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CASEACE79 last won the day on July 6 2014

CASEACE79 had the most liked content!

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  1. XXIX with a veritas at about .2 ohm.
  2. People freak out about subohming. Yes you should be smart about how low you go and know your batteries but blowing up and venting are two different things. When a battery vents it DOES NOT blow up. It's when there isn't adequate vent holes in a mod that there becomes a problem. And even before battery failure there is a pretty good chance that the mod would get so damn hot you drop it. Here is a video of a battery being purposefully vented in a mod. I warn you it's pretty anticlimactic. http://youtu.be/ZQocKa-Rh-s
  3. Well part of the problem is clones. There's hardly any quality control coming out of china. Burrs in threading, crooked threads ect. But that's kind of a subject for a different time. The chi you lock ring is very nice and on the rare occasion when it does get stuck it's pretty easy to get unstuck. For locked parts of any kind, be it lock rings, sections of tubes, 510 I use either rubber dishwashing gloves (yes the yellow ones your mom used to wear) or if all else fails use a rubber strap wrench like these. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0058I0T7S/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?qid=1403705042&sr=8-7π=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70
  4. Delaware Vapors PB cookie. Yum!!!
  5. My newest toy. Loving the Congestus.
  6. Pluid by Mad Murdock, 5 Pawns Grandmaster, nightfall by Theos, and 5 Pawns Castle Long.
  7. So what is the strongest flavor you've ever tried? I know mine hands down is Pluid. Second is atomic cinnicide.
  8. My newest additions Mutant by fallout mods and veritas dripper by iHybrid mods. Lovin this set up.
  9. My baby ATM. Mutant with a veritas dripper! Not my collection.
  10. Wife got me this beauty of a MUTANT (sorry had to use all caps cause it's so big) and the veritas dripper from iHybrid mods is a fog machine!
  11. Ohms law calculator and ejuice app are a must!
  12. Congrats on 30 days and it does get better. I started vaping about 3.5yrs. ago and never looked back. I finished the insanity workout program last summer which is super cardio heavy and am in the best shape of my life. I also completed my 1st 5k since I was 14 yrs. old.
  13. My newest toy. Black Rhino #99
  14. Black Rhino came in today!!! So smexy!!!
  15. My Black Rhino Hybrid should be here tomorrow. Can't wait!!! Here's a pic.
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