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texassmokes reacted to shen_long86 in This is insane
I agree with you there tam i just gave a trucking buddy of mine the info on the setup i am using (ipv-mini 30w and 5ml nautilus) and told him to to go to sweet-vapes or here at the V.T. store to buy them. -
texassmokes reacted to HOOKER in This is insane
1k times liked what Tam just said.....
however I do a lot of buying off of trusted sellers on ebay..
I hardly every buy anything that I want if a seller has 100 different paints & a bunch of clothes that looks like he just cabbaged up on a GoodWill dumpster..
ALWAYS RESEARCH who your buying from, if you have a good feeling about them then buy,,
its always BUYER BEWARE.....
texassmokes reacted to Tam in This is insane
That's why it's good that we have forums just for vaping. Here at Vapor Talk, we have a lot of knowledgeable, friendly members who stress safety, especially concerning batteries. Many of us also try to steer noobies to trusted vendors who only sell genuine product with no knock offs unless it's plainly marked as such so we can make an informed decision to buy or not.
texassmokes reacted to kingvaperuk in This is insane
I honestly believe that one of the biggest problems to the vaping community with regard to battery safety is Ebay itself, I have just seen two 18650 batteries on Ebay for 99p with free delivery from China, If Ebay was to have tighter regulations with regard to dangerous batteries being sold on its site then maybe one less accident would take place, but who is at fault, the manufacturer for producing dangerous batteries on the cheap trying to make a quick buck, or ebay for allowing them to be sold or for the guy buying a product so cheap it has to be fake and potentially dangerous, I personally would like Ebay to stop selling any batteries for e-cigs unless it is from a verified vendor, and even though Ebay here in the UK have a no E-cigarette rule, the site is still awash with authentic and fake products, anybody with an internet connection can purchase and distribute fake products on Ebay.
So a noobie just starting out with little or no knowledge of battery safety and no desire to endanger himself or anyone close to him, will ultimately turn to Ebay and buy on the cheap incase vaping is not for them.
Just my two cents worth.
texassmokes reacted to Banter in This is insane
Damn, right, pretty crazy, reminds me of those office chairs that blew up in China
texassmokes reacted to lilaloca1890 in This is insane
This would be so terrifying!!! I have heard stories of mods blowing up, but I haven't seen a video of it before! I will never buy this model! Ahhhh!
texassmokes reacted to Earthling789 in This is insane
This is an unprotected flat-top battery (Samsung 25r 18650).
A button-top battery (looks like the top of a AA or D-cell) typically has a protection circuit built-in to prevent over-charge or over-discharge in a device.
texassmokes reacted to eCloudMaker in This is insane
I noticed this today, not sure what they are trying to tell me
"Unprotected Flat Top Battery"
texassmokes reacted to MWUJ in This is insane
A very good read for anyone interested in "clouds"
texassmokes reacted to susanlinda823 in This is insane
Oh dear jebus. I've heard of some crazy stories. But that was intense.
texassmokes reacted to spydre in This is insane
A family member (a former smoker who quit at least 21 years ago, never tried vaping) took a cousin into a local vape shop (the only time he's gone into a vape shop, ever, the family member, not the cousin), and he was definitely NOT HAPPY. The same shop I was talking about in my previous post. There were a couple of cloud chasers sitting on the couch watching TV just hanging out, and he said it was ridiculous. He's seen us vape, of course, over the last year and a half, and knows that it's not what we do, but it annoyed him that some people were purposely doing that.
texassmokes reacted to Tennjed in This is insane
That is definitely a turn off, i think to lots of newbies. A few weeks before i started vaping i went into a local shop to look around and when i opened the door it was worse than walking in a Smokey bar. It was a dense cloud everywhere and had an unpleasant odour. Talking with the owner i asked him how busy they had been. He said not busy at all, just him and his brother most of the morning.
It was a total turnoff. I figured what would the purpose of quitting cigarettes would be if that was what vaping was like. I eventually came around by reading some more online and have ordered all my stuff online. I really have no desire to go into a local store
texassmokes reacted to spydre in This is insane
I'm not fond of big clouds, but sub ohming can produce it. That said, my SO, I believe sub-ohms, but doesn't cloud chase on purpose, unless he's doing it right next to my head on purpose to annoy me. Nothing I hate worse than going into a vape shop that doubles as a vape lounge and there is as much vapor hanging in the air from the two dudes sitting on the couch watching TV as you would get in a bar on a Saturday night when smoking was still allowed in bars.
texassmokes reacted to fishguy1123 in This is insane
Although I don't currently "cloud chase", I will say that each one of us need certian things to keep us off analogs. That said, they all have a place given the obvious safety aspects. The one thing we all have in common is no more stinkies!
And we don't blow smoke, it's vapor!
texassmokes reacted to Tennjed in This is insane
I am a noob, but have a question. Why would anyone "cloud chase"? What is the point? I am not sure what advantage blowing a lot of smoke really is. Isnt the point to find a satisfying taste (and nicotine intake if you are switching from tobacco)
texassmokes reacted to Tam in This is insane
And this is reason #754 why many of us try to discourage people from buying e-cig related stuff from eBay.
texassmokes reacted to spydre in This is insane
Just wondering. Granted, I've heard from, well, everywhere, not to trust Ultrafire, and even Trustfire are so-so, I believe, is what I heard. But the fact that this came off E-bay, and had another label UNDER the brand label could be an example of someone selling bad crap on E-Bay. We've seen how they've essentially sold batteries with very little voltage, or rather, very little capacity, wrapped in a brand name wrapping, selling it as a normal battery that we might use (I think this e-bay seller was using a Sony cover for the battery on the video I've seen).
texassmokes reacted to jeanrose770 in This is insane
Holy Shi*! This is terrifying! This is the unit that I started using electronic cigarettes with! I switched to an eStick and now Im sure glad I did. Not using a combustible in my mouth anymore!
texassmokes reacted to Achilles in This is insane
I 've read the warning on the battery MOD package:To ensure optimal battery performance, we advise that the battery contacts are regularly cleaned. Our electronic cigarette batteries contain micro-electronic circuitry and microprocessors. Users should store and handle these items with special care, and we advise our customers do not to store their electronic cigarettes near metallic or magnetized objects, or electronic transmitting devices, such as keys and mobile phones and to avoid extremely high or low storage temperatures.To ensure optimal battery performance, we advise that the battery contacts are regularly cleaned. Our electronic cigarette batteries contain micro-electronic circuitry and microprocessors. Users should store and handle these items with special care, and we advise our customers do not to store their electronic cigarettes near metallic or magnetized objects, or electronic transmitting devices, such as keys and mobile phones and to avoid extremely high or low storage temperatures.
The storage rules should apply even to the best battery.
The product I bought is on https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vaptio-Inc/376693832506086
texassmokes reacted to oliviamia168@yahoo.com in This is insane
I remember my friends cel phone exploding on the kichen table and freaking us out - batteries can be unpredictable !
texassmokes reacted to copper in This is insane
I would rather take the attitude of live and let live rather than assume that anything someone else does that I do not like is somehow an attack on my personal freedoms.
texassmokes reacted to Taajsgpm in This is insane
That was an amazing video I cant believe how much power is in there and how long it took to finally blow , scary stuff
texassmokes reacted to Valhoon in This is insane
okay, I haven't been doing this long, nor have I been cloud chasing for long. But let's have some common sense about something before we go judging someone.
As long as you know what voltage your battery is putting out and you are using only the safest of batteries(FRESH ONES AT THAT)
and what your resistance is and make sure there are no shorts the likelihood of loosing teeth, and or appendages is slim to none.
This isn't like handing a child dynamite? I have to ask...how much do you really know about battery chemistry and electricity outside of vaping? Like I said above...your chances of a quality fresh battery failing in this way without any shorts are slim! Even then you would suffer massive burns from the battery venting and the temperature of your mod heating up long before the battery in the video catastrophically failed.
Everyone was like "OMG YOUR GETTING AN RDA DONT LOSE YOUR FINGERS DONT LOOSE YOUR HAND BLAHBLAHBLAH" when I decided to get into rebuildables and cloud chasing. it just takes some common sense folks. Does it have it's dangers? Of course it does....anything dealing with a high drain battery pumping out 30+ amps on an extreme sub ohm build has it's dangers. However you can mitigate a lot of your chances of harm or loss of equipment with some common sense and battery safety.
texassmokes reacted to bcartervol98 in This is insane
I cannot speak as to the tact you used to convey your message but this specific post I couldn't agree with more. I see cloud chasing competitions and all the pushing the limits of equipment overall as the biggest single threat to our continued freedom to vape as we want. It's a lot of the reason I post so much less than I used to because it's all you see anymore and instead of complain I abstain lol.
And I mean no insult by anything I said toward anyone but it's just how I feel and in no way directed at anyone. Right now we have our right to vape and you can do it any way you want but that could change quickly and things like competitions and cloud chasing highlight the small % of Vapers out there and take the focus off quitting smoking cigarettes imo.
texassmokes reacted to Heldar in This is insane
Id just like to point put that f1 racing, nascar and moto GP are all dangerous extremes of relatively safe practices of the average populace. And yes, they are also regulated, but mostly for a fair playing field, not safety. Just because its potentially dangerous doesnt mean it should be frowned upon.