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Everything posted by vapez
well that innokin does not have TC, so i dont know if i will get it but i am going to use it for watts i think. by the way i know there were multiple coil styles, i just head clapton was one of the better styles. what do you think?
ok, and what is the best coil for it if you know. i heard clapton where pretty good, any thoughts?
i am now thinking of buying a INNOKIN COOLFIRE IV PLUS 70W ISUB g full kit or Innokin Coolfire IV Plus 70W iSub Apex Kit i dont know which one to buy. the only difference is the tanks. i am so confused which one to buy because some sites have one, some have the other. i know the apex has a top fill and the isub g has 4.5ml of e juice room but i dont know which one to get. please please help i am very interested in this vape product. thank you so much for any kind of answers and help.
well you explained it well. tank you for taking the time for that
wow thats alot to take in but im pretty sure i got it now yeah i was a bit confused before. thank you all alot i actully know a bit more now haha
wow thats crazy. i didnt know they would last that short. i thought it usually lasts a day, but i guess the resistance is a big part in it to then
oh ok yeah thats cool. thanks for explaining that. so i guess than 2 or 3 batteries is better than 1 even if the power output/watts are swimilar
oh ok, but then what is the point of getting a 200w mod where you need to buy 3 batteries if you dont go up that high. you can buy a 100w mod with 1 or 2 batteries! whats the point, arent you just waisting money by doing that?
yea its a nice one but i would prefer one that you can change the setting and watts on. also one that you can build on in the future.
yeah i looked at that mod and have heard really good things about it. but i dont like that it has 200w, that is a bit to high for me and a bit over my head. btw i dont mind size
yeah im pretty sure im a direct lung vapor. yeah that stuff is going straight to my lungs.
ok. so after talking about all of this. i guess since these kits are avery similar in performance i guess for me it comes down to which one will accept the best variety of coils, which one will will be the easiest to use and understand, and which one is overall cheaper.
ok i see, yeah that kinda sucks. so when buying coils, does it matter which one i should buy? and do some coils not works on certain tanks?
ok great. so going back to the starter kits. the starter kit that comes with extra coils would be a big benifit to right? the kanger i believe comes with 3 or 4 coils and the smok comes with 2
ok i gotcha, so i want a high resistance, like 1-2 or around that. i have had that terrible taste and now know why so thank you. and how often must you buy and switch coils?
thanks alot for the help, i will learn more about building coils and now know what tank to buy!
i would probobaly buy the eleaf istick 100w tc or the smok mini
well i guess thats what im here for. but i will go look it up hhaaha
he says he wants a bit more clouds than flavor, and what does coil resistance and wicking mean?
i am currently using a eleaf istick 20w. it is really just kinda **** and the juice is a candy flavor my friend gave me its 30 pg 70vg. i am going to buy a mod to go with the new tank in a few weeks so i dont have the ****ty eleaf at all anymore. i think i will by a 50 - 80w mod. im not worrying about the mod right now, just a tank. im out of town right now and do not have it with me, so i dont have pictures, but you can look it up obviously
im trying to decide which starter kit to buy for my friend. i am trying to get him off cigarettes as well as myself. he has tried a few vapes now and is ready to spend a decent amount of money for a nice and simple one. so... which starter kit is the better buy? SMOKtech Micro One 80W TC Micro TFV4 STARTER KIT or KANGER TOPBOX MINI 75W TC STARTER KIT ive heard great things about both vapes, and the smok comes with a battery. both are evenly priced, which one has better clouds and which one has better flavor?????
i am looking for a new tank. i started vaping a few months ago and not happy with my current tank. i am looking for one with the best cloud production. i am an ex smoker for about a month now and would like to keep it that way, please help keep me interested in vaping! thanks alot!