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About Yabaadaabaado

  • Birthday 01/09/1967

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  • Location
    Ninety Six South Carolina
  • Interests
    Family time, animal lover, love the beach

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  1. All they told me was I was starting out with a 8 and max level 24 I think.
  2. I'm trying, not giving up
  3. And how often does this have to be done? I would never try to do it just to relieve you lol! And is there a charge to rebuild the coils. I watched her as she did part of mine then I was choosing my juice so I missed part of it.
  4. Wow, I'm really loving all this information. Why in the heck couldn't they tell me and explain all this to me at the store. They sold another guy this same set up and he was a heavy smoker like myself. Really upset and frustrated right now but yet I'm going to check all this out and Im sure I'll be hitting you all back up shortly. So why is my set up a bad set up for me?
  5. Thanks, I'll check it out
  6. Wished I had found this site before hand. Thanks for the the guidance guys. Your help is so much appreciated
  7. I told them I was restricted with price. I wanted to get what would help me be the most successful at kicking this habit. Know of only good ones you would recommend? And thank you!
  8. Thanks y'all. The only thing they told me was they would put me with an 8 ( me thinking nicotine ) to begin with and see how I done. Although I do wish my mod was the adjustable type like my brothers. Mine chokes me still lol! I smoke up to two packs a day. This is my first time trying to quit. Wish me luck!! I hope they set me up for success, I'll do my best to conquer this nasty habit of mine. This is a picture of mine.
  9. I bought my vapor device (mod I think is what you call it, not sure)from a local popular store this past Saturday, 9-11-2015. It has max level marked on the juice bottle but how do I know exactly what to choose when choosing other flavors if I bought from elsewhere? Thank you in advance.
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