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Everything posted by cainisunabel

  1. Yeah... I'm waiting to hear back from them about whether or not my losing an o ring is going to prevent me from exchanging the tank.
  2. And sorry for that wall of text, at least it looks like one on my phone. Upon further inspection the chimney portion is crooked. I'm going to look into sending this thing back. We will see what vapor beast's customer service is like.
  3. I was leaving for work this morning and checked my mail. It contained my new arctic tank and Atlantis v2. I get to the shop and attempt to load up the arctic tank first. My first problem was getting the thing apart, someone tightened the dog mess out of everything. At one point I wound up with the glass in my hand and saw it had an o ring stuck to it. I lightly dragged my finger across it and half of it separated from the glass, not cool. So i fill the tank after getting things in proper order and after a few minutes i take a draw. Oh boy is it flooded. Take it back apart to rinse it and see what's going on and the o ring opposite the end i fingered goes down the sink. I had myself a few choice words and sat down to test my V2 which works like a champ. Here's my question: are o rings supposed to be attached to the glass? I see that i can order replacement glass at a low price but the image does not show the o rings on the glass. And if they're intended to be "loose" well, that's just bad design in my opinion. Any advice from owners of this tank would be greatly appreciated. I'd hate to think I could have had a less disappointing experience throwing money from the window of a moving vehicle.
  4. Just ordered an arctic tank with a 5 pack of half ohm coils for a hair over $30. I really like my Atlantis and I'm looking forward to receiving the V2 I ordered from a supplier that's had me pretty salty for about a month now but if the performance of the arctic tank is what reviews say it is I'll stick with it based on the cost of coils alone.
  5. Just seeing advertisements for that thing makes my stomach turn.
  6. Cereal milk by kilo is pretty good, kind of tastes like captain crunch. It's in my tank right now. Fruity rings by Dr. Crimmy is also pretty good, but it needs to sit for s couple of weeks to let the citrus flavor blend in with the other flavors instead of standing out.
  7. I woke up to fifteen or so cars at the end of my street flooded by water from the bayou or undrivable because of manhole covers that were lifted by water. I think Houston got a little rain last night.
  8. To remove their
  9. Does your loss of gainful employment coincide with the onset of your symptoms? Does a change in diet coincide with the onset of symptoms. It could be stress or a poor diet. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a change in diet, it could be the cumulative effects of eating low quality highly processed foods for years.
  10. Apparently the industry will know me as "Slick the Really Famous Porn Star." Hmmm.
  11. Sad but true. I had a lady tbone me about a month ago in some pos Honda suv from a starting position about six inches away. It was like she was Uma Thurman and my car was a coffin lid. She gunned it too... My car is just shy of eighteen feet long and white. How is that not in some way visible when I'm right in front of you?
  12. Raining as I type in Houston and I'm one of the unfortunate souls about to jump on the freeway to get home. For some reason people here do not adjust their driving in wet weather... aside from smashing into each other and walls.
  13. 1 30ml bottle of hydra bones- good stuff. 1 30ml bottle of spiced peaches with spices in the bottle. This one will sit on the shelf for two weeks before it even gets opened. The seal is intact. I figured if I didn't open it I wouldn't be tempted to vape it. I might make it till Saturday...
  14. I got my second 50w istick recently so now I can junk my dovpo dt-50. I love these things. Oops, I may have been in violation of forum rules. Sorry, I should have checked before posting. I'm not sure so I removed the last bit.
  15. That does help. I will place my order shortly. I will provide what I hope to be a decent description and let the magic happen. Thank you for being such an accommodating and kind fellow, Compenstine. I mean that in all sincerity. If I could shake your hand, I would.
  16. I've only tried the drifter, but I can tell you it was only worth trying after a week or two on the shelf. Your local shop, if one exists, may allow you to sample it before you purchase.
  17. I see that your site suggests a 25 to 30% ratio for flavor. I know this will not be the best question because it relates to preference, but could you advise me on the "intensities" of malted milk, dairy/milk, and vanilla flavors? "Figure it out" is an appropriate answer and I would not take offense to that or a similar answer. I'm pretty sure those three flavors should be there though.
  18. Any of you know where one might find a decent malted milk flavor ejuice? My search has only turned up several malted milk ball flavors and I'm not interested in chocolate. I want milk and malt. I'm very keen on sweet milky flavors by the way, so I would take any suggestions in that realm as well... but I really want to find something related to the title.
  19. I've only used aspire tanks. I've got two nautilus minis that sit on a shelf because I prefer the Atlantis. My Atlantis 2 should be coming in pretty soon. Thanks, shinyitus.
  20. Well, I'm down from two packs a day to a pack every other day. There are situations that I struggle with. I want a smoke when I wake up. I've been able to fight that one on occasion, but the killer is after I eat. Vapor is gross, at least to me, after consuming a meal. Then there is the mental barrier of those analogs being like a security blanket for me. Oh, the shame of it all. I'll get there eventually. I put 14 years into the habit, so even if it takes a full year to quit I think I will have done ok. And I placed my order this morning. I'm looking forward to receiving some new treats in the mail. I had a bit of a trailer park boys marathon with a friend yesterday afternoon and fell to sleep after he left. Word to the wise: don't sleep on top of your istick, you might wake up with it set at fifty watts and a burned coil.
  21. I've been lurking in the VT forums for a while now and I've decided to participate in ways other than giving compenstine my money. I'm not all that new to vaping and I am an abject failure when it comes to giving up analogs. I enjoy them a little too much, methinks. I like the community you guys have here and I hope to be a relatively active member. I make no promises though, I'm socially inept even with the anonymity the internet provides. So, yeah, hello there. And Mr. Compenstine, you've got some good stuff. You'll be getting more of my money this afternoon in exchange for some spiced peaches and hydra's bones I see other members going on about.
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