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    alohaservedaily reacted to aufin in Super noob. Please help.   
    Following is MY opinion and MY opinion ONLY.  For someone just starting out vaping, the setup you're interested in seems to have quite a learning curve.  Tons of very good information can be had from the guys n gals on this forum, but a response to a question may take longer than you need.  When I, and quite possibly the majority of everyone else, started down the vape path I/we started with beginners equipment to learn what this vape scene was all about and figure out what kind of equipment I thought I wanted to end up with.  My "wants" changed a few times along the way to what I settled in with and still use to this day.  MY advice would be to find a local vape shop and spend some hands-on time with someone you can have a face-to-face with and get all your questions answered at one time before spending money on high end equipment you will still most likely have to figure out along the way to your personal sweet spot.  Since you're just now quitting smoking and looking to vapeing to satisfy your nic cravings, the learning period for the SVD could prove very frustrating and expensive.  Start simple, inexpensive, learn, then decide. 
    "My opinion. I could be wrong."
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    alohaservedaily reacted to Earthling789 in what is the most popular box mod for one single battery?   
    Hello Jessie, and welcome to VT!
    Popular?  Why just the selection between those two?  To me, neither are overly appealing, but the choice you make will be based on price, functions, size/feel, button-placement, and features (floating/adjustable pin, materials, color, etc.).
    You'll find that many of us here may agree that a particular device may suit the needs of the masses, but we also agree there is no "popular" or "must-have" device that everyone should own.  What you should use, is based on your preferences and needs... not necessarily what is popular
    Also, I'll add... the battery you use in the device is very important... safety first!  There are lots of recent threads with the pros and cons of different batteries and suggestions for some of the current, best-on-the-market 18650's
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    alohaservedaily reacted to VaporTron in Kanger RBA Ohm's and volts   
    Basically you have to stay under the max amps if your mod doesnt auto shut down when trying to fire coils at too low of ohms (resistance)
    i didnt see your battery on this list but there are others. Search safe battery chart and ohms calculator

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    alohaservedaily got a reaction from JESSIE LAISIMO in what is the most popular box mod for one single battery?   
    I'm a huge fan of the ipv d2. Been using it for the last few months and it's been great. I swap my thundercloud rda or the tank by the vapors on there and it's a really smooth build. Also works well with the cloud champ plus and and aspire triton and the praxis tank as well. Huge fan. Again, like earthling mentioned - battery type is very important. I'm extremely paranoid when it comes to some things and vaping certainly is at the top of the list. I'm a huge fan of the snow wolf mini and the sigelei 75w is my latest pickup. But as far as size. The ipv wins hands down when it comes to size, button "clickiness", and adaptability. Enjoy!
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