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  1. I use an x cube 2 and a tfv4. All my other setups are collecting dust now. The versatility of the x cube and all the options and ease of filling of the tfv4 is perfect for me. Optimal setup in my opinion.
  2. I have a hydra mech mod that is quad 18650
  3. I have a Smok X Cube II and a Smok TFV4. All my other setups are collecting dust now. I bought the beast kit but I've only used the triple clapton rba. It is so nice. Bravo to Smok-
  4. I got this mod and it lasted 2 weeks then quit. Don't waste your money.
  5. My new Hydra mod has a built in volt meter. I've knew what voltage drop was. Right now it's .74 volts. What should it be? Is that good or bad?
  6. Got a new setup today. Hydra box mod and Goliath atomizer. Quad 18650 box mod and up to 8 coils in the atomizer.
  7. I will do a review when I get mine. Where should I post that?
  8. I use 25%-50% flavoring in my juices except for cinnamon or peppermint. Those I only use 15% flavoring
  9. Regular flavoring from the grocery store is 50% alcohol. If you mix 50% flavoring and 50% vg it works good in a tank.
  10. That mod would be crazy with a couple goblin rtas on it
  11. I prefer the efest batteries out of all I've tried so far. In my opinion definitely worth the money.
  12. I would suggest getting a box mod.
  13. I'm thinking about getting an Arctic Dolphin T-Gi. All the reviews I've read that I could find are pretty good. Does anyone have first hand experience with this particular mod?
  14. It's not fancy but it does a great job for big clouds
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