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Kimsmm reacted to snubber in Diy Recipes
Ok..so you all have really peaked my interest into mixing more. I've mostly just mixed single flavors like coffee, cherry, peach, hickory, etc just the basic stuff.
I've had pretty good luck but nothing really special like what you all have been coming up with. Guess I'm just not that creative.
I've gotten some Lorann's and Diyflavorshack and Perfumers apprentice flavors and they are pretty good, just haven't gone wild with them.
So here's a question for you. How do you come up with how much of each to put into your mix? I use the Todd Muller calculator for the basics but how do you decide how much of the other flavors to add?
Just when I thought I was getting a handle on the basics you all go and throw a wrench into my works....all very confusing. Ok Kitsune....HELP!!!!!
Kimsmm reacted to Proudshamrock in WOO-HOO! Day 63 and counting!
I smoked two packs of cigarettes per day for 33 years and I loved my cigarettes. I put in a few half-hearted efforts to quit for my dad by using the patches, gums and medication. The first two gave me a nice buzz and the drugs were turning me into a paranoid homicidal maniac who only slept an average of 3½ hours per night for a month due to the outrageously fantastical nightmares in which I played the starring role! The sad thing is that I never even felt bad or disappointed in myself for failing because I never wanted to quit in the first place!
Anyway, a few months ago I noticed that various friends of mine kept asking if I were sick because I wasn't chain smoking throughout our visits. (You KNOW you are a hard-core smoker when friends think you are ill if you don't light another cigarette almost before the last one is out!) I hadn't even been aware that I had slowed down until the questions kept coming so I realized I had some thinking to do.
A couple of years ago I bought a generic e-cigarette type mod because I was at spending all day and most nights for three months at the hospital with my brother who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and almost died due to complications from a mistake the doctor made during the surgery for the placement of his feeding tube. I planted myself in his room and became the guard dog who growled and questioned every action taken by the hospital staff because I was going to make sure that he became healthy enough to receive chemo and have a fighting chance at beating the demon. I used the cig-a-like but in reality it didn't come close to even putting a damper on my nicotine cravings - much to the doctors dismay! 😉
So 63 days ago I was running errands and passed by a vape shop. I decided to drop in and see if the technology had improved since my last experience. I feel blessed to have chosen that particular shop because after two hours of undivided attention from several employees, I walked out the door of that shop a non-smoker and haven't had a cigarette since! I never had any cravings or any desire to smoke a cigarette. My nicotine habit was being met so there was no pain whatsoever.
When people gush about how proud they are of me I kind of feel like a fraud! I mean it feels like I cheated or something because I put zero effort and work into quitting and I never went through the withdrawals that I know some friends had struggled with. Luckily I've learned how to soak up the compliments and am now even very proud of myself. 😆 YAY ME!!