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Everything posted by Vic

  1. I hope you people don't get mad from my questions, but here it goes. If I get the 100% VG nic do I just have to put JUST PG with it then and no VG as its in the nic? I've been messing with the e-juice calculator but need to play with it more. I tune my bike and when I started didn't know a thing about the tuning program and if I tuned it wrong I could have blown my bike up but like you people helping like my friends did tuning my bike I will get it! LOL Oh, My bike still runs good! And I've searched for the products to make my juice but want to use a buy all in one place. Who do you suggest??
  2. I do want to start from scratch, Im just a little confused on the Nic I need and if its lower then 100% is it already mixed with VG and or PG.
  3. Im Smoke-free after 45 years of 2 1/2 packs a day. Its been 3 weeks but now I want to make my own Juice, But don't understand some things. Like Lower Nic levels. Is it mixed with VG and PG already? I like a 16 on Nicotine of juice bottles from the store and love Vanilla and Maple juices. I see where if I want a 16 after the VG and PG to buy like a 37 strength. Then would a 50 50 pre-mix or 60 40 mix make it easier to make. Just add the flavor and Nic!
  4. Vic


    Hi, 4 weeks on the Kenger Mini and smoked 2 1/2 smokes a day. Haven't had a smoke in 3 weeks. My son got married 4 weeks ago and a young lady friend of him and his wife was hitting an Inferno and I talked to her about it and she let me take a hit and I didnt know they tasted so good. The next day bought one but it wasnt big enough so bought the mini and Im hooked. Still have a lot to learn. I put cotten in the rebuildable coil and didnt juice it up and burnt the cotten right away so had to put new cotten in it. Will be asking questions and glad I found this forum as I would like to make my own juice. Im doing a Carmal now and it is so good.
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