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  1. I need to actually find a local vape shop, the local "shop" is inside a convenience store I need to find a dedicated shop.
  2. Yea I wish I knew you'd get more nic in your system this way, I was just following a very bland chart that said 18 mg for regular full flavor smokers
  3. Thanks a lot found a wattage that works for me .5ohm @ 22.2 watts, maybe too much in the morning for a first vape but It's comfortable for me and when I feel the need to blow plumes I can inhale all the way deep down with vents wide open (although wont be doing that much because of the volume of nicotine.
  4. I'll definitely look into that again when I get more comfortable, I like the idea of building things, YouTube seems to be oversaturated with things above my experience level at the moment lol, I may just mess around with it now and saturating some of the milk and honey juice, hopefully its not too much to ask but would you be able to tell me what exactly should I be searching for in YouTube, in regards to the wicking?
  5. Yea I'm definitely a chain vapor for sure, I try not to but I cant help it. Not because of lack of nicotine but because I like it so in addition to all that was said prior I need to be chugging water like no other. I'm not a cloud chaser but I do seem to enjoy a denser vape cloud, my next juice I may experiment with that 60/40 vg/pg and a menthol kicker, I hear that helps with vapor's tongue.
  6. Good to know. These tanks have an adjustable airflow, wide open and it feels too loose for me kind of like literally suck in a mouthful of air, I find myself favoring one of the other two smaller breather holes, maybe in my morning vape I'll use the wide open one to see if that helps. I was also thinking of that too Tam, I'll get a second tank in the coming weeks, after which I'll take another attempt at the RBA my first two attempts involved spitting popping and a very bad dry hit. Also, took a quick vape.. I smell the flavor just fine AFTER I exhale like if I leave the room come back in, but taste is off bland and idk almost burny but not quite its weird to explain, so I guess that confirms a palette cleanse is needed.
  7. I have been smelling things a lot better since quitting cigs, tasting ok, I tried the coffee grounds but no difference, what I may end up doing is only vaping when I crave a smoke and buying a lemon or something menthol to suck on, either that or pop in the milk and honey and use another coil. Speaking of which.... Theoretically, can I change the coil from one flavor put that coil in like a air tight sealed mason jar use another coil and switch out in between those two flavors?
  8. Yea thanks, for the info. I had a self given lesson on Nic sick the other day, wasn't fun. I'm definitely going to go lower in nic though, diluted to 12mg from 18 which I can tolerate for the time being after which i'll go to 6 or 3mg because I don't want to keep buying at the moment. Using the .5 now because I already messed up and used two 1.2 ohm coils. I just have to figure out what to do about this vapors tongue, I get a off, bland or just tasteless taste after I vape now.
  9. PG/VG ratio = N/A I didn't see it for Comsic Fog but I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say 50/50 Battery: Samsung INR 18650 Mod: Subox Mini Tank: Subox Mini Coil resistance: .5 omhs I'm trying the wattage step-up plan now, lol I just don't want to get nic sick
  10. Much appreciated Ma'am
  11. Right, I'm pretty new to vaping and I probably messed up or doing something wrong, I picked up Cosmic Fog's Church and Milk & Honey. I haven't tried the milk and honey yet though. I messed up and got them in 18mg nic 30ml bottle, I QUICKLY found that the 18mg produced a very harsh throat hit, I went to my local shop and picked up the smallest bottle with the lowest nic they had, 15 ml 6mg nic, mixed it now its 12 (I think). Throat hit can be on the harsh side at times for me as I don't really know what wattage is good for the .5 OCC and that juice seems like anything over 30 gives me a burnt dryish taste. not a dry hit I already had that god awful experience. More on that later.. Problem one: which setting is recommend I know everyone's taste varies.. Problem two: I don't seem to be enjoying Church as I thought I would... Probably because of the really recent quitting of cigs and vapors tongue (Whats a sure fire way to get rid of it btw) Problem three: I tried my hand at messing with the supplied RBA as my military background enables me to be very technically inclined but failed horribly and got a dry hit. (any tips is most definitely appreciated) Cheers and Vape on
  12. Picked up a Subox mini in the sexy black. Will be one week on Friday, which will also mark one week actual cig free, super happy about that because ever since I ETS'd from the Military I've been smoking sooo much and I'm trying to get into police work but analogs kept me winded. Cheers and vape on
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