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Everything posted by Jsr1981

  1. I just got the new beast octuple fused clapton coils for the tfv4! I've been waiting for 2 weeks now and they are absolutely stunning as for flavor! I'm tasting all kinds of flavor notes that I've never tasted with the juice I've been using for 3 years. The clouds are good but not what I expected! They are about the same as the quad coils. I didn't buy them for clouds though. I just wanted y'all to know if your thinking about buying them you should! I just can't get over the flavor these coils are producing! Has anyone tried them and if so what are your thoughts? Thanks!
  2. Ok I cleaned it all. Polished it and the contacts. Took some very light sand paper to the threads and built a tidal coil. Coil is 28 gauge and .8 ribbon. 7 wraps and 2.4mms id. Came out to .39 ohms and it's vaping like a dream! Thanks for all the help man!
  3. Ok thanks a ton!!! Something I noticed is it's heating up around the side of the tube about middle ways. It's not at the button. Does that mean it could be the threads causing it to short?
  4. It's .22 ohms
  5. Its from liion wholesale so it should be authentic right?
  6. What's the best coil builds for cloud chasing on a twisted messes and mutilator rda with a nemesis mod?
  7. Hello all! I got a nemesis mechanism mod and when I hit the fire button it burns the carp out of my hand. I'm not using it because it scares me! Is it because the ohms are to low? I'm using vtc5's. What's the lowest I can build on those batteries? What can I do to keep it from burning me? Thanks for any help!
  8. Why haven't y'all recommend vtc4's? They are 30 amp batteries right? Is there something wrong with them? I thought they were the best. I know they don't have the life as the others but that's not a big deal to me. If I get them from liion wholesale they will be authentic correct?
  9. I see on liion's site that the Samsung 25r's are 100 amp pulse. What does that mean?
  10. Very good responses! I buy all my batteries from liion wholesale. They are the only people I trust!
  11. I can't understand what y'all are talking about! Lol! It's like y'all are speaking Greek!
  12. I like short hits so I set my watts higher to get more and warmer quick! I hate to keep asking but what would be best for that? If you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask. Ill be more than happy to answer them. I just want to get the best batteries for my vaping needs. I don't want to be stuck with the wrong thing and be disappointed! It's happened to me to many times
  13. So now if I get the wismec rx200 will it be safe to vape with Samsung 25r's or should I go with the LG he2's? Vape time length is not an issue with me. I'm always home. I can't work because I was in a bad car accident that broke my neck, caused my brain to hemorrhage and paralysed my right arm and being right handed its tough to learn how to be left handed! I flipped an explorer twice and wrapped it around a tree! I'm extremely lucky to be alive!
  14. I appreciate the concerns! It means a lot! I just really want a power machine. I don't really need it just want it! I'm thinking about getting the wismec rx200. If was to get it I would use 25r's. Is this the correct battery for this? One question I have is if I only have a 2 bay charger can I charge 2 batteries and then charge 1 as long as I don't get them mixed up with the other set? I know they have to be married. It would be nice if I didn't have to buy a 4 bay charger! What's good mod y'all recommend for performance? Keep in mind of price! Im not made of money! Lol also I don't use temp control but it would be nice if it had it just in case something changes the vaping game.
  15. Good replies guys! I guess I don't need a 200 watt mod. I just wanted one because they sell them. I'm using a sigelei 150 watt tc and it's good but wanted to upgrade. I already have a bunch of vtc5's so it would be nice to not have to buy new batteries! I'm looking at the x cube 2. What's your opinion on that mod?
  16. Lol! I really don't use tc but I want to have that option if needed.
  17. Very informative reply man!!! I'm impressed no one has ever answer me that well! Thanks so much!
  18. Hello I'm looking for help selecting a new mod! It needs to be a temp control mod and as powerful as I can get. I'd like it to be 200 watts but I can deal with 150 watts. I have a sigelei 150 watt tc but want to upgrade! What's a good one that's better? I see the dna 200 mods but just flat out don't have enough money for that my limit is about $75.00 thank you for your time and opinions!
  19. Hey everyone! I'm New here and wanted to introduce myself! Have a good day people's!
  20. Hello everyone! I'm New here and wanted to know something about batteries! I'm getting a wismec rx200 and I already have some Sony vtc5's but was told if I want to go to the full 200 watts I would need better batteries. What's the absolute best battery to use with this? I would like one that has a longer run time but it isn't that important. I just want the best battery for vape performance! I know absolutely nothing about batteries so any help is greatly appreciated! What should I run with this? If I'm getting a new mod I should use the best batteries right! Thanks
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