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Everything posted by besmokefreevapors

  1. Not tried yet. Any ideas on this particular e juice? Should I try this one?
  2. Try buying e liquids from Vapors, an online store offering the best quality of vape e juice, e liquid Flavors in USA.
  3. Apart from RY4, I suggest you to try Beard Vape No. 51 E Juice, a combined mix featuring vanilla custard blended between layers of vanilla custard.
  4. Blueberry E Liquid, if I am not wrong. Yeah this one was the first vape juice, I started vaping.
  5. Check out some vape stores which sells vapor products on the wholesale basis. They may take your order for the e juice on the wholesale basis.
  6. The dreamer - a sweet blend of strawberry, peach and pineapple flavors to give you an awesome vaping experience.
  7. Thanks! I didn't check the bottom section of the website.
  8. Is it of $200? Unable to view its pricing on the website.
  9. Seems portable, easy to carry and use. How much does it cost? Unable to check its price.
  10. Based on the reviews, the copper vanilla mech mod is compared better as it hits well vape and is even less expensive as compared to the apollo authentic mech mod. So I suggest to go with the copper vanilla mod.
  11. Awesome..!! Must to get to keep a row for the e cigarette products. Thanks for the thread!
  12. Could you name the local store from which you are getting the vape products?
  13. This discussion would definitely clear your doubt:- https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/29irw5/whats_the_possibilities_of_getting_positive_on_a/
  14. Could you please share the features and specifications of both of the mods?
  15. Try Innokin ITaste MVP 2.0 - IClear 16 Energy Kit which is one good regulated box mod comes with variable voltage and wattage feature to have amazing vape experience.
  16. Subox mini kit would be a good choice for vaping, with improved features. This kit can output from 7 watts to 50 watts with 0.1 watt increments and can fire atomizers as low as 0.3 ohm, also can be charged with USB charging cable.
  17. Seems like an e cigarette starter kit. Could you please link me to this product?
  18. Thanks for the info on these lists of rba.
  19. If it still chokes you then try reducing the nicotine content in the e juice. Would taste better after reducing the nicotine content.
  20. The white colored version of this starter kits remarkable. However its one good vape product to try for vaping.
  21. Vapers shows us some of your mechanical with features and specification.
  22. $80, I guess its too high. Should come under $50-$60. Try some other vape shop.
  23. How about vaping chocolate vanilla e juice? Vaping it would give a tasty blend of chocolate, vanilla and nutty tobacco.
  24. Give a try to Sigelei Mini 30W Mod worth $50. You can even keep all the batteries, charger under $80 by getting this mini mod. I suggest to give it a try to this box mod.
  25. Try the tobacco e juice from any of the online vaping store. Tobacco flavor is the one which is preferred by new vapers who switched over from smoking.
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