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Everything posted by Horne4291

  1. Hahaha! Heck ya Lets Go Pens! But any way... I take it then they don't sell juice by the bottle then? Like how long ago was this that you was there? Maybe they changed.
  2. Thanks very much Erika for the website an info. Manor PA is little over an hour away from me. But like you said I dont think theres a actual store you can walk into. It's close too so shipping should only be like a day for me. With a lot of places going on the shortage of juice I'm trying to open my area of places to buy from. Even tho VT will be my number one place. I just wish you could walk into Walmart or you local gas station an buy juice, attys, cartos ya know.
  3. Hello Forum how yall doing. My bother told me a bunch of his friend started to vape at work.My brother doesnt vape nor smoke. An I was like really do you know where they got there mods from an what kind of juice they use. Well he said theres a kiosk at two malls by me called White Cloud Cigarrettes. An he thinks they sells juice by the bottle an not cart. But when I go to the website there mods are almost like Blucigs an they sell flavor carts. Does anyone know if kiosks for White Cloud Cigarrette sells bottle of juice? If anyone lives in the Pittsburgh area the two malls are Robinson an Ross Park mall. I have a bad hip an have a hard time getting around so I figure I would ask before going out an getting let down. But thanks for all who helps.
  4. Thank you all very much. An you all are right it's a tiny LR on the bottom. I was kind of getting frustrated because I would have never of notice that. Thanks again everyone.
  5. So I got my order earlier from VT an I got just one LR 510 atty to try out. Ive been seeing a lot of people talking about them so I thought I check them out. But now that I have it I can't tell the difference with the rest of my attys that I ordered. I haven't open the package yet an actually looked inside yet of it like the element an stuff. So how do you tell what one is the LR out of the normal 510 attys I ordered? Thanks to all who helps. =p
  6. So you all are wondering what is DDD? Well it's something that my wife came up with. When I'm driving an can't drip on the road I have what I call a Designated Direct Dripper or DDD for short. On long rides in the car when I can't DD I ask my wife to to do. An that's when she said what am I your Designated Direct Dripper? We both had a big laugh an thought this would be kinda funny to put on the fourms. So I ask all of you, who is your DDD if you have one. Now I know some of you use cartos an carts but this is just for people who DD.
  7. Thanks everyone. That's awesome to know. I was running low on funds an didn't have a chance to order some more attys til it was too late. I'm glad my wife order that BluCig a wile ago. lol
  8. Hello forum how are you all doing? But my wife has tried the BluCig an she don't like it. So its just in the desk collecting dust. So I pulled it out earlier an I pulled the atty out an put on my eGo an it fits. I didnt vape with it on because Im not sure if it would mess it up. But I think its a 510 for sure. But I only have one semi good atty left for my eGO. I have a three pack thats coming in the mail soon. But would it hurt to use the BluCig attys on my eGo for backups? An can I drip on the BluCig atty? Thanks to all that helps?
  9. Ok cool dude. I have mixed felling towards MLG. But I am on it. An your gt sound looks familar. I think I may have played with or vs you before lol. Cant think of what the out come was tho. An when I said Gears of War. I ment the one an two. Even tho I like the first one a bunch. I love the second one just as much. Cant wait to number three. An the beta is comeing out very soon. But well hook up on the Xbox an tear some heads off.
  10. My bad. I wasnt sure if you was a gamer or not. But yeah. I do think the PS3 has USB ports on it so you could so the same thing too.
  11. Thanks dude. I was all excited cause I would use my Passthrough when I'm at home an when I'm out an about ill use my other eGos.
  12. Thats awesome! I have Reach. But I havent played it lately. Its been mostly Black Ops. My gt is XxS IP A W INxX . I mostly play shooters. But Gears of War is my all time fav!
  13. The Xbox 360 is for playing video games. An there are two USB ports on the front where you can plugged stuff into. An I was just wondering if anyone had ever use there USB ports on there Xbox 360 to charge there Ecigs?
  14. Hello Fourm. So I havent done this yet. But I'm a hardcore gamer. I love my Xbox 360. Shooter are the best. But on the Xbox theres USB ports an can charge your iPODs, ZUNE, Cell Phones, etc. You know anything that useing USB you can almost plug it into your Xbox an use it. Now I have a Joye eGo an just bought the Joye Ego USB Passthrough. Well I was wondering if anyone has ever charged there Ecig with theres. But it would be awesome to use my Passthrough will gameing. So what do you all think. I hope this aint a dumb question.
  15. Hello Fourm. So I just got one, an my question is. Can I use my eGo Wall Adapter that came with my Joye eGo Starter Kit to charge an use my Passthrough? The thing is my laptops USB ports are all messed up so I can't use them. So if I can just hook it up to the wall an use it that would just be awesome. I prob should have asked this question before I ordered it but oh well. Ill just use the wifes laptop. lol
  16. So I woke up today. An put on the atty that I cleaned with the bulb syringe an it actually works. But I got my new attys today so I'm useing those right now cause they just taste better. lol
  17. This is great! I'm kind of new. An my attys wasn't producing as much vapor as it should be. I had to go to two different Walgreens an one Riteaid to find one. But I finally got one. I just did this an ill have to wait an see in the morning. Cant wait! Awesome video dude!
  18. Thanks everyone. I tried blowing it out an it work a little bit better but not as well as I think it should. So earlier I went an bought bulb syringe that TheGreen was talking about "it only cost $5". When I use it the he showed in the video, I notice that one of the little holes on the side was clogged. So when I use the bulb syringe it broke whatever was blocking it free. I only did one of my attys cause I only have two at the moment. I should be getting my package from VT here by tomorrow or the next day with my extra ones. But ill let you all know how the bulb syringe works.
  19. Hello Fourm how are yall doing? I have some questions about atomizers. So I think mine are starting to go bad. So what are the "key" signs that your atomizer is going bad. An whats the average life for one. Now I have an eGo I got from the VT store for Christmas an I been using mine almost non stop. Now just the past couple of days I notice that my atomizers will get hotter than normal. It will not produce as much vapor as it did when I fist got it. If I want to get a lot of vapor I have to suck pretty hard "witch you all know know is not the right way of vapeing". Now I heard cleaning your atomizers can help with all this. I was watch a video by TheGreen who shows your how to clean them with a bulb syringe. Do you all think this is a good idea to get my atomizer working back to the way they where. On a side note, I did order new ones a few days ago for back up "I also ordered the Joye eGo Passthrough an some Dulcus <--- YUM" but I think thats about it. Thanks!
  20. This is an awesome idea! Ill have to try it out. Thanks
  21. Sorry everyone my laptop was down for a little bit back I got it back. But thanks for all your input. An I love my eGo! An I gave just mix Menthol and Grape an found that it its not that bad.
  22. Thanks again man.
  23. I just came across another question. Should I get worried if it gets warm where the atomizer is. Its warm even with the cone on. An when I'm taking a drag off of it, it makes like a crackling/popping noise. Are these thing normal with atomizers?
  24. Thanks for the fast response. I only have like 6 more analogs left an after that Im going full fledge vapor! I'm so excited! lol
  25. Hello Forum, Merry Christmas! How are you all doing? I hope you all had a nice Christmas. My wife bought me the Joye eGO kit an some juice "Mentha, Grape, Cola" for Christmas an I have a few questions that I couldn't find in the guide. I thought I read somewhere on the fourms that the eGO is half way charged out of the box, is this true? An it should be charged for a full four hours before use "even tho the guide said it takes two hours to charge". When I first opened it "I'm direct dripping" I dripped 3 drops of Mentha in it an it works awesome. Way better than I expected. An how do I know when to drip more into my eGO. I really don't want to put a different flavor in if theres still more of another in it. Mentha an Grape Soda mix... I don't think that would taste very well. But thanks for anyone who helps an if I have any more questions I know the friendly people here will be kind enough to help me out.
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