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Everything posted by onqun

  1. Okay thank you very much, btw, i live in Hungary, with new law eliquids with nicotine is against to law to sell :/
  2. Hello everybody, i am using ego with vivi nova 2 i change atomizer when it burns buy eliquid clean it so on. I am a smoker. And mostly, and the vapor satisfies me most of the time. On the other hand, sometimes it is hard to find eliquid for me and it leaks and i get irritated. I will continue to use, but i wander did anybody tried green smoke before? No e liquid easier maintenance(hopefully) . Can someone help me please if it is worth?
  3. Thank you for your help ! But i cannot find joye ego regular on those sites :/ i am still searching for a good website
  4. I used to live there as well, i changed my school. I live in hungary
  5. I live ineurope, I am unable to find joye eGo, mostly t or c :/ what do you suggest ?
  6. Hello everybody, i used ecig 2 years ago. And I will start again. I used to have ego, but I lost it. I have couple of questions. First, joyetech is the best? 2. I am planing to buy an ego again, what is the difference between c and t? 3. What is clearomizer, i have seen its picture, its a new style cartomizer, what is the difference? 4. To get the maximum amount of vapor, battery life and taste what would you do?
  7. thank you very much
  8. I dont know the difference, I have something I plug in to atomizer,and i put my eliquid inside of it. There is something inside of the thing that I put my eliquid.white thing and it gets wet. What its name,is it possible to buy it from wallmart? or would you give me direct link for that?
  9. I will try it, I usedmy ecig 2 hours today maximum of 40 breaths
  10. Hello, I just got my eGo today. I have a question, This is the first time. I am using ecig. I have a sample with a flavor of tonic. I put 6-7drops into cartridge. Vapor is just amazing. But,I feel like there is a fuel in my mouth.Is it because of the flavor,or did i put eliquid too much into cartridge or just I am not used to it
  11. How long one cartridge will last?
  12. Would you give me a website about egos for different shapes and colors!
  13. http://usa.jantyworld.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=yagendoo_VaMazing_1.tpl&product_id=4224&category_id=37&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=177 So, this product is good with eliquids?
  14. Hi there, i am a marlboro light smoker, i smoke nearly 2 packs a day. İ Started to look around ecigs. First, i found out blu cig then safe cig then volcano ecig. While i am looking at volcano reviews i found out this site. And i learned about janky510 and ego. First of all, i want to use ecigs Because they are cheaper. Since i smoke a lot, does battery can handle me one day? For marlboro light, which cartridges is good? One cartridge is equal to How many cigarettes ? If you enlight me about e cigs that would be great i want to get it asap.
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