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Everything posted by GRLSNGR

  1. Well, now I understand why everyone needs a backup!!! Problem is, I had my beloved Triton 2 taml attached to it. Does anyone know who has the best price on an Eleaf 50W TC? I'm going to buy my tank from the vapor talk store. Gawd, I'm lost without that pipe
  2. I was gonna say "dinner at my house"!!!
  3. I ABSOLUTELY love it!! I had no idea a tank could make so much difference! My vape juice flavor really comes through!!
  4. Got my new Eleaf 50W (in red), along with my Triton 2 today!!!!
  5. Jason, thanks for all the good info. What do you think of the Triton 2 tank to use on an Aspire Pegasus, 70W? Jason, thanks for all the good info. What do you think of the Triton 2 tank to use on an Aspire Pegasus, 70W? Quote Edit
  6. This is my boyfriend's PV. I LOVE it, but the only markings on the mod are in the two pics I've included. The pics aren't very good, but I thought that one of you knowledgeable folks would recognize it. He has THREE mini USB ports on it. Now, I've been looking for a while, and the only box I could find with just ONE USB port is the iTaste. Any advice much appreciated.
  7. This is my boyfriend's PV. I LOVE it, but the only markings on the mod are in the two pics I've included. The pics aren't very good, but I thought that one of you knowledgeable folks would recognize it. He has THREE mini USB ports on it. Now, I've been looking for a while, and the only box I could find with just ONE USB port is the iTaste. Any advice much appreciated.
  8. Thanks Tam!!! I can't remember where I ordered the Dovpo from (old people problems), so I have no idea if and when THAT ONE will show up. I think I'm just going to start looking for another box mod from a US company. Going to Mt. Baker Vaper now.
  9. Thanks. I appreciate the good words!!
  10. They charged me about $25 US, and almost $13 in shipping. I've just asked them to cancel my order and issue a refund because the package has never left their hands.
  11. According to customer service at DHL, the package label was printed on Friday, but as of today, the package still has not reached DHL. I've not recieved any notice of shipment from either Gearbest or DHL. The only time Gearbest responds to me is when I try to contact them about the package. FXRich, I sure wish I had known that before I ordered. I never saw that option.
  12. Thanks Compenstine!! Thank goodness it's being shipped by DHL, but even though the TICKET WAS PRINTED on Christmas day, but it has never been received by DHL. I've asked for a refund, and even told them that I knew it hadn't shipped yet. They won't cooperate, so I suppose I can kiss that cash good-by. NEVER AGAIN!!!! I've learned my lesson!!!
  13. Thanks so much iQuit!!!! I've been waiting patiently for my Dovpo that I THOUGHT was coming from inside the Country... WRONG...... THE DARN THING IS IN SINGAPORE!!! I'm so frustrated with these people I could chew railroad ties!! I paid for 2 day shipping, but I have a feeling if I see it at all, it'll be closer to the middle of next month. Next tume, I'll be VERY careful who I order from.
  14. Thanks Tam, I'll go check them out now!! THANKS!!!
  15. No, the only other tank I have is a Clearomizer 3 Really, REALLY want a Triton 2. Looking for the best price online.
  16. I'm getting a Dovpo 50W. I'm going to return the iStick basic. WAIT!!!! It's just the battery I'm paying for?? I bought 2 extra 18650 batteries when I ordered the iStick, and I'm planning to keep those! Here's what I ordered:
  17. Good afternoon from bright, sunny southern Louisiana!!! Last week, before I thought it through, I ordered an iStick basic which only goes up to 30W. Right now, I vape at 40. I had to contact eLeaf to ask how many watts the tank would go, and when I found out it topped out at 30W, I told them I would need to return it. Since then, they've given me FITS!!! Emails EVERY SINGLE DAY, to give me another reason why I can't return it. Today, they told me that if the box had been opened, I would not get the refund. I have no intention of even UNWRAPPING the mod. It's going back the day after it arrives. Ok, /rant. I also ordered a Dovpo mini 50W at a great price, but I have no idea what type of coils I should/must buy. Do any of you guys had and experience with Dovpo?? Thanks in advance, GRLSNGER
  18. If I had access to PVs back in the dinosaur days, I would have NEVER given in to peer pressure and started smoking. Vaping is SO much cooler!!
  19. Thanks Kevo, I had completly forgotten about that!!! Thank you Spivey!! I sure don't want to drain my battery too fast, and I sure don't want to burn my coil or have it effect the way my juice tastes!!
  20. So, would I be going overboard with a 0.5 coil? I'm vaping not only for pleasure, but to ditch my analogs forever. I know I vape high, so what wattage would you consider strong, but not killer for the new Dovpo that's on the way? Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!
  21. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know now that I'm a direct lung inhaler. Tam, I want you and everyone here how much I appreciate your advice and help. I'm 54, disabled, and have had a mini stroke, so a lot goes over my head and I'm forced to repeat the question. I've learned SO much from ya'll!!! I'm grateful for having found this forum and the good people in it!!! Now, does that mean I'm gonna need a 1.8 coil and lower my watts?? Remember, giving up the rest of my analogs is key. I've gone from 2 packs a day to 1/2 a pack or less, but still can't put them down completely!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!!
  22. I only run in Watts mode and am vaping at 40W with 14mg juice at the present time. I have an 18650 battery that I charge inside the NEBox, but ordered 2 more when I ordered the iStick. I'm returning the mod, but not the batteries. I suppose that means I need a charger. Can you get a charger for 2 18650 batteries at the Vapor store. THAN YA'LL so much for leading me thru all of this. Until November, I had never vaped on anything except my Provari 2.0. Boy, I'd sure love to get their box mod, but even though I know they're built like brick houses, I can't justify a $200 mod. Kevo, thank you for the advice......I still don't understand what type of coils I need!!!! LOL! Yep, that New Orleans public school education is showing thru again!!! JJ, I LOVE my home town!!!! Tam, what do you mean by mouth to lung smoke? I inhale all the way, so does that mean I'm doing mouth to lung also? I've given up on getting a good throat hit.... that why I'm vaping such strong juice. Could you explain a little more about what you're talking about? Sorry to be such a pain!!!!
  23. Merry Christmas ya'll! I ordered the iStick basic yesterday only to find out that it only goes up to 30W, so that has to be returned as soon as it gets here. Last night I ordered a Dovpo 50 50W Variable Wattage Mini Box Mod Temperature Control VW Mod . I don't think it comes with a tank or coils, so I need to knowe what type of coils I need to get. I know that different coils make the difference in power, but that's ALL I know. My BF is using a gold coil for his clone mod. Also, does anyone know if I can get a Triton 2 on this mod. I know.....stupid questions....but I've learned SO much since I've been here, that ya'll's opinions mean a lot to me!
  24. Merry Christmas to one and all from hot, muggy, southern Louisiana. The biggest question of the day? Which shorts and T-shirt to wear for Christmas!!!!
  25. Kevo, Thank you SO MUCH!!!! Yea, there's a lot to learn about coils. The only thing I know is that I should be using a 0.5 coil. I'm hoping with the iStick basic I just ordered , it's gonna give off at least 40W and take a decent coil. Since I can't find any info on the wattage that the iStick basic puts out, I'm afraid to order extra coils for it.
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