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Everything posted by vapestateofmind

  1. Thats so great! Congratulations. They look so happy [emoji3]
  2. Will do guys. Thanks alot, and my wife just reminded me Fathers Day is in a couple months, which means more shiny's for dad. Oh boy, this opens a whole new can of worms... haha
  3. Oohhh so shiny!! Think ill grab a cloupor now, as per earthlings suggestion, but look at that SX mini M Class! Im going to be dreaming about that one tonight.
  4. I know the price will climb, but the right mod...priceless
  5. For sure! Temperature control would be great
  6. Wow! Could not have asked for more detailed info. Sounds like you know a "thing or two" about box mods Earthling [emoji6] haha. Much appreciated!
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody! [emoji3]
  8. Leaning toward the ipv mini 2, only because i dont want to get another 30 watt and decide i need more power later..but i love the price of that cloupor!
  9. Thanks alot for the replies so far everybody. Really helpful
  10. So, this is what i am working with now. Ive got an itaste vv v3, an istick 20 and 30w. Tanks are a subtank nano, naut mini, atlantis and an et-s. I love the isticks, but am looking for something that doesnt have a usb charger. Like the idea of grabbing a box that uses batteries instead. That way i can have batteries to toss in whenever i need em. So far, ive looked at sigelei, the ipv boxes, and cloupor. Am looking for good balance between value and performance. Mostly though, just want your thoughts. Is there a clear cut winner for you here? Can definetly be something i havent mentioned too. Thanks for your help.
  11. Im 26 and have been vaping for 4 months. Ever since my little guy was born.
  12. Usually between 30-40ml . Ive actually been trying to gauge this recently and see if i can make it last longer. Not much luck so far. Oh well!
  13. Hey everybody, started vaping about 4 months ago, and i think i'm already driving my wife crazy with how much I love it. I thought I had better get on here for the sake of my marriage haha. Anyway, loving this vaping thing, but I don't have alot of people to share it with around here (small town Ontario) Don't get me wrong, some excellent juices and great b&m shops, but you guys seem to be on a whole other level! Looking forward to learning from everyone and being part of this community.
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