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Everything posted by cheshyl

  1. Good luck to your mom. I smoked for 48 years and it wasn't hard at all not smoking analogs after getting an eGo, so my vote is for an eGo but with the kit get a few cartos to see if your mom likes them. Get a couple of bottles of juice and don't go overboard on tobacco. A lot of us thought it would be tobacco that we loved and wanted juice to taste just like tobacco and come to find out, you really don't get the taste of tobacco from a burning cigarette, so of course the taste is different. I bought a bunch of tobacco flavors over this past year and have tried to vape them over and over and I don't like the taste at all. I love my coffee and my "rice pudding" and wouldn't ever want to give them up. Good luck again and keep on vaping.
  2. Doing really good and congrats on the quit. Vaping is wonderful and so is the vaping community. If you every need anything, just ask, there will be someone there with an answer or a solution. Congrats again on the quit.
  3. Congrats and welcome to Vapor Talk.
  4. Congrats Nana. Probably the most enjoyable two years you've ever had, especially when you were smoking. Don't cha just love to get the question on a medical profile and they ask if you smoke and you can say "no"? I smoked for 48 years and was always ashamed to tell them how long it had been. 2 years, I know that two years is just around the corner for me (12 months, lol) because it seems like I just quit and it's been a year for me and that time has flown by. Congrats to you again and thank God for e-cigs.
  5. I thought I would share that in 8 days I will have been vaping for 1 year. I never in a million years thought I would ever quit smoking, but here I am. It is still as enjoyable as it was the first time. In all this time I have had 3 puffs of an analog (that was in the first week of vaping). It was nasty tasting and from then on it has been all vaping. Just wanted to say that my journey still continues and what a journey it has been. Thanks guys, it has been this forum that has helped me along the way.
  6. The eGo is a great pv. lr attys or cartos will drain your battery quicker and if you start to use the dual-coil you will cut your battery time in half (I have found). But it is worth it, flavor and vapor, can't beat it. Good luck on your journey.
  7. Congrats on the quit. Talking about spending I went way overboard until I found the eGo. That's my go to device and it never fails me. Cartos and an eGo, good combination. Good luck on your journey and remember an eGo kit doesn't cost that much when you think about what you get out of it.
  8. Welcome to the forum. It's a great place to be and everyone is so informative. Good luck in your new adventure..
  9. Welcome to the forum. You are asking for suggestion for your e-cig. Ego all the way. You can use cartomizers, atomizers, regular or low res, tanks or most of the carto mods. You can't go wrong with it. Digital Vapor has an ego-t (not joye, i don't think) kit for 38.00 bucks. Can't beat that. You get two batteries with this kit it looks like. You can order a few 510 cartos or attys and a couple of drip tips and some juice and you would be set for a while. Don't waste your money on a smaller battery pv because you will just end up purchasing a larger battery in a couple of weeks so just go for the ego now. But that's my opinion. good luck in your search
  10. Welcome to the forum and congrats on the quit. I agree the eGo is the pv you need. I was always a 510lr atty kind of girl, direct drip and that sort of thing, but I bought some of the dual coil cartomizers and i really like the production and the amount of juice they hold. I use these on my eGo and I use a regular 510 cartomizer and drip tip on my Porvari and I'm at about 4.7 or 4.8 volts on the Provari. I switch back and forth between the eGo and the Provari because the one great fault the Provari has is it is too heavy for me to use all the time. I hope one of these days they will come out wirth a vv that's just like the Provari but small and light weight for us ladies. But anyway I'm pleased as punch with my set up now. You mentioned juice and since I didn't smoke menthols when I smoked I don't really know about them but someone on this forum said that the Vape Placid that Kick Bass Vapors carries is really a good menthol. They are good folks to deal with and they are reasonable regarding their pricing. Good luck on your journey..
  11. Vaperite organic coffee Kick Bass Vapor Momma's angel wings Vaperite Blueberry cheesecake and Tasty vapor atomic cinnacide
  12. Nana, that is funny.
  13. Welcome to the forum and good luck with the new pv and accessories. Don't give up, you will find the right pv and you will love the vaping experience.
  14. I got the 18650 AW 7v 1600 Mah at Provape. I just got my new Provari and bought two of those batteries. Sure do last a long time without a charge. Really loving this type of vaping. Had a 5 volt Tekkmod and didn't like it so I sold it and a Provape-1 and that wasn't enought so I I bought a Provapi and am loveing it at 4.2. There is only one thing that I don't like about it is it doesn't like dual coil cartomizers. I am now hooked on cartomizers and those dual coil are awesome.
  15. Seeing the real thing didn't stop me, so I guess not. The only thing that has stopped me from smoking is vaping. So, so glad I found e-cigs and this site, couldn't do without either.
  16. I'm going to have to join that support group. Just made the plunge and ordered the Pro Vari. My husband doesn't know it yet but he bought it for me for our anniversary. Hopefully this will my only mod.
  17. Oh my, you are the romantic. Congratulations on 4 years.
  18. Hi Cheryli, I have. I placed a large order a few months back. If you making an order make a big one and the shipping doesn't seem so bad. I got my stuff in about 10 days (don't know if that is fast or slow). You have to sign for it since it's from China so that's a downer, especially if you have to go to the post office to do it. But anyway. They were having a sale and in my opinion it was too good a bargain to let pass. good luck.
  19. Maybe he has a new way to clean his atty.
  20. I like my lr tank atty but I don't love it. I'm now using the dual coil atty and it is great. Holds so much juice and I'm not loosing flavor like I did with my tank.
  21. cheshyl


    You can charge all of your eGo batteries with your eGo charger. That's the beauty, what you can use on one eGo battery you can use on all.
  22. Look at the list of supporting vendors at the bottom of the VT Forum home page.
  23. I would like to see the press that gets the nic out of those plants. It must be like getting blood out of turnip.
  24. Hi I'm right there with ya. Didn't see when this thread was started. Maybe the problem has been solved.
  25. Hi, I'm jumping in. When I was 36 I was having periods every other week with a heavy, heavy flow. Tried a D&C and that didn't work so I had a hystorectomy (Is that the root word for hysteric?) Wellany, that solved most of my problem. It was a partial so I still had the night sweats and hot flashes. I think I'm old enough to stop that now, I'm 63. I really can't see why the vaping would cause that type of trouble but go to your gyno to make sure. Hope everything goes okay.
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