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Karen B

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About Karen B

  • Birthday September 5

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    Alabama, USA

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  1. Thank You both!! I was really just having a hard time deciding. There are things I liked about all three, and I believe all three can be charged with USB. I know one goes as low as 5 w - 30 W, , then one is a 6 w - 50 one is a 7 w - 75 w. I probably won't ever get above 15-25 watts any ways... I just wanted something different and am really just getting bored with the isticks. Thanks again for your help!!!
  2. I have an opportunity to buy ONE of these three mods.. I can purchase an innokin disruptor, a sigelei Mini 30 watt or an IPV D2. I am really not sure what way to go.. I have been using the mini istick and the istick 30 watt, I am just over the isticks and want something new. Just don't know which way to go. I know with the Disruptor, I don't need to buy an 18650 battery and the other two I do, but other than that.. I have no clue, Could you please help me figure this out!?! Thanks!!!!!
  3. Thanks everyone!. I used a cotton swab and pga to wipe it out. I have not left it in the car... Luckily I was warned about that. It is the coil that came with it. I just put my nautalis mini on it and turned it way down till I can get to my shop and get a new coil
  4. So...I got the kanger box mini kit abd my tank is leaking at the air holes. I swear, I'm so frustrated. I watched a you tube video...several actually. I set up everything right, not sure why it's leaking, but spent to much for it not to be right!!
  5. Earthling..I have gotten a HUGE case of shinyitis! Especially working in the shop and seeing all the hardware coming in. I will look up your suggestions.. I have never done anything over 15-20 myself.. so not really in need of a 200W box either! Thanks so much!
  6. Thanks cany!
  7. Hi... I am trying to udgrade. I have an istick mini right now with a Nautalis mini tank. I like it, but I want more.... more what I am not sure of. I know that I have started working part time at our local vape shop and all these cool new things come in and people come in with bigger stuff. I feel sort of wimpy with my little mini. I have seriously thought of trying the kanger sub box mini kit.. any suggestions? I am a little nervous with never having had the external battery.. but one of our regulars came in and let me try his with using one of my tips with his set up. I liked it... but still would like any advice!
  8. Thank you!
  9. Thanks Tam. My shop started me out on a12...to much of a throat hit for me with what I started out with (equipment). I went to a different shop looking for other favors..that's when I tried cosmic fog's church. The shop only had 3mg in stock, so I bought it. I've tried to stay between 3-6 so I don't choke!! my biggest problem to date is that knock your socks off flavor! My last real cig was August 5th. The hubby is still smoking and when I smell his smoke I don't even want a real cig. ( I have turned into one of those people....lol) I have smoked menthol 100's for about 15 years...never found the right menthol flavor..wasn't into the perfumey tasting, so went to dessert type ones. I realize everyone has different tastes, and after trying several flavored right after the one before..they seem to all taste the same. I'm not giving up!! I have gone to long cig free to go back now! Everyone that I have met in the vape world has been awesome with advice and help....now I just need to go out and find that flavor!!! There are just so many flavors!
  10. I am trying to stick with a 3 on nicotine
  11. I just got an istick 30W on Friday after I tried an ijump2 sub ohm.. I found out really fast that I am not ready for sub ohm- ing yet!! At least not one that you can't adjust anything on!! I really don't know what to use or what to go to. As far as trying to use same tanks as the vape shop I go to.. most of theirs are in a cheaper plastic that is very similar to the aspire dual tank (which I do have two of). Maybe I am just being way to picky... I don't know what my issue is!
  12. Hi! I am fairly new to vaping. I started about two months ago. I started with a spinner. I didn't like that to well, and went to the eleaf istick mini and an aspire nautalis mini tank. I was a smoker of menthol cigs for years and thought to stick with menthol flavors and was not really happy with those, so I branched out a bit. Since I started vaping, I have weaned myself off cigarettes and haven't had one since the 5th of August. However, I am having a really hard time finding a juice I like that tastes the same at home as it did when I tried it. I am currently using cosmic fog church, I really do like it, but this time the bottle I got tastes off for some reason. (Even after a new coil) I tried pin up marilyn in the store and loved it.. not so much when I got home. I am so frustrated with finding that right flavor! I also tried one called salt, carmel and cream, loved it in the store, not so much after I got it home and tried to use it. I did like vagabond scout... but I haven't found that flavor that makes me say, yes!, this is the one for me. What am I doing wrong?!
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