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    My family, vaping, Cisco phone sysems and IT.

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  1. It works!!! Thank You both
  2. Thanks for the tutorial DragonGunner and Earthling789. I will try it tonight!
  3. geez my spelling was horrible... wicking from barely touching the deck to heavy wicks.
  4. Hello, I just picked this up Saturday, very well built. Anyway, When I started getting dry hits. I have changed my wicking from barley touching the deck to hear wicks. (Organic cotton balls by the way). The only solution I have found is to loosen the the top cap about every 3 vapes and you see the air bubbles rising to the top, which causes flooding sometimes. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Halfcam79
  5. I installed it on my Win7 64bit with no issues. A friend of mine just updated his last night on my laptop also. Maybe I just got lucky though.
  6. I just downloaded and installed the update last night on 2 IPV 4's. You now have a choice between nickel and titanium wire for those interested.
  7. Thanks Bebop, I know what I'll be trying...
  8. When twisting Kanthal and NI200 wire are you running it in temp or power mode? I didn't think that you could do this. Sorry if posted in the wrong place.
  9. Lol. This habit is much more fun and enjoyable! Thanks for the warm welcome all
  10. I have been checking the forums out and decided to join. My Story, wife started vaping and hasn't smoked in 5 months. I saw what it did for her and I tried it to see if I could quit chewing or rubbing "snuff" after 39 years. After adjusting he nicotine I can now say I'm 5 weeks snuff free... Quickly advanced from Aspire pen to IPV4, nickle wire, Kanger mini and KayFun 4 I traded one habit for another. lol
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