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    hawkizefan got a reaction from Brian in Menthol Crystal Help   
    LOL....LOL...LOL...I'm sorry but my dyslexia kicked in and I read the subject as "crystal meth" help...and I just had to check in for the responses. I'm sorry....my wife probably has a point.....
  2. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from mwsmith1778 in Death In The Family   
    My first begotten battery (can't tell if she's Joye or Ego, as they look so much alike) passed tonight. It wasn't totally unexpected as she had not been feeling well as of late. Weird charging light blinks...sub-par performance (which for her was odd because she always gave it 110% ), not holding a charge..etc...

    Although not unexpected, it doesn't make the loss any less painful.

    A "battopsy" is scheduled for tomorrow and the family has requested that in lieu of flowers, that the entire vaping community sends juice. Lots of juice. 10 mls. would probably be o.k. but considering what a great old batt. she was, I'm sure you will probably want to send quantities in the range of 30-40-50+.

    On a happier side note, when I informed her cousin Riva about Joyes/Egos passing, she made plans to come visit next week...and bring her twin also. Family ROCKS!

    Your thoughts and prayers (and juice) are greatly appreciated.

    P.S....If juice shopping in this trying time is just to hard, the family will also accept cash...and checks...and money orders...jewelry...non-traceable items of any sort...twinkies, yeah...that's the ticket.
  3. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from nana in Death In The Family   
    My first begotten battery (can't tell if she's Joye or Ego, as they look so much alike) passed tonight. It wasn't totally unexpected as she had not been feeling well as of late. Weird charging light blinks...sub-par performance (which for her was odd because she always gave it 110% ), not holding a charge..etc...

    Although not unexpected, it doesn't make the loss any less painful.

    A "battopsy" is scheduled for tomorrow and the family has requested that in lieu of flowers, that the entire vaping community sends juice. Lots of juice. 10 mls. would probably be o.k. but considering what a great old batt. she was, I'm sure you will probably want to send quantities in the range of 30-40-50+.

    On a happier side note, when I informed her cousin Riva about Joyes/Egos passing, she made plans to come visit next week...and bring her twin also. Family ROCKS!

    Your thoughts and prayers (and juice) are greatly appreciated.

    P.S....If juice shopping in this trying time is just to hard, the family will also accept cash...and checks...and money orders...jewelry...non-traceable items of any sort...twinkies, yeah...that's the ticket.
  4. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Uma in Death In The Family   
    My first begotten battery (can't tell if she's Joye or Ego, as they look so much alike) passed tonight. It wasn't totally unexpected as she had not been feeling well as of late. Weird charging light blinks...sub-par performance (which for her was odd because she always gave it 110% ), not holding a charge..etc...

    Although not unexpected, it doesn't make the loss any less painful.

    A "battopsy" is scheduled for tomorrow and the family has requested that in lieu of flowers, that the entire vaping community sends juice. Lots of juice. 10 mls. would probably be o.k. but considering what a great old batt. she was, I'm sure you will probably want to send quantities in the range of 30-40-50+.

    On a happier side note, when I informed her cousin Riva about Joyes/Egos passing, she made plans to come visit next week...and bring her twin also. Family ROCKS!

    Your thoughts and prayers (and juice) are greatly appreciated.

    P.S....If juice shopping in this trying time is just to hard, the family will also accept cash...and checks...and money orders...jewelry...non-traceable items of any sort...twinkies, yeah...that's the ticket.
  5. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Tagsanstuff in Death In The Family   
    My first begotten battery (can't tell if she's Joye or Ego, as they look so much alike) passed tonight. It wasn't totally unexpected as she had not been feeling well as of late. Weird charging light blinks...sub-par performance (which for her was odd because she always gave it 110% ), not holding a charge..etc...

    Although not unexpected, it doesn't make the loss any less painful.

    A "battopsy" is scheduled for tomorrow and the family has requested that in lieu of flowers, that the entire vaping community sends juice. Lots of juice. 10 mls. would probably be o.k. but considering what a great old batt. she was, I'm sure you will probably want to send quantities in the range of 30-40-50+.

    On a happier side note, when I informed her cousin Riva about Joyes/Egos passing, she made plans to come visit next week...and bring her twin also. Family ROCKS!

    Your thoughts and prayers (and juice) are greatly appreciated.

    P.S....If juice shopping in this trying time is just to hard, the family will also accept cash...and checks...and money orders...jewelry...non-traceable items of any sort...twinkies, yeah...that's the ticket.
  6. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Brian in Hotels And Dripping   
    was in Louisville Ky. this past weekend and vaping like a nic. addicted chimp in my hotel room when the alarms went off. Turns out it wasn't me...kitchen fire, but freaked momentarily especially after initialing the portion of my check-in paperwork that stated there was a $250 fee for smoking in your room. Was totally ready to deny all culpability, but was very relieved that it turned out that it was only that the building was on fire!!!
  7. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Jeffb in Hey Vets, Sorry But Need More Help   
    A big thank you to all of you guys on this forum. I have been on other forums (sports mainly...and maybe an elfing foru.....sorry disregard that ) and for the most part it doesn't take long before some a-hole starts spouting off. That's why for the most part I usually just lurk and read. I lurked here for really quite a while before I posted, But from the git-go I felt really comfortable here on this site. Everybody seems very nice and the regulars on this site that help all of us vapingly challenged are really a testament to what a great site this is.

    Nana...You are always so cheerful and supportive of people on this site. Must be that good wholesome midwest thing that people outside of the midwest just don't get or believe really exists.

    Christopher....that 10 hits on the button thing....never heard that before....someone should really put together an ego manual because the one that came with mine was really lacking, but I understand why.

    NoXious...your appreciation of my "missletoe" comment has surely warmed the cockuls of my heart. A thousand thank yous. That has virtually nullified a thousand wifely eye rolls. Thank you.
  8. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Christopher in Hey Vets, Sorry But Need More Help   
    OK...update, as I know that you have all been on the edge of your seat waiting to hear from me again. Don't know if you're going to believe this or not, but I just got the first green light on my charger. On another forum someone mentioned cleaning the contacts on the battery and the charger...to plug the charger in to get a green light and then to screw the battery on, turning the light from green to red. Sure...I was at the point that I would try anything. The batt. that I am currently using got that treatment this a.m. and got charged for a while before I had to leave home. This battery kept chuggin along for about 6 hours now. Been waiting for it to die all afternoon. About 3 hours ago when I got home I did that little magic trick on it, put it on the charger and...BINGO...GREEN LIGHT. On top of that Christopher hooked me up with a missing item so right now I not only have green lightage, but I'm direct dripping some very tasty midnight. Good day my friends...good day.
  9. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from noXious in Your Thoughts And Prayers Needed   
    Dude...your concern is so touching...thank you...I feel now however that I need more...........no...so much more....I'm sorry...please bear with me.....I feel so....despondent...NO..more than that. My friend, you are reading the post of a man who is teetering on the edge. One edge leads down..down..down to self pity..the "why me god..except for that short period from 1976 to 1988, I've been pretty good" slope. The other edge is so...dark. So dark that even I.. even I, the man that lived...and survived that that dark and scary 14 year blurry history can hardly stand to think of what I may be capable of at this moment.(side note...I just shivered..Did you feel that?) Alas my friend...the mailbox was...EMPTY. I know. I was stupified. I could not believe it. How...HOW could this be happening. I...I...I'm not proud of this, but I decided to find solace at the bottem of a bottle tonite. I decided that since the gods (and by "gods" I mean the usps) had decided to do this to me, I would do the only thing a mere mortal could do......I WOULD HAVE A GOOD STIFF DRINK OR 2.

    Don't know about you but I think the creative writing classes are really paying off. $499.99 seemed like a lot till I go back and read that and I'm like...WOW..I wrote that? My wife pretends to be put out by me, but bless her heart....she is one lucky lady.

    Just happened to hit the mailbox at the same time as the mail person. Stood there very patiently, gave her a curt nod and a smile...all the while waiting and hoping that she would pull out a priority package and stick it in the communal "big bin". Don't know how many of you are familiar with the communal mail box, but it is one big box, usually located very far away from where YOU live and in the most inconvenient location that can be found in a subdivision. The actual bins are slightly larger than a pack of gum...so if you recieve a large package it goes into the big bin. She didn't pull out a priority package and put it in the bin. Now I still smiled as she pulled away...but in my mind I was doing terrible...very horrid things to this lady. I know...not her fault(or is it?) but horrid things nonetheless.

    A couple of stiff bourbons on the rocks and I feel now that I might make it. But I need to give y'all a big heads up. My hawkeyes are playing ohio st.tomorrow....at home....But I'm not feeling it. So tomorrow if my Hawks lose.....and the usps gods diss me again....you very well may turn on your t.v. and hear "BREAKING NEWS OUT OF OMAHA..A SEMI NAKED MAN...YELLING EGO...EGO....EGO, LEGGO MY EGO" that will be your cue to start a bail/public defender fund. I'm not proud of what I have become this week....and I'm even less proud that I hung it out here on this public line......but somewhere deep in my tar saturated heart....I know that you understand'

    Thank you for letting me vent

  10. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from noXious in Noobie   
    Okay, here's the deal. been a analog{I find this term to be very humorous}smoker for 35+ years. For the majority of that time I have been a RYO guy{hand roller, DRUM rocks}. Being a hand roller and smoking roughly 40 a day, I would guess you could call me a "hardcore" nic. addict. Got a b-day coming up soon and have decided that my gift to myself is going to be an attempt at purging myself from this filthy habit. I have been lurking on this board for a few months, and have to say that it has been very informative, and the vet's here are very helpful and patient with the uninformed. I hope that trend continues, as I have a few ?'s that I would like to ask. {bear with me as I know that most of these have been answered many times before, but I'm just too lazy today to go back through all the posts and find them, plus i would like to have them all together so I can print them off.} #1. I have already decided that I'm going to get an EGO. (think I may have heard a poster or 2 recommend these). Have a few ?'s. It comes with a 650 batt. or you can get the 900. Other than ?longer life? what diff does this make?. Does this make a difference with the lr carts/atomizers or not?

    #2. Drip tips. Must haves? It's just an alternative form of direct dripping right? #3.How quickly do the consumables go? I know this is subjective, but what is a reasonable life expectancy of an atty, cart/cartomizer etc... and probably most important, how long can I expect a battery to last? #4. I would assume that a good amount of the operating budget for a pv would be for the juices. I've looked at the dyi juice section and it seems relativly simple, but are homemade juices as good and are they ultimatley cheaper to produce? #5. Looking for the best deal on an ego xl(you know, the one with 12 batteries, 5 gallons of juice, 2 hookers and a bottle of scotch for around $50). If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

    #6. Could someone update me on the latest in regards to my government trying to control yet another facet of my life(on top of taking 1/3 of my income and then taxing the hell out of me on everything I buy with the 2/3rds the "allow" me to keep.) What is the latest on the fda and the the e-cig situation?

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice that may be forthcoming.

  11. Like
    hawkizefan got a reaction from Brian in Noobie   
    hoping it's a "healthier" replacement with the ultimate goal of quitting analogs.(lol...sorry, that term just cracks me up and I don't know why), but also have to some extent a compulsive/obsessive personality, so the possibilty of me taking out a 2nd mortgage or resorting to crime to pay for my new "hobby" probably isn't to far fetched.
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