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About JLeone87

  • Birthday September 16

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    Vaping, Basketball, Cars

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  1. Smok TFV4 Sub Ohm Tank FULL VIDEO REVIEW BELOW WHERE: GEARBEST COUPON CODE: TFV4 (price after coupon $28.00) PROS: Easy to fill 5ML Juice Capacity Complete kit Good Flavor Price Multiple Coil Options Comes With Rebuild-able Deck Great vapor production CONS: Not 22mm Cost of replacement coils Guzzles E Liquid
  2. I agree, The vt40 which was the previous version went for 140 so it should be around there im hoping. Also hoping it has either a big lipo battery or removable dual 18650's.
  3. Ya I saw the change in price. I have a feeling its going to go for around $150.00. Id still buy for that price considering other mods with the dna 200 are going to go for $200 and up. Wish I had the know how on building my own. Looks like a great chipset hopefully evolve got this one right, and doesn't have all the problems there last chip had.
  4. Good Review. I may have to pull the trigger on this.
  5. Just saw this posted on vaporjoes website. Looks awesome and I don't know if this price is true but if it hold up this is crazy good deal. I would love to ****** one of these up whenever they are available. Here is a link to the vaporjoes post: http://vaporjoes.com/blog/2015/08/03/china-guts-the-evolv-dna200-mod-market-117-00/ Quoted price at gearbest $117.00
  6. I just got an iJust 2 kit a couple of days ago, and so far its been great. Its a good kit for someone wanting to try sub ohm vaping, without spending to much money. PACKAGE INCLUDES: 2600 mah battery iJust 2 sub ohm tank 1 0.3 ohm coil micro usb charger manual PROS: easy to use affordable good flavor rechargeable battery able to fire down to 0.15 spring loaded connection built in protections into the battery small 5.5ml capacity cant take aspire atlantis coils and ijust 2 coils CONS: Adjustable airflow ring button rattle battery life With the coupon code posted in this video, this kit comes out to only $25.00 with free shipping. Below is the full review.
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