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hotrod351 got a reaction from VaporTron in adjustable air flow tank
i liked my natulius so much that i bought another. figure i know they work so why change. stick with what i know works.
hotrod351 got a reaction from MRSpivey in 65 and start vaping
done deal. have two extra iclear x.1, each having two extra coils, two itaste vv v3.0's, and a MVP 2.0. has for batteries, i have two 18500's and two 18350's, all Efest. the MVP 2.0 and one of the itaste vv v3.0 is for the wife and the 134 mini and one of the vv v3.0's is for me. right now i feel the vv v3.0 is the easiest to use, light weight and love it. the 134 mini is good but bulky and heavy, cant imagine the 134 regular, must weigh a ton. looked at the provair, expensive but suppose to keep constant watts and or volts so you dont get any fluctuation. main thing is im off cig.
hotrod351 got a reaction from MRSpivey in 65 and start vaping
im 65 and finally got fed up with breathing in smoke and throwing my money away on cigarettes. ive been looking at the commercials on e-cigs for years but = do they work or not ? well two weeks ago, on my way home form visiting my wife of 40+ years having a quadruple bypass, so i stopped and bout a itaste vv v3.0, couldn't believe how good this thing worked. i mean since i bought it ive only had maybe one cig every other day. my cig sit with next to where my e-cig sits and i dont even think about having a cig. unbelievable, best thing i ever did. when i realized that the vaping was the thing for me i picked up a itaste 134 mini for the home and use the itaste vv v3.0 for when i go somewhere. still amazed on how great these things work for getting off cigs.
hotrod351 got a reaction from jasonculp in Super noob. Please help.
after visiting my wife at the hospital, in for a quadruple bypass, i figured id stop at a vap shop, which i noticed on my way home, had to try something to quit cigs. the gal was very knowledgeable and let me try a few flavors, hey they seem to work so i bought a couple stater kits, me and the wife, starting vaping right then, did smoke a cig when i got home, a few next day and maybe one the next day, then couple days and then one, nothing for over a week now, just vaping. i was at 2 packs a day for about 40 years. couldn't believe how good they work, but as the gal at the store said, you do want to quit. i started out with the itaste vv v3.0 kit, she did point out a starter kit that cost about $20.00 but figured if it was going to work id get something decent. after couple weeks i also bought a itaste 134 mini and made a mistake and bought batteries for a itaste `134 (regular size) so i also bought the itaste 134 regular size model. i got deals on both these units, $40.00 each brand new in the box, so cant complain, and yes im getting a case of shinyitus, but at least i have something to show for my money, not like cig which you have nothing to show. so i say buy the itaste vv v3.0 starter kit and enjoy. remember that its need to recharge and that can take a few hours. thats the reason for my backups, plus cool to have a collection. all and all for a couple hundred bucks you can have a decent collection of vaps. sell plus batteries, and battery charger. plus plus plus. point is its 1000% better than smoking. i think 2016 the vaping is going to really take off with the older generation, 55 and above. who knows we might even see a vap off for seniors. ofcourse there will have to be a Dr nearby just in case. but im telling every one i see about how good it works.
hotrod351 got a reaction from jasonculp in 65 and start vaping
done deal. have two extra iclear x.1, each having two extra coils, two itaste vv v3.0's, and a MVP 2.0. has for batteries, i have two 18500's and two 18350's, all Efest. the MVP 2.0 and one of the itaste vv v3.0 is for the wife and the 134 mini and one of the vv v3.0's is for me. right now i feel the vv v3.0 is the easiest to use, light weight and love it. the 134 mini is good but bulky and heavy, cant imagine the 134 regular, must weigh a ton. looked at the provair, expensive but suppose to keep constant watts and or volts so you dont get any fluctuation. main thing is im off cig.
hotrod351 got a reaction from Compenstine in 65 and start vaping
im 65 and finally got fed up with breathing in smoke and throwing my money away on cigarettes. ive been looking at the commercials on e-cigs for years but = do they work or not ? well two weeks ago, on my way home form visiting my wife of 40+ years having a quadruple bypass, so i stopped and bout a itaste vv v3.0, couldn't believe how good this thing worked. i mean since i bought it ive only had maybe one cig every other day. my cig sit with next to where my e-cig sits and i dont even think about having a cig. unbelievable, best thing i ever did. when i realized that the vaping was the thing for me i picked up a itaste 134 mini for the home and use the itaste vv v3.0 for when i go somewhere. still amazed on how great these things work for getting off cigs.
hotrod351 got a reaction from Tam in 65 and start vaping
done deal. have two extra iclear x.1, each having two extra coils, two itaste vv v3.0's, and a MVP 2.0. has for batteries, i have two 18500's and two 18350's, all Efest. the MVP 2.0 and one of the itaste vv v3.0 is for the wife and the 134 mini and one of the vv v3.0's is for me. right now i feel the vv v3.0 is the easiest to use, light weight and love it. the 134 mini is good but bulky and heavy, cant imagine the 134 regular, must weigh a ton. looked at the provair, expensive but suppose to keep constant watts and or volts so you dont get any fluctuation. main thing is im off cig.