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Everything posted by Vic

  1. Wicking the RBA the way I mentioned above got me 6 days with a good taste. I've wicked it tonight as I didn't want to be away from home and have it go bad. I also closed the vents some as I figured it might pull the juice into the coil better. Juice goes a little faster but I think its the way to make the cotton last longer in the coil.
  2. What flavors do you suggest Comp? I bought a small bottle of Apple pie tonight at the Vape store to see if I like it and Im going deer hunting tomorrow and heard deer like apples so I hope they like the smell. LOL Might be why I've been out 5 times and haven't seen a deer! All I put in the mix was VG PG Nic and the 1 flavor. I wonder if I cut the flavor by a half of a ML? The 30ML bottle E-Juice calculator said 3 ML of flavor, but I put in 3 1/2 thinking it would be better.
  3. I didn't know if I was still a newb so posted in the newb section. LOL Maybe its just a real strong sweet Im tasting. I made 10 ML to sample then made 30 ML as it was good. I did add a 1/2 of an ML flavor more to the 30 thinking it would even taste better. Could a half of an ML of done it? Sorry I forgot to mention that in the first post. I made a Danish Cinnamon and Bubblegum yesterday and tried those today and both are really good.
  4. if not for the mint taste I think it would really be good.
  5. Ok, So adding VG or PG or flavor wont make it different? I was hoping I could add a ML of something to cut the mint taste.
  6. I was wondering if I do more or less of PG or Vg It might cut the mint taste down?
  7. Vic

    Wizard Labs ?

    I wanted to go through you Comp, but thought it might take longer. I see they are higher priced also. I mixed 10ML and couldn't wait. It tasted pretty good at 7 strength nic. I put it up and let it sit for a day or so. Comp, do you have a website to order? I remember reading you do special orders only I think. Tell me who I should go through and I will. Another mistake I made was only getting a 20 needle. Pretty hard getting the stuff up in the syringe. Hate to order just 1 needle. If it was the Nicotine I didn't know about I wouldn't have made a batch but figured the flavor wouldn't hurt me if I was wrong.
  8. I have all my bottles to make Juice but wonder if Wizard uses 100% PG in the flavors. I'm making some assuming they do! Going to start with a banana cream.
  9. I went to the vape shop and he did a couple short hits, blew it out and hit it again and I didn't know my pipe could blow vapor like he got out of it. When I feel I am going to get a dry hit I do that and the RBA is working great that way. He also didn't like the way it was wicked and redid it. The holes in the side coil case are lower then the coil so he lifted it up until it lined up with the coil and stuck the cotton clear thought. Then put the coil case back down, tighten the screw and cut the cotton off sticking outside the case. I still once in a while have to short hit it and blow it out then hit it again, but I've figured out the dry hit fix for myself. hope this helps others. seems like if I keep the tank filled above the coils it hits pretty good everytime.
  10. Can having the vent open wide open be my problem with dry hits??? It worked good for half the day then started acting up with dry hits unless I held it upside down when hitting it.
  11. My wicking has been a pain as I watched another u-tube and found out I was cutting the cotton the wrong way! It was easy pulling the cotton through when you cut it right. And I had trouble with both pipes today, adjusting the vents and the wattage. I was really getting mad. Seems to me if the batteries die down past half way they don't work right and when the juice gets low in the tanks I start having trouble. Guess I will have to keep them full.
  12. I meant can you buy the wick like your using anywhere like Walmart or have to order it on line. The coil I got the burnt taste from first hit after I redid it is ready to go again, I will try it tonight when I get off work.
  13. I did tonight and put a new wick in and first hit was a burnt taste. I took RBA apart and I think the coil was hitting the deck all I can figure out. I have two so I put another in I had ready. I put some water drops on the one that tasted burnt before I put a new wick in it.
  14. I watched another video on wicking and he just rolled the end and pulled it through the coil. I tried it and the cotton tears apart. I think I'm only getting two days out of mine because I have to roll it up to pull it though the coil and its to rolled up. I make it about 3/16 wide and maybe it is to much I don't know. I got home and didn't need to but rewicked and went outside to test it and burnt taste. I had another RBA ready to go and put it in. I think the one I got a burnt taste from is because of the coil was may be hitting the deck. Think that was it? I stuck the screw driver through it and raised it up a hair and rewicked it again. Haven't tried it yet. Can I gut use 100% cotton balls or does it have to be organic? Comp, How many days old is that wick? Is it easy to get or do you have to order it? And do you fray the ends?
  15. After hearing what Compenstine said I don't know if I will use it!
  16. I have 2 RBA coils but would be nice to have 3 and rebuild them on the weekend when I have more time. Going to look into the Elkwool but do you flare the ends or unbraid it some then people talk about laying a piece of it on top of the coil also after its wicked. Hows that going to stay their?
  17. Thanks Earthling!!!! Think I will try 50 50. Now going to study up on Ekowool wicks!
  18. I ordered all the stuff I need and 4 flavors but wondered what the ratio is on store bought juice. Is their juice about 50 50? And I believe I heard 60PG 40 VG makes better flavor? What is thicker, VG or PG?
  19. This is the third day and taste started getting bad so new cotton was installed. First two days the flavor was awesome.
  20. I was burning the cotton! But think I got it figured out, Coil to high from the deck and above the coil case holes.
  21. I said before the coil went bad, I mean the cotton, Sorry. Im still learning.
  22. If its like the maple flavored stuff I buy YUM!!! Im going to try my own soon. Have you tried it?
  23. I was out back on the patio for a while and probably took 10 hits in a half hour and a good taste every time. I'm pumped as I'm sure that was the problem. I will report back how many days it last. Even if it still only last 3 days I'm getting the good taste every hit so far today. Did I say I love vaping again now? LOL. 6 weeks cig free!!! I did say in my first post that it took a couple days before the coil went bad, but sometimes I would get a burnt taste some what the first day. I forgot how good my Barrel roll tasted until today.
  24. I will post in a couple days how this is still working, but I was wicking my kanger up again and I notice the coil that comes from the factory in it was a bit higher than the holes in the side. So I pushed it down so I could see through the coil looking through the outside of the coil housing. I think the coil was way to high and that is why sometimes I would get the burnt taste and cotton would burn up in a couple days!!!!. So far the flavor is great and I have it at 15 watts. I also turned down the pre-made wattage in my other pipe with the premade coil and it still seems to hit well with big clouds. I thought oh you have to crank up the wattage to blow big clouds but I have good lungs I guess and take long hits. I never lay my pipes on there sides, I always keep them verticle. If I do go higher than 15 watts I get a little popping but if I hit it a second time it goes away!!
  25. S o if I wind my own coils bigger that might make the cotten last longer?
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