Hola everyone!
I've been vaping for about a month now, and after having upgraded to my first "big-girl kit", I thought it'd be a good idea to join a forum and learn a bit more of the ins and outs of this thing.
Like many others, vaping for me is an alternative to smoking. I started in high school and have been smoking on and off for around ten years now. I've tried quitting many times, and at one point I managed to go four years until falling hard off the wagon. I tried a disposable e-cig thinking it would help, but that actually made it worse; the crappy flavor, the coughing, and that ridiculous blue light mocking me and my suffering with every puff only made me want a real cigarette even more.
Then for Christmas, my fiancé surprised me with a vape pen. It was neat enough to get me interested in the idea of vaping, and with it I managed to cut down from a pack a day to a pack a week. But the flavor and battery were sub-par, so I splurged and got myself an eVic-VTC Tron S and I love it. I've only had it a few days, so I'm still tinkering around, but it's lots of fun! Plus, I haven't had or wanted a smoke since I bought it, so I guess that's a good sign!
Only downside to vaping - I can finally, actually smell my car... EW.
Anyway, that's my story! Looking forward to learning lots and chasing clouds!
- Peaches -