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Vic last won the day on March 9 2016

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About Vic

  • Birthday 03/15/1956

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    Cedar Rapids Ia.
  • Interests
    Harleys and fast cars! Oh, And vaping now!!

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  1. Sorry I didnt update this. Been a long time since Ive been on here. I did get my replacement and the top holes weren't drilled lol. At Least with the second one the holes in the bottom air flow were drilled. It still has a good air flow so Im ok with it but will never buy a clone again. This is my third favorite tank. My Uwell crowns are second and my new TFV8 rocks!!
  2. I just bought this a week ago and love it. I have been using the crown with .25 coils at 50 watt on my Sigelei and 65 on my 120 kanger. But this tank at 90 watts on the Sigelei. Seems like if I go higher I get a little bit of a burnt hit towards the end as I hit for a full breath. Maybe 3 or 4 seconds. Just wicked the RBA last night so still adjusting for the long perfect hit. Seems like for me its 70 to 75 watts. Anymore with my long hits and I get a bit of a burnt taste. The thing I dont like is it seems with the RBA coils that come with it it takes time to start going good. I will make some coils in the future like maybe 28 gauge. I should put the tank on my Kanger as it seems it likes a higher wattage compared to my Sigelei. Im loving this tank tho!! And good write up.
  3. Karts for my son, then asphalt when he turned 16. A late model. Or at that time they were called ASA cars. His second year we made the top 4 every week racing the rich people, I should of tried to drill the air holes out. If the one they send me is the same I will drill!
  4. It is a clone but heard for others they worked great. It looks like its from Atlantis. Box and all but it did say clone. I have a shop in my garage from racing and if it wasnt SS I would drill the holes but Through my years I have burnt up a lot of drill bits from SS.
  5. Bought a Mega off E-bay for 20 dollars and got it in 4 days. Filled it up with Mothers milk and was expecting this wonderful big hit. I dont think the holes were drilled on the inside of the air flow adjustment. Just sent it back today so I hope the one they send back works.
  6. Thanks, I was thinking about buying this mod!! I never go over 65 watts myself.
  7. I just bought a Sence Herakles for my mini and it is so much better. Running the .3 coil at 45 watts for a week and NO BURNT taste. After 1 week it still taste good. Also bought an Aspire 2 for my 50 watt Sigelei and it works great. So much better then the mini tank.
  8. I was just in my local vape shop and a guy com in with one of those and said it leaked his tank empty but he carried it in his pocket. Could have broke it from that. I left right after he came in so I didnt hear the whole story.
  9. Just bought an Aspire Atlantis 2 and A Sense Herakles tank. I have a kanger mini and Sagelei 50 watt mod. Loving the big vape!!!
  10. I put the .5 back in and seems I get a lot bigger hit. And I take it I can use ss with my mini? Im wondering if I should try a 3 wrap so I can get watts up for a better hit with the RBA?
  11. Vape shop said I dont have a SS setting on my Mods so cant use SS wire, Is this true?
  12. .5 with 4 wraps at 3 mm. Can you cranks the whats ups to 20 0r 25?
  13. My builds are making my cotton last a week and when I change it I think it would go two weeks as it is barely brown where it sits in the wire coil. I dont know why Kanger sends such little wound coils with the RBA. All I had is trouble and cotton only lasting 1 to two days. I think I will go get some ss wire this weekend and try that. Im down to 4 raps.
  14. 5/4 wrap? What wattage? I just want the biggest hit I can get with 50 watts.
  15. I cut my 30mm winding from 7 down to 5 and Ohm's are 1.2 on both of my 50 watt mods. Im able to turn watts up to 14 to 15 and Im getting good hits. My cinnamon after 1 day started giving me hot sparks in my throat so I just took the top off of the RBA and moved the cotton around and its been going good for 4 days. Think I will cut my coil wind to 4 so my ohm's might be around 1.0 then maybe I can go up a little with watts or since everything is going good should I just stick with the 5 wind. I guess Im looking for a little bigger hit. I have been making my own juice and was at 50 50 but last flavors I've made is at 70 pg 30 Vg. seems to work better with the cinnamon flavors. I just redit my cotton thats been going since last Friday and its Sat. and it still looked like it could have gone another week. I just did a 28 4 wind and Ohm's is at .90 on both mod's. I turned the watt's up to 17 on both and the hits are SUPER! Did I say Ive been Nicotine free for two weeks. I beat the cigarettes!!
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