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  1. Theres a spearmint, bourbon, and powder sugar from Lovalia I think thats the name. Its a really unique flavor.. great on the palet.
  2. My base vg/pg is great nice and clear. This is a 0mg batch no nic. I fugured if I mixed the second batch it would be clear but nope. Not saying I wont vape this big *** 1000 ml bottle, lmao but I will if I have to. All my freinds love it so it seems to be a hit. I was doing 3% banana which didnt seem high, matter of fact all of them are 3%. The banana tasted amazing so I didnt feel it was overpowering. It does seem to seperate a little but its hard to say. Maybe I will have to pick up a small bottle for testing. And I always pray to the juice gods. lol
  3. Ive heard its the banana ripe from TFA. Maybe I should try and replace the banana ripe with another brand. If anyone has a good banana ripe please let me know.
  4. Thanks its like a banana pop. pretty sweet bana inhale expresso exhale super cool. And its funny becuase I have made this twice first a small 30ml bottle. It was such a nice flavor I made a big bottle. I noticed it was cloudy in the 30ml bottle and thought it would change. I vaped the whole thing before that happened. Then I made the big bottle. and almost 3 months later still the same.
  5. So I made something similar to the 8 ball clone the a month ago and its cloudy. It was cloudy from the start. here are a list of flavors. It almost seems to be one of the three Banana, Carmel, or expresso are the culptret here. Ive used the sweet cream in other mixes with success. If anyone has had this problem with one of these please let me know what you substituted it with. Banana Ripe- TFA Carmel Original- TFA expresso -FA Sweetcream -TFA
  6. I have great diy flavors as well one I call mellon bomb. Its a watermelon, tutty frutty, champagne. Also I like a few different peach flavors I've mixed up.
  7. Thanks for the welcome everyone. LOL Jonnoh
  8. Just wanted to say hi my name is WIll and I have been vaping for a few years now. I have been mixing my own ejuice for a little over a year now with amazing results. I was doing a few flavors constantly for friends and family, and finally decided to make much larger quanities. I usauly mix one gallon jugs of juice now unless Im creating new flavors. I am also a tattoo artists for the last 20 years as well.
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