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  1. Thank you cany i have bought a subtank mini stainless with some ni200 coils.
  2. Hello, quick questions about the the tank on my IPV4. 1) The best tank on the IPV4. 2) Tank that is affordable and still good 3) Tank that works with the Temp control 4) Tank that has good flavoring. Thank you so much for the help every time !
  3. Hello, I'm here once again asking more questions. I have purchased IPV 4 ( Atty is Mutation X V2) with some Kanthal 24 GA wires for some new coils. I was wondering if its possible if i can do twisted coils instead of regular wrapped coils. Also whats the benefit of using twisted coils ? Always thanks for the help!
  4. Thanks everyone !
  5. Hello, i had smpl mod with mutation x v2 for about a month. But yesterday i dropped it and it seemed to be broken on the button area. So this time im trying to get a box mod and im looking at segelei 150 W authentic for $78. And im wondering if buying this device is worth it for this price. Lastly if i get the device can i still use my mutation and can i use two different brands of 18650 batteries for the mod. Thank you !
  6. What would be a good tank for a smpl mod ?
  7. I like it it hits really nice but dripping every couple of hits is kind of pain in the butt to deal with .
  8. Thanks everyone for help ! I got my mutation x v2 built with dual coil. And i bought a 18650 battery from my friend and currently using the charger that came with the 6000mAh batteries.
  9. Thank you so much for your help !
  10. Thank you so much for your answer ! I went and bought two samsung batteries ! Do you think i can use the charger though ?
  11. Thank you so much for replying ! I bought the battery from ebay and it says that its a generic brand. And i dont really know much to tell you either here is a picture of the specifics of the battery
  12. Hello ! I'm new to this forum and vaping ! My friends always have told me to quit smoking cigarettes so here i am ! I ordered a SMPL(clone) mod with Mutation X V2 .But im not sure if i bought the right battery. Can I use 6000 mAh 3.7vV battery on my SMPL mod ?
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