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  • Birthday April 2

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    New York, New York
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  1. A know by kanger is a nice size, 40 Watts of power just depends if you want to go mechanical but you could stay with 1.5/1.8 coil tanks like Aspire Nautilus. The know will run you about $40 to $45 but the Eleaf is not a bad choice
  2. "Burnt" is when you get that harsh throat burning feeling. This happens when there is to much power for your coil. To me once this happens I feel the coil is no good any more but that's just my opinion. Hope I gave you a little feel on the meaning & reaction on "burnt". VAPE ON VAPSTER!✌ "NICE VAPE IS A BIG ☁ " -RS VAPESON
  3. Give it a shot, sounds like your mod will deter it from shorting out
  4. New to vaping but still know my way around a coil. Used a single 26 gauge wire with 8 wraps on 40w, will I have any problems
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