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Everything posted by KaYoTiiC

  1. It feels great to be back.. any suggestions on a new tank for my g-priv or mod? I'm a huge Saints fan so black and gold is preferred.
  2. Like I said it's great to see these forums still going, I remember back in the day this site and everyone was so helpful. Glad to see there's stores now with the good vapes on the shelf ready to go, with some decent desert juices that are amazing.. Cutwood Sugar Drizzle, French Dude and Milkman Churrios.. butI miss Bobas Bounty and my old ProVari... what new sites have really good RY4'S,desserts, cinnamon, cinnabun etc etc However i just started vaping again and loving it.. I got the black and gold G-Priv which as a Saints fan I love and I got the Alien kit for my girl.. black and gold of course lol. Glad to see these forums and store are still going strong and I hope I'm back for good.
  3. Not sure what vendor that is.. Just starting to vape again. Thanks for the feedback
  4. Just getting back into vaping and hit up my normal flavors like bobas bounty, blu and pink spot... But i hit up electronicstix and dont see their "Boss" line they used to have. Their cinnabun was AMAZING! Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
  5. Yea Empire has some sweet drip shields, I need to get or find my adaptor so i can order one. I have my HH 357 on the way now. Def gonna have to give those vendors a try, i love those types that are active. Unfortunately gonna try some here and there cuz I'm dealing with allot with a breakup and being left with all the bills. Sucks but I love how nice and helpful everyone is in this community. I need to get my hands on some Backwoods Brew RY4. appreciate the helpful info
  6. I'm liking that Laatube v2 and everything the kit comes with.. Gonna check out the ret tomorrow. Can't wait o get back in to this again, thank you.
  7. I went back and they told me that i like you said got it caught it the fragments on the bottom cap. They tried with pliers of all sorts. I may try and contact whoever makes protanks. If nothing happens the review time and will definitely check the G-50. Thanks
  8. It's been a while and I finally decided it's time to start vaping again and leaving those nasty sticks alone. I still have my ProVari and the last good atty I used and loved was the HH 357.. and my favorite e juice vendors was VT, Pink Spot Vapors and Alien Visions Bobas Bounty was my absolute favorite. Now I plan on getting a few flavors i like from those sites but just wanna see what new sites and flavors you guys are enjoying these days.. Any new Mods, atty's or tanks and where the best deals are. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. I bought the portank 2 from some local shop and the bottom where you fill your juice won't screw back in properly, doubt they'll let me exchange it so was wondering if those were any good or should i go with a better tank. Thank you for your time
  9. No, not even close.. There's nothing comparable to Bobas, NOTHING!
  10. Mine was the same, around 2 weeks.. It's well worth the wait.
  11. Mind = BLOWN
  12. I gotcha, i had people talking around me so didn't fully comprehend if you had one or not. I'm done with ego's since i got my Pro-Vari, probably won;t ever go back.. It's so awesome.
  13. Hey welcome to VT.. Glad to see someone else from New Orleans here. Do you need a battery?? I think i may have an extra one around here somewhere.. Let me know and it's yours.
  14. I bought one when i got home from partying one night to mess with my nosey neighbor.. Returned it so fast when i figured out that there would be no way for it to hover above her while doing her garden.. Oh yea and the price haha
  15. I personally love the Mings, much better than the Pawns.. Just blow into the drip tip after dripping and you're good to go. Thats the only drip tip i like to be honest
  16. Not even vented, Blu wannabe... NO THANKS
  17. I used to play video games with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.. FAIL
  18. Sweet! I just got my 3rd and for some reason I'm saving the bottles like they're Jordan rookie cards. My life revolves around Bobas
  19. Oh i didn't know that, I apologize
  20. Blake i had no problem with your review other than how you worded things.. However i don't agree with you posting status saying you and Sharon are BFF's. You need to bring that negative vibe elsewhere. There's no reason to try and carry this on further than it already has. You really need to grow up, this is a great community and have had ZERO problems like this. Just cuz you don't agree with her and she doesn't agree with you gives you no right to act like a forum troll. Sorry but i just can't respect people like you instigating
  21. My mom is a pharmaceutical rep and she loves her job, she may not agree.. But it's a great job. I'm gonna have to email this to her.. Thanks
  22. LMAO.. As an Angry Bird addict i hate that last one so damn much, Love me some Angry Birds
  23. Just my 2 cents.. I could care less to be honest cuz i personally love S-V, maybe watch how you word things.. I understand your honestly and respect it, but the way you worded it was probably what set her off. I'm not telling you how to review or anything or just putting my 2 cents in.
  24. http://sweet-vapes.com/2011/02/10/vanilla-cupcake/ and there's a few others.. Sweet-Vapes has some REALLY good juices and flavors are unreal
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