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Everything posted by DEEZNUTZ

  1. hello everyone good morning!
  2. It looks so good I got home late from work and no food but it's OK. I will try next year my friend
  3. Goodmorning everyone Happy thanksgiving everyone have a great time. Im on my way to work now No work no eat
  4. Goodmorning everyone Happy thanksgiving everyone have a great time. Im on my way to work now
  5. Nice how.much do u spend on vaping
  6. i have issues logging on to tapatalk from my phone it is giving me a server error message
  7. There a new ceramic coil coming out by vaporesso looks really nice
  8. Hey everyone it's been a hard week for me
  9. Hello sir how you doing? You Got A TFV4 Tank I'm Add so jealous
  10. good morning everyone
  11. Not sure what to by if I had the money
  12. Trying to save up some dough to get a new mod and tank that's not expensive but works great.
  13. I'm in il do what ever I can to help but it's more advertising then anything.
  14. Hello everyone yesterday at work I was outside vaping and someone behind me bumps into me and I drop my mod and now it's all gone I was so mad and wanted to get a cigarette really bad I went to the corner store approach the counter and was about to ask for a pack a smokes cause I was so mad but I stopped for a moment and recalled why I stopped smoking in the first place (for my family and my daughter ) I turned around and walked out now with nothing to vape with I stuck it out today and maybe hopefully when I get paid I can try to buy me a new mod and tank but I know it will take a couple of weeks. The point is no matter what happened I didn't smoke and I feel proud of that! ☺
  15. How does it taste and that's a really cool bottle Nice kangertech tank
  16. How does it taste and that's a really cool bottle
  17. I know right Happy Friday the 13th
  18. Compenstine the juice you sent me is awesome I mean it is one of my fav's and after I use all of it I don't know what to do.
  19. Wow kangertech you have out did yourself I commute everyday on busses and trains in chicago and I have been looking for a device mad that is compact and ready to go without worrying about bumping into something or someone and cracking my tank and is my device going to turn on while moving around, this seems to be a great device I would love to see some reviews on this device from people like me who commute everyday I'm always on the go. Please if you read message I would love you imputed on this thanks.
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