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  1. I must have a clone....
  2. Honestly no....quite the opposite. It helps to know a couple people who have them however. The tank seems to like 55-65 watts with the triples with no problems. I was also told to stay away from the quad coil....popping , dry hits etc. My ipv4s in the above pic handles it no problem.
  3. Just bought an ipv4s last month. However....it is an all black model and is showing signs of wear... Has anyone here done custom paint plus clearcoat on a mod? If so I would love to see some of your work. Mine is on my workbench as we speak getting ready to be dissasemled.
  4. Just got my tfv4. Today.....my favorite tank so far. Vapor+flavor =win....
  5. Have not saved anything....3 months in, and I spend more on vaping than I did on cigs But on the bright side...I have 3 mods and a ton of e juice bottles full of liquid that tasted better when I tried it in the vape shop that was not using a sub ohm mod for testing. (Didnt account for nic level)
  6. Cut it with my favorite vanilla juice....tastes just like good n plentys....
  7. 30 plus...pack and a half a day. Pills, gum, cold turkey....none have worked. Almost a month of vape...it was effortless. Still steal a puff from the wife here and there...wish I had found this sooner.
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