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Everything posted by newvapefiend

  1. Do you have any mods that use the 18650 battery? If you do,go to electronicstix and get a couple 5v nimh batteries and charger The batteries are the same size as a 14650 and I use them in my silver bullet and BB with the extended bottom. purty cheap way to try 5v(IMO)
  2. I got the GGtb last week,It's great!(nothing so far beats the provari tho Imo)the opposing magnet button (14$ bought when I ordered the GGtb)is a work of genius,nothing to break,magnets never(?)get weak. with a 1.5-1.8ohm 510 it's pretty close to the provari @ 5v with a std 510. the best part,it's not real expensive(comparativly)
  3. Yeah,I've seen 'em referred to as tornego,or tornegova. I guess riva stuff works too
  4. Got mine today,It's great-smaller than the omega(not much),heavier than I thought it would be(about the same as the omega)easy to use and adjust the volts to your preference.Lots of protection/safety features.Looks good too! Thanks to all at provape for working all the o.t.during the holiday season and shipping as many as they did. THANK YOU!
  5. Hot diggity dog #3039 shipped today(that's mine!)It won't make it before christmas,but the new year party looks to be a foggy affair!
  6. an 801 tip should work-it uses 801 carts
  7. Yes,I already have several 18650 batteries to use,but also ordered 2 18500 batteries to use (reccomended by provari)so it will have full range of adjustment Now it's back to checking the mailbox excitedly,daily dissapointment-It ain't here yet
  8. Dang,jeffb-It looks like me,you,and chris are the only takers?
  9. $45.00 for 2?WHAT?Oh man that's too rich for me!I had no idea they cost that much. I saw them on some site and couldn't figure out if they would be future replacement batteries. I'll be stayin'with my 10$ trustfire.
  10. Batteries are making my head hurt!Can anybody tell me if pila batteries will work in pv's? their sizes are listed different e.g.600p,300p-how do they compare with 18650,14500 etc.
  11. I just remembered where I got the batteries and checked the website,they are not protected. Guess I won't be useing them in any of my mods.
  12. Hello,I have some 15270 batteries(cr2)that I don't remember if they are protected or not,they are marked tr15270 8oomah 3.0v.Is there any way to tell if it is?I have a couple of pv's that will use these,but I don't really use 6v-too hot&thirsty,so I got a 5v regulator for use on my 6v mods.
  13. cinnamon @ 12 mg. from americaneliquidstore(eyes watering,sinuses running,lungs hollering for relief) :|WOW!
  14. I ordered mine last week as well,maybe I'll get it and the precise 18650 that I ordered three weeks ago on the same day---I see a nic. induced headbuzz in a couple of weeks!
  15. Hi vapeing community,in all the posts and different forums that I have read when you are cleaning your atomiser-it almost always says to blow from the threaded end,the battery connection,why? Can you screw up the atty if you blow thru the other end? It it sooo much easier to blow thru the other end and you get more crud out(at least I do)
  16. For once being a leftie paid off!,I just got lucky-when I e-mailed fonosmoak asking how or where to get a lefty version,he shot back(quickly,I might add)that he had a lefty in stock. I didn't waste any time worrying about what kind/color of wood it was and it is maaahvelous Also I couldn't have picked a better looking one without seeing all the color/wood combo.in one spot.
  17. Hi nana,It took about 5 days to hit the mailbox-when it did,I threw in a fresh 18650, a low res 510 and some tobacco juice that I had-It vapes great but smells funny(probably the wood) This mod looks great,It wouldn't be out of place on a fancy coffee table or as a display on a bookcase.Right now it has a 17670 batt. and reg.510 atty,still vapes great. I just have to get the feel for how long to squeeze the feedimus sometimes not long enough, (really harsh)sometimes too long(gurgle)when it's just right,it's great!
  18. Tobacco(plain),virgnia flue cured-from americaneliquidstore. Get 50/50 mix(100%vg is almost too thick to vape)
  19. ATTABOY DAYVAPE,If I hadn't ordered the provape-1'prodigyv3.1,wetbox,and phidias, all this week, I would too(I did pre-order the pro-vari)
  20. Jeffb,howya doin?I had to fiddle with the battery/end caps a little-the 17670 batt. is a very close fit.Once I got fire on the atty.I would have intermitent problems with the button,however it was always the button locking ring causing this.I just tightened the ring a little on the button(unlocked of course)the lockring would work down during use and not let the button make good connection with the battery.This thing vapes great!,it is probably the smallest-most elegant pv I have that the battery will last 8+hrs.(I vape alot).Best looking,great vapor/w510 mod that I have(I have several-don't everybody) until my precise 18650 finally gets here.
  21. it's kinda like eating frosted flakes--it's great
  22. What? who said that?I can't see thru all this fog-and I ain't evenclose to san fran!
  23. Well I just got my new toy today-a puresmoker v3.1-I have got several different size batteries already charged and just waiting to turn some e-juice into vapor,but it takes a 17670 battery-about the only one i don't have.While i'm waiting for them to charge I check the charger every few minutes looking for that glorius green light-wait is it on?-no,so,i'll see what's happening on the forum .Is it green yet?-nooo-well I guess i'll just have to wait a little longer to see how big of a cloud I can make with it.LOOK-it just turned green-gotta go now.
  24. to msrebel54,I definatly know what you mean-I have a smoketip kit that I used to take to work with me.The marlb. flavor didn't taste quite like the big red brand,but it is purdy close-slightly sweet and a little airy.try a small bottle of virginia flue cured and see what you think.
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