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Everything posted by J_V_5

  1. Wondering which box mod to get between the laisimo 200w and the Sigelei fuchai 200w?
  2. Thank you I'll check that out! Sweet thank you!
  3. I have the rx200 and I love it and everything but it's really clunky and heavy and it's a hassle to put in my pocket. I would just buy another mod but I don't have the money for it so is it worth it to sell the rx and buy an ipv5 or Sigelei fuchai? Help please
  4. Thoughts on the ipv5?? Pros and cons?
  5. Hey guys so I currently own the wismec rx200 but I'm looking for another box mod for a few specific reasons. 1.) a box mod that is thinner and easier to fit in my pocket than the rx200 3.) one that can do atleast 100 watts 4.) one that has atleast 2 batteries and has good battery life so I can use it throughout the day plwase help!
  6. J_V_5


    Hello I am thinking about purchasing the ipv5 from pioneer4you and I was wondering if anyone has this device or knows anything about it could they let me know how they feel about it! Thanks!
  7. Hey guys I've been vaping for probably around 3 months now and I've tried out a lot of different juices but none of them really stood out to me. I kind of like sweet flavors and some creamy flavors so just wondering what some good juices to try are?
  8. Hello I have a wismec realeaux rx200 and I'm running it with a sense Herakles plus on it. I have been running this setup for around a month and it's been great until recently whenever I open the juice flow even just a little bit the mod says "no atomizer" and when I close the juice flow it will sometimes hit and other times it will say it again. I've tried taking the tank off, I've tried loosening it, and I've tried tightening it. I really don't know what to do.
  9. thanks for everyone's feedback!!
  10. Hi. I'm looking for a new mod to get. I have the wismec rx200 and I love it but I want a new mod also. I've been looking into either the Sigeli 75w or the snow wolf 75w. I've also looked into the ipv4s and the Sigeli 150w non tc. Any comments or suggestions??
  11. I have the wismec rx200 and I have a Herakles sense plus tank on it, but I think I screwed it in too tightly and now I can't get it out. Help please
  12. Hi I'm looking for a smaller box mod. I've been looking at the Sigeli 75w tc box mod or the snow wolf 75w box mod? Any other suggestions or comments on which one to buy?
  13. Awesome! Thank you guys!!
  14. I'm wondering which sub ohm tank I should go with? I have a wismec realeaux 200 watt box mod and I want a sub ohm tank that produces good clouds as well as has good flavor. My top choice right now is the Herakles plus tank I think it's called. Any comments?
  15. Awesome thank you! Sweet. Sounds like that's one of the best one out there!
  16. Hi I'm about to buy my second box mod and I need some help on what to get. I'd like a 200 watt mod that is easy to use and works very well. Right now I and deciding between 3 mods, those being the following: 1.) wismec realeaux 200 watt 2.) Sigeli fuchai 200 watt 3.) ipv5 200 watt Help please!
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