn milk is? It doesn't say the pg/vg on the bottle..
  4. I'm just more worried about doing damage I guess...like my buddy just bought the same setup and his sweet spot is 14watts...everything I've read says that's way to high for the nautilus 1.6 coils?
  5. So let's say I run my 1.8 ohm coil at the max recommended of 4.8volts, how long should expect it to last?
  6. I'm in love with these nautilus tanks! Absolutely awesome tanks in my opinion Also Bebop, the wierd part is I can crank this this to 30w and it doesn't taste burnt at all??? I get a huge cloud and tons of flavor! But my sweet spot is right around 4.5 volts so that's where I'll stay so my coils last longer
  7. Ok thanks for the info Bebop! I just filled my other Nautilus tank with my lost art liquids unicorn puke...I took out the stock 1.6 and put in the 1.8 ohm coil..I'm vamping right at 4.5 volts, I think that's my sweet spot for now Flavor seems to be great at 4.2-4.5v on the 1.8 coil
  8. So with the 1.6 coils, there reading at 1.69, I probably shouldn't vape above 12w? Ok and what do you guys recommend the voltage be set at? I'm still new but learning quickly Trying to get this whole volts/watts thing down..I want my coils to last a decent amount of time lol
  9. What do you think for voltage? I'm at 4.0 right now , and lowered the watts to 12.5
  10. Hey everyone in new to the forum...I just bought a coolfire4 and nautilus tank Love it so far! What's the recommended Volts/wattage! I've looked everywhere and seen so many different answers... I'm currently running 4.0 volts and 15 watts...it seems like it firing good and doesn't taste burnt... I'm running the stock 1.6 ohm coil... The replacements I bought are 1.8 ohm coils... Any recommendations?? I've seen some people say there running 8watts and that just seems wayyyy to low.. I'm also using the city wood unicorn juice..thanks everyone
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